Plate Chiller - Chillout Mark Iii Vs Beerbelly

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any takers to finalize this discussion.......... was there any specs around on the BB plate chiller??? it looks the goods are any fittings can be installed as opposed to multiple clamps and fittings with the mk111.

dr smurto, do you use pellets??? all users of the mk111 report that pellets arent a porblem but havent hear from bb users.


Not really a lot answer to this I guess, but I have a chillout MKI that looks pretty much identical to the BB unit (not claiming theyre the same, they probably arent'). I've used flowers and pellets and plugs through both and have never had a blockage problem.

well i no chill,wasting 100-1000lts of water is just daft

nice piece of constructive input there ;) it's not all wasted you know, lots of people collect it and reuse it for various things (like washing). I won't even bother starting the argument about the benefits of chilling.
Invest in rainwater tanks and water usage becomes a moot point. Still annoys me that new McMansions in the slums Devine estates aren't required to install anything more than tokenistic 500L tanks. Pointless. 5000L would be a good start. I have 18000L and can only run my house on rainwater for 6-8 months of the year. I'd need double that to permanently switch off the mains tap.

That point aside, i do use pellets and the BB plate chiller (as well as the BB hopscreen) and i even tip my kettle to squeeze out every last drop of precious wort.

A blast of water in both directions after use does the trick. I occasionally pass a cleaner through it, caustic or sodium percarb but in my experience (70+ uses) i don't seem to get too much green colouring if i flushed immediately after use. It may be due to using gravity to go from kettle to chiller, less pressure being applied.

It's the only chiller i have used so i cant comment on any others. Mine hasn't missed a beat. Now all i need is a hopback for my fresh flowers :icon_drool2:

i know that pat from absolutehomebrew uses one that looks exactly the same.
i have made one that is the same size but have to re hash the outer hose im thinking of replacing it with copper.
mine could drop 25l down to 26c in ten min with tap temp at 22c. i think that ill try to restrict flow a little bit by putting dents in the inner tube.
Put a ball valve on the end. You can undo that!!
pretty sure users report 80lts (correct me if im wrong) per brew, i guess you could pump that into your hlt and use it for your next brew, only about 30lts loss.........?

also, can anyone help me out, in a real pickle as to get the mk111 or the bb 30 plate. anyone reccommend one over the other. cheers

well i no chill,wasting 100-1000lts of water is just daft

yes I am aware of tfactor
I think you'd be happy with either.

I went the MKIII because it came with fittings, and since there is no thread or anything theyre more sanitary. Barbs happened to suit my setup well, so lack of quick disconnect options weren't an issue.
I just set mine up this arvo ready for the weekend...

The reason I chose the BB one was so I could stick a thermometer on the outlet side and have more options for fittings.

Shame you can't make it on Sunday to see it action TP.

Thinking of buying the BB one myself but was wondering if the 1/2" fittings it comes with are male or female fittings.


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