Thank **** the bastard is dead, Rot in hell *******, rot in hell!
May all 40 virgins look alot like this:
Wow, I'm off to the mosque to see an Imam right now. Woot.
Thank **** the bastard is dead, Rot in hell *******, rot in hell!
May all 40 virgins look alot like this:
$ rm -f /bin/laden
i was waiting for you to show your face, just when was i was thinking, does he exist ... ?????
Dont get it!
Its unix commands for remove directory
Also reminds me of the suicide bomber comedy skit...doesnt always have to be female 'virgins'...might be ripped off
So who's going to do a celebration ale?
Jihad Imperial Stout
Car Bomb IPA
Dead Extremist ESB
Dont get it!
So who's going to do a celebration ale?
Jihad Imperial Stout
Car Bomb IPA
Dead Extremist ESB
When I saw the news flash I mistakenly read "Obama Dead" :unsure:
I bet Obama was obsessed with killing the guy to get rid of the confusion if nothing else.
Particularly if he plans to go Clinton on us with the interns, and become Obama Sin-Laden.
You've been waiting a long time to use that one, haven't you? :icon_cheers:$ rm -f /bin/laden
Thank **** the bastard is dead, Rot in hell *******, rot in hell!
May all 40 virgins look alot like this:
Fergies daughters after the wedding.