Obama Ale

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Thats brilliant, even the president cant afford to buy craftbeer by the carton.
Yeah ... a Black president .. breaking all the rules ... ripping up the whitehose lawn to grow vegies for the poor ... brewing beer .. just because he can ... AWESOME .... YES WE CAN !!!!

But is his next move to start getting around in rediculously oversized tee shirts, jeans showing his jocks and a stupid cap with his ears tucked under the brim eating fried chicken ??? I HOPE NOT!!!
But is his next move to start getting around in rediculously oversized tee shirts, jeans showing his jocks and a stupid cap with his ears tucked under the brim eating fried chicken ??? I HOPE NOT!!!
Really. Isn't there just a small part of you that would like to see him in an outfit like that at one of those summits. Stuffy suits, traditional dress and Obama the homey?

Maybe like at CHOGM (I think it is) where the host country designs the official shirt/outfit.

If I was better at photoshop I'd do one, actually chances are someone already has if I could be bothered searching




edit - note no offence intended with the use of the "N" word ... I would hate to see how many haters there are out there in the brewing world !!!

Peace - out ..
Why all the gangsta references? If there was a white guy in the white house, would there be a Photoshopped image circulated about of him dressed up as "white trash" from a trailer park in Alabama? I think not. Most of these pics and the racist jokes that do the rounds are planted by Fox, and then spread by non-thinking simpletons.
Of course nobody in their right mind would ever call Julia a ranga lesbian now would they :icon_cheers:
Of course nobody in their right mind would ever call Julia a ranga lesbian now would they :icon_cheers:

Nah, they pick on Tim instead - less chance of getting your head ripped off... :icon_cheers:
Mind you, you hair would be in for a wild ride. Good old T-Rex!
Jesus, it's like being at a work BBQ [I work in a fairly white anglo "real aussie" working class industry] surrounded by racist f-wits listening to them - with bemusement - crap on about "Abos" and Asians. Obama should be congratulated for setting up a small brewing operation. The beer they produce probably beats anything Bush served guests during his 8 years. Do you guys spend a lot of time watching Fox? You know both Murdoch and his little turd of a son, James, are sociopaths? You don't feel a duty of care to cancel your subscription to Fox - and to stop reading the 70% of "news"papers this sociopath owns in Australia; Papers like 'The Climate Change Denier' (otherwise known as 'The Australian') - when these creeps hack the mobile phone account of a mother whose daughter was murdered? Didn't think so. Sheep....

"obaaaaaama 2012"
....Having emigrated to Australia in 1996, from NZ, I have to say that - on balance - the most intelligent, hardworking, and friendly people I have met in Australia are immigrants. People from Asia, so-called wogs, the middle east, etc. Yeah, there are plenty of decent white Aussies....but Jez there are some total assholes also. Much bigger than any of the pricks I knew in NZ. I grew up in a backwards white-trash broken home in New Zealand, so I know the "white-is-right, I'm-better-than-you-'cause-I-have-white-skin attitude." When I was 10 I was abruptly removed from a State school, where I was perfectly happy, and sent to a Catholic one. The only reason I can think off is some Maori friends...the Catholic school was probably 99% Anglo. Really, those of you who still harbour these racist views - and it's mostly class and generational based...seems to be almost completely eroded, thankfully, with Gen Y - need to take a good hard long look at yourself and your (pathetic) views/lives. I feel I'm probably talking to a brick wall though....
Jesus, it's like being at a work BBQ [I work in a fairly white anglo "real aussie" working class industry] surrounded by racist f-wits listening to them - with bemusement - crap on about "Abos" and Asians. Obama should be congratulated for setting up a small brewing operation. The beer they produce probably beats anything Bush served guests during his 8 years. Do you guys spend a lot of time watching Fox? You know both Murdoch and his little turd of a son, James, are sociopaths? You don't feel a duty of care to cancel your subscription to Fox - and to stop reading the 70% of "news"papers this sociopath owns in Australia; Papers like 'The Climate Change Denier' (otherwise known as 'The Australian') - when these creeps hack the mobile phone account of a mother whose daughter was murdered? Didn't think so. Sheep....

"obaaaaaama 2012"

....Having emigrated to Australia in 1996, from NZ, I have to say that - on balance - the most intelligent, hardworking, and friendly people I have met in Australia are immigrants. People from Asia, so-called wogs