Qld Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

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:eek: well there ya go! Smooth it is.......

- Snow
Gooday Folks
So far I have only drunk two bottles from my Xmas case as below
Andrew Qld Belgian Wit beer
Bewdiiful beer Spiced at the right level really refreshing greately enjoyed.
Snowys wit beer thoroughly enjoyed. this beer crisp and well balanced.
Both these beers have changed my mind about wheat beers I am definitely going to brew a wheatie ASAP.
Cheers Altstart
I cracked open a pale ale last night (not sure whose, the beer in the pic) and it had turn bad :( I was really looking forward to trying the APAs in the case, will be cracking Hoops tonight.

That's David Bunzli's. I had one on the weekend and it tasted good. Just needed more finishing hops. Maybe you got a bad bottle? Did you try both bottles?
Snow said:
That's David Bunzli's. I had one on the weekend and it tasted good. Just needed more finishing hops. Maybe you got a bad bottle? Did you try both bottles?

Unfortunately Snow, I had the same problem :( ... Knowing you got a good one, I'll keep my fingers crossed for the 2nd bottle... :)

cheers Ross
I haven't tried the other yet, will chuck it in the fridge tonight.
Snow, tried the 2nd bottle last night and it was also bad :(

Hoops - APA

Pouring the beer it looks really good, clear with great carbonation, bubbly head that dies away to a thin white head and last the rest of the glass. Very little aroma, could you post you recipe so I know what I am smelling/tasting. Drinking the beer it is very bitter and I found it overpowered the flavour hops. I would like this as a session beer with some more late addition hops :beer:

Just enjoying a lovely drop of Thigh Slapping English Pale Ale. Lightly carbed, has a thin head that is travelling down the glass. Good hop flavour and bitterness balanced by the malt. Wouldn't mind the recipe for this. Not an expert on ales or providing quality feedback, but this is enjoyable.

Sluggerdog's North German Pilsner:
Crystal clear and well balanced, the large head died to a ring that travelled down the glass. Very enjoyable refreshing beer.
Cheers nonicman, heres the full recipe :)

Thigh Slapping EPA
English Pale Ale/Strong Bitter

Type: All Grain
Date: 19/11/2005
Batch Size: 21.00 L
Brewer: Jye Smith
Boil Size: 29.52 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 90 min Equipment: SK Brew Hous
Taste Rating(out of 50): 38.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 55.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
6.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 92.3 %
0.50 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 40L (40.0 SRM) Grain 7.7 %
28.30 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (80 min) Hops 18.2 IBU
28.30 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (15 min) Hops 8.6 IBU
28.30 gm Fuggles [4.50%] (15 min) Hops 7.7 IBU
14.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (5 min) Hops 1.7 IBU
14.00 gm Fuggles [4.50%] (5 min) Hops 1.5 IBU
14.00 gm Fuggles [4.50%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
14.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
1.00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1272) [Starter 1000 ml] Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.053 SG
Measured Original Gravity: 1.058 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.013 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.013 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.2 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 5.9 %
Bitterness: 37.7 IBU Calories: 547 cal/l
Est Color: 9.6 SRM Color: Color

Mash Profile

Mash Name: SK Brew Hous Mash Total Grain Weight: 6.50 kg
Sparge Water: 20.78 L Grain Temperature: 28.0 C
Sparge Temperature: 85.0 C TunTemperature: 28.0 C
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Name Description Step Temp Step Time
Mash In Add 16.25 L of water at 70.6 C 65.0 C 90 min
Who brewed the 'Seasoned" APA?

Very nice beer

Just trying Mothballs Porter....

nice, I like it.

Lightish on flavour for a porter, just how I like it.
