Qld Ahb Xmas Case 2005 - Consumption

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Ross said:
TidalPete said:
Ross said:
Drank Tidapete's Olde London Ale this pm..

This was my last partial before starting AG & I also been guilty of keeping it too cold, as a London Ale (to the best of my limited experience) is best served at a lower temperature than Australian beers are normally dispensed.


English beers should be served warmer than an Aussie - typically betwwen 10c & 13C... I keep my keg fridge at 8c which works fine for me with Ales & lagers...

cheers Ross

Thanks Ross. I've been tossing all my beers into the bar fridge (soon to be my fermentation fridge) which is going at 3 degC. I'll wind it back to your recommendation of 8 degC.

Batz Alt

Have been looking forward to this one - Batz got me into making my first Alt a while back & never having seen a commercial one for sale (anyone?) I've had nothing to compare my efforts against.

Lovely deep amber, perfect carbonation & a thick creamy head that lasted the whole glass. Flavour was clean & crisp with a perfect balance IMO between malt & hops. My Alts have suffered a bit from poor attenuation, leaving them more full bodied with residual sweetness - Batz, so keen to see your mashing shedule & yeast used (plus recipe PLEASE). This was a lovely beer & a style I am keen to brew again shortly...


Peter Shane's Aussie Ale

Pete, my first disappointment (as we were told to be honest).
There's no doubt that this is a very fine example of an Aussie beer, beautifully made, with not a hint of any off flavours - but it's just too good - tastes like a malty VB to me Pete, sorry... Lacks depth & hop character IMO, one to be saved for a hot day & drunk cold... Those who enjoy Aussie style beers will no doubt love this one, so keen to see some other reviews...


Talking of reviews - you guys all waiting for xmas to drink yours??


Edit: P.S. The wife isn't too impressed with the xmas case - These bottle conditioned beers are bringing back too many memories for her & the effect they have in the wind department ;) ...
Alright Ross, I had a go at 3 so here are my views.

Peter SHanes 60's Aussie Ale:
As Ross said a cloudy brew, but I wasn't dissapointed as much. very clean with no off flavours , malty and residual sweetness, needed a little more bittering, but hey if I've got no beer I will drink VB (flame suit on) :ph34r: nice beer Peter, just needed a little more hops, I am sure the one you brought to Batz's brew day was more bitter.

Batz Smoky Porter:
Not much I can say about this beer, I loved it the first time I tried it, and I loved it the second time I tried it. If you have never tried a smoked ale before this is a great starting point. Not overly smoky, with nice malt notes to follow the initial hit of smoke. This would be a good porter in it's own right but that added touch is great.

Ross's Schwarzbier (spelling)
I have never tried this style before and I was very impressed, extremely easy drinking dark beer that doesn't leave the overpowering flavour of dark grains in the mouth. I was surprised how dry this beer finished. Poured easily with a great head. Another one to add to the list of "must brew".

Signing off while I crack open anothe Aussie 60's Ale, Yumm

Thankyou Ross and Andrew , kind words

I'll gladly sent you mashing , recipe for the ALT Ross

Smokey Porter is a very nice Ale , but a little goes a long way........saying this I can easly drink too much of it if I am in the mood.

Sorry I am not real big on the evaluation of others beers , I like them all.

AndrewQLD said:
Alright Ross, I had a go at 3 so here are my views.

Peter SHanes 60's Aussie Ale:
As Ross said a cloudy brew, but I wasn't dissapointed as much. very clean with no off flavours , malty and residual sweetness, needed a little more bittering, but hey if I've got no beer I will drink VB (flame suit on) :ph34r: nice beer Peter, just needed a little more hops, I am sure the one you brought to Batz's brew day was more bitter.


I kind of expected this as I forewarned that this is not my personal selection. I was going to brew a Pilsner but was encouraged to brew this one. I wholehartedly agree, it is OK as a Lawnmower Beer on a hot day, afterall it is like a VB of old. The recipe is the same as the the one at Batz but perhaps the hops by now lost some of its punch. That's enough excuses but I am going to stick to it anyhow.

As far as tasting goes, I am not much of an expert in giving a spool on what I tasted so far. I only tried AndrewQ's Belgian Beuty. I have to admit that I have never tried this style before hence my eagerness to taste it. This beer seems to grow on you. My first impression was no this is not my style. Yet the aftertaste dictated and by the end of the glass I certainly wanted some more. I shall leave the second bottle for another favoured occassion.

PeterS said:
AndrewQLD said:
Alright Ross, I had a go at 3 so here are my views.

