Powell's Malt

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Having moved to the Bendigo area from Tasmania, I've found it very difficult to source grain locally.
Ross could post it, so to could G&G, but that was making the cost a bit exy. I was to late to notice the Vic. bulk buy.

I was put onto Powell's Maltings at Romsey by the proprietor of Ballarat home brewing and Powell's are happy to deal direct with the public.
So we loaded up the kids and headed down this morning.
I ended up with 2X25 kg's Pilsner, 2X25 kg's Ale and 25 kg's of Munich all for $168! Bloody bargain.
My only hope now is that I haven't bought ****** malt that will make ****** beer.

Anybody had experience with their malts? Are they any good?
At that price... who cares?

I have used Powell's but not enough to make a fair call. I will say the general consensus I got was that "you get what you pay for".
I have made good beer with those malts, so just make beer and enjoy. :chug:
I used a couple of bags of the ale malt and it was a good base malt IMO. It's not a ****** malt, but it can be an under-modified one. I'd recommend doing a step mash with this malt for sure and I'd expect a lower efficiency than you are used to for the first time at least. There are a few threads around about what sort of steps to use. Good price for all that. :super:
IMHO this is very good malt.
It is all personal preference in the end. There have been many discussions about this malt on here and one thing that I think was agreed on by many who have used it was it's lower efficiency rate. Usually around 65% for a single infusion mash unless you do a step mash.

I have not used their malts for over a year now so the eff may be better (or worse). :)
I would have no problem using them again. I love the taste their malts impart.

Yeah, maybe I should've asked, but was blinded by $$$ signs.

Will have to have a look at step mashing. Ready for another brew day this weekend (now that I've got some base malts again).
Having moved to the Bendigo area from Tasmania,

WHY ????? good country vrs rubbish country.

That sounds a bargain and you should be chuffed.
Kleiny maybe the contact for you in Bendigo, drop him a polite PM.

It's great malt

You'll hear all sorts of negitive findings,and I know brewers who have never brewed with this malt posting them.

What about a Queenslander trip down for a trailer load?Share fuel and have one hell of a good time as well :party: Drop in on a few homebrewers on the way?

WHY ????? good country vrs rubbish country.


Opportunity for the kids, was the main reason. That and the fact I didn't want cooked cabbage and rotten egg smells permeating my beers from the pulp mill they are building just up the road from where we lived :angry:
let us all know what you think of this malt once you have brewed

it would be interesting to find out a little more about it being handy to vic brewers
let us all know what you think of this malt once you have brewed

it would be interesting to find out a little more about it being handy to vic brewers

Want to know more?
Do a search on powells malt mate

I've used it before to the tune of one bag... Reckon it's great stuff.

As Johnno pointed out single temp rests tend to give average efficiency as I found out getting around 55%.

Later on I tried a 45 degree rest upon advice from somebody in the know. Then I ramped up to 65 degrees and got a more respectable 75% efficiency.

I'd have no hesitation using it again. As stated has it's slight shortfalls but IMO is as good as BB or JW malts for overall finished beer quality.

Was very close to chasing some up this week. The bulk buy and a very generous brewer saved the day. :)

Warren -
I used a couple of bags of the ale malt and it was a good base malt IMO. It's not a ****** malt, but it can be an under-modified one. I'd recommend doing a step mash with this malt for sure and I'd expect a lower efficiency than you are used to for the first time at least. There are a few threads around about what sort of steps to use. Good price for all that. :super:

Powells rocks!
I used Powell's a lot in pre- CraftBrewer days & I would use it again in an instant. All it needs is a protien rest & all's good.
Lucky you Mashie ---- Great buy!

TP :beer:
I was happy with Powells especially at the price, The ale malt was great in english bitters.

Good pick. From my own experiece it is very difficult to source grain in regional Victoria, unless it is by the pallet.
I have used Powell's malts Pils, Ale, Organic Pils, Munich & Wheat, & had good results with all of them.
i'll take the very slight drop in efficiency and the odd bit of stubble any day, for the superior price and flavour of powell's malt, i always come out way in front for value and quality. i am always amazed as to how many home brewers know so much more than one of the country's best maltster's.