Qld Brewers Get Togethers

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I've just done a quick google for 'brewerhood', and I was surpised to find that nothing came up.

I'm not convinced about the QLD sporting colour scheme. Why lock this into a QLD only thing. What if our WA bretherins would like to be part of the Brewerhood :p , they could have a WA chapter, or whatever state you reside in.
Personally I think the whole maroon thing is getting too far off track.
Hows it looking?

Love it Jye. If we keep going we will have to just copy the AHB or Craftbrewer logos to appease everyone :D


I think a bit of colour will help it stand out whatever we go with in the end, but as long as we can reproduce it in B&W as well if 4 colour printing or embroidery is getting pricey.

I love what you guys are doing with the logo, I'm sure it will turn out great. But it sounds like there a lot of chefs trying to cook the broth so to speak. How about a couple of the talented guys (say Incider and Jye come to mind) are given a brief (by say Tidal, Ross and who ever else) and let them both come up with an image then we will vote for the prefered.


I love what you guys are doing with the logo, I'm sure it will turn out great. But it sounds like there a lot of chefs trying to cook the broth so to speak. How about a couple of the talented guys (say Incider and Jye come to mind) are given a brief (by say Tidal, Ross and who ever else) and let them both come up with an image then we will vote for the prefered.



Batz might want a say as well considering he kicked this off the ground :) .

Still on holidays and have only just seen this thread. Sounds great, I am keen to be a member of the Brewerhood or whatever it ends up being called.

Batz I have sent a PM with my email.
Batz might want a say as well considering he kicked this off the ground.


Batz is in for a bit of a suprise when he comes home from work tonight. :lol:
Browndog has a point here with his "To many cooks" theory so I will make my final suggestions (For the moment anyway). :p

Insider... It's Aficionados not Aficianados (I was guilty of the original misspelling).
Get rid of the "Qld" after Aficionados & enclose the whole thing in a maroon capital Q.
Have the leaves & hops as per Jye's original graphic.
The maroon to be the same colour as the Broncos, Red's, etc maroon

I've just done a quick google for 'brewerhood', and I was surpised to find that nothing came up.

I'm not convinced about the QLD sporting colour scheme. Why lock this into a QLD only thing. What if our WA bretherins would like to be part of the Brewerhood :p , they could have a WA chapter, or whatever state you reside in.
Personally I think the whole maroon thing is getting too far off track.

G'day Chad,

Sorry you don't agree with the way things are going but this started off as purely a bit of a social group for those of us in Queensland. TTBOMK it will not be a club in any shape or form so there will be no "Chapters".
If it works out for us there is nothing to stop others for doing the same in their respective areas & good luck to them.
The "Maroon Thing" is only a suggestion ATM. It's good to have a bit of pride in your origins anyway. It may well be that the finished product will be completely different from what we are mucking around with. It's early days yet.

Cheers. :beer:
Batz is in for a bit of a suprise when he comes home from work tonight. :lol:
Browndog has a point here with his "To many cooks" theory so I will make my final suggestions (For the moment anyway). :p


Pete there are a few cooks, but it is good to see how enthusiastic everyone is. And we have really started to see what we do and don't like. It's all in fun, and here is a fun one I tapped out.


I'll make a few changes as you suggested. (especially the typo!), And Batz will catching up on this thread all nite! :)
Pete there are a few cooks, but it is good to see how enthusiastic everyone is. And we have really started to see what we do and don't like. It's all in fun, and here is a fun one I tapped out.


I'll make a few changes as you suggested. (especially the typo!), And Batz will catching up on this thread all nite!

Well done Sean. :D
If we keep going the way we are this thread will be longer than the Qld Xmas Case thread (Or the BIAB). :p

I think its great but would prefer the hops on the other side.

Think they are all great, but we need to identify the elements we want incorporated. So here's my 2c worth.
1. Craft Beer Afficionados. Other spelling is with one f. Meaning "an ardent devotee; fan, enthusiast"
2. Hops pic
3. Identify the state using the state colours and the Q(other states wanting to do likewise can use whatever identifies their state)
4. KIS

Why not have a poll once all of the designs are in but first identify what elements are important and must be incorporated, to give the guys something to design around.

Just my 2c worth.
We are a group of 21 Brewerhood Brothers !!

Queenslanders are a very sociable bunch :beer: :chug: :party: :beerbang:

We are a group of 21 Brewerhood Brothers !!

Queenslanders are a very sociable bunch :beer: :party: :beerbang:


The Brotherhood Of Brewers, B.O.B Qld, incorporated :lol:

I reckon real hops would look better embroidered than a drawing


cheers Ross
Ross, your hops look good - maybe un-bold the text or enlarge to make it a bit clearer. And maybe a white background.

Hi mate, my grahic skills are near zero - I tried to play around with the background colour, but couldn't.
The backround colour, is only meant to be for whatever T shirt colour people choose, I certainly wasn't suggesting that green should be the colour. I'll have a play with the text.

cheers Ross

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