Peter SHanes 60's Aussie Ale:
As Ross said a cloudy brew, but I wasn't dissapointed as much. very clean with no off flavours , malty and residual sweetness, needed a little more bittering, but hey if I've got no beer I will drink VB (flame suit on) :ph34r: nice beer Peter, just needed a little more hops, I am sure the one you brought to Batz's brew day was more bitter.


I kind of expected this as I forewarned that this is not my personal selection. I was going to brew a Pilsner but was encouraged to brew this one. I wholehartedly agree, it is OK as a Lawnmower Beer on a hot day, afterall it is like a VB of old. The recipe is the same as the the one at Batz but perhaps the hops by now lost some of its punch. That's enough excuses but I am going to stick to it anyhow.

As far as tasting goes, I am not much of an expert in giving a spool on what I tasted so far. I only tried AndrewQ's Belgian Beuty. I have to admit that I have never tried this style before hence my eagerness to taste it. This beer seems to grow on you. My first impression was no this is not my style. Yet the aftertaste dictated and by the end of the glass I certainly wanted some more. I shall leave the second bottle for another favoured occassion.


Ah Ha!
It's something I brewed once?
No wonder I liked it Peter.....Aussie Ale.........what were you expecting hey?
A smoked porter?

I did like it Peter , good easy beer to feed the "I don't like HB mob"

Batz said:
PeterS said:
AndrewQLD said:
Alright Ross, I had a go at 3 so here are my views.

Peter SHanes 60's Aussie Ale:
As Ross said a cloudy brew, but I wasn't dissapointed as much. very clean with no off flavours , malty and residual sweetness, needed a little more bittering, but hey if I've got no beer I will drink VB (flame suit on) :ph34r: nice beer Peter, just needed a little more hops, I am sure the one you brought to Batz's brew day was more bitter.


I kind of expected this as I forewarned that this is not my personal selection. I was going to brew a Pilsner but was encouraged to brew this one. I wholehartedly agree, it is OK as a Lawnmower Beer on a hot day, afterall it is like a VB of old. The recipe is the same as the the one at Batz but perhaps the hops by now lost some of its punch. That's enough excuses but I am going to stick to it anyhow.

As far as tasting goes, I am not much of an expert in giving a spool on what I tasted so far. I only tried AndrewQ's Belgian Beuty. I have to admit that I have never tried this style before hence my eagerness to taste it. This beer seems to grow on you. My first impression was no this is not my style. Yet the aftertaste dictated and by the end of the glass I certainly wanted some more. I shall leave the second bottle for another favoured occassion.


Ah Ha!
It's something I brewed once?
No wonder I liked it Peter.....Aussie Ale.........what were you expecting hey?
A smoked porter?

I did like it Peter , good easy beer to feed the "I don't like HB mob"


You got it Batz. I was trying to get my Son In Law educated. I soon gave that idea away as I found that he usually consumes a few bottles and leaves a couple of VB stubbies in the fridge. I had no idea what to do with those stubbies until my wife found a good use for it................She cooks with it...

PeterS.... :chug:
Jye's beers tonight...

Thigh Slapping English Pale Ale

Poured slightly cloudy, low carbonation & produced little head (the way an english bitter should be)... My wife, who was a barmaid in England when i met her, commented "what are you drinking? That smell has taken me right back to the Green Dragon in Horsham, your beers don't do that." not sure what your hops were, but I'm guessing Goldings/challenger? I liked this beer a lot, nice sweetness in the mouth, followed by a bitterness that lingers on the pallette - my only critisism would be, that it has too strong a crystal taste for an English pale ale...

Seasoned APA

Pours very cloudy (MO malt from memory - get some polyclar) & again little head (maybe some carapils needed here). Aroma - WOW, I remember this from the swap day, a delicious mix of Amarillo/cascade which is matched by the wonderful flavour this beer gives. The malt bill under the hops tastes very similar to the English pale ale, but the sweet sharpness of the crystal combines so much better with the american hops.... A top beer Jye, one to be proud of.... :beer:

cheers Ross
not sure what your hops were, but I'm guessing Goldings/challenger? I liked this beer a lot, nice sweetness in the mouth, followed by a bitterness that lingers on the pallette - my only critisism would be, that it has too strong a crystal taste for an English pale ale...

I had a few pints of this last night and have to agree there is too much crystal... but it dulled the pain of a 2 hour long body corporate AGM... should have taken the keg. It has equal amounts of goldings and fuggles at about 60, 15 and 5 min, will post the recipe tonight when I get home.

Maybe I should change the name to Green Dragon EPA :D tell her thanks for the compliment :)

Pours very cloudy (MO malt from memory - get some polyclar) & again little head (maybe some carapils needed here).

I think the HBS was out of MO so I used JW pilsner, but I now have some polyclar and will be using it in the next few brews.

Cheers :beer:
Sipping on Snows hefewiezen as I type:

Snows Hefewiezen:
This is another nice beer, although slightly darker than I anticipated, definate spicyness with clove dominating and slight banana tones in the finish. fantastic head that is light & rocky that lasts and lasts. Malt evident in the mouth but not in the aroma. Hops are a little overpowering I think Snow IMHO, a little too bitter, the bitterness sort of overpowers the clove and banana. Finishes nice and dry in the mouth which is lovelly. I like this beer very much and wish I had another bottle (hint, Hint). :) I think I will go and have the last out of the jug, Yumm I love Heffewiezen. Hope the recipe is up on the board.

Sorry guys, I will not be posted any reviews. Last friday night I had some mates over for poker, pool and beers, ended up drinking 16 bottles from the kit plus one of my kegs so I hardly remember any of them. (big night finshing at 4 AM and broke)

We did enjoy them though, cheers!

ONLY thing I will say is, I cannot being myself to ever liking wheat beers, maybe it's me but they have a spew taste to them (sorry andrew and snow) I'm sure they are good it's just my taste buds do not agree with wheat at all.

While i'm writing this though I do remember one of my mates liked the wheat beers best so there you go..

sluggerdog said:
Sorry guys, I will not be posted any reviews. Last friday night I had some mates over for poker, pool and beers, ended up drinking 16 bottles from the kit plus one of my kegs so I hardly remember any of them. (big night finshing at 4 AM and broke)

We did enjoy them though, cheers!

ONLY thing I will say is, I cannot being myself to ever liking wheat beers, maybe it's me but they have a spew taste to them (sorry andrew and snow) I'm sure they are good it's just my taste buds do not agree with wheat at all.

While i'm writing this though I do remember one of my mates liked the wheat beers best so there you go..


Not a wheat beer lover either Slugger , having said that I did crack Snows last night.

This was nice for a wheat beer , sorry I can't do any better than that.
I don't like wheat beers , got me f*c&d why anyone would brew them :blink:

Batz said:
I don't like wheat beers , got me f*c&d why anyone would brew them :blink:


Could not have said it better myself! Glad to hear someone agrees with me. :beer:
I never used to like wheat beers until last xmas when I was trying a few different ones with barfridge in Perth, never tasted so much bubblegum in a beer!!
Since then I have gradually changed my tastes and really like the Wits.
Now Hoegaarden is one of my favourite beers :beer:

Here's something else I remember, batz, how much smoked malt was in the porter? my mates loved it but it was too much for me, saying that if it had around half the amount I'm sure I would have loved it as much as the other comments on here about it...
Can I join your club too? I dont like wheat beers. And I reckon that if someone uses more than 5% wheat in an ale I can taste it as an unpleasant sharpness as well. But then I am a Grumpy old man, and we do tend to get a lot grumpier towards Christmas.
ONLY thing I will say is, I cannot being myself to ever liking wheat beers, maybe it's me but they have a spew taste to them (sorry andrew and snow) I'm sure they are good it's just my taste buds do not agree with wheat at all.
This was nice for a wheat beer , sorry I can't do any better than that.
I don't like wheat beers , got me f*c&d why anyone would brew them

Snow and I are crying in our wheaties :lol: , They are an aquired taste, BUT I THINK YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM IN THE SUMMER :beerbang:

AndrewQLD said:
ONLY thing I will say is, I cannot being myself to ever liking wheat beers, maybe it's me but they have a spew taste to them (sorry andrew and snow) I'm sure they are good it's just my taste buds do not agree with wheat at all.
This was nice for a wheat beer , sorry I can't do any better than that.
I don't like wheat beers , got me f*c&d why anyone would brew them

Snow and I are crying in our wheaties :lol: , They are an aquired taste, BUT I THINK YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM IN THE SUMMER :beerbang:


Ha Ha

I wouldn't be taking it too hard andrew, go back 3 months ago and i wouldn't even touch a dark beer...

Tastes change, and now I am a big porter lover...

Maybe one day I will like wheats..................maybe when pigs fly... :p
sluggerdog said:
Here's something else I remember, batz, how much smoked malt was in the porter? my mates loved it but it was too much for me, saying that if it had around half the amount I'm sure I would have loved it as much as the other comments on here about it...
Funny you should say that, from memory that porter only had half the smoked malt of the other one I tried at Batz brew day.
Personally I prefered the one with double the smoked malt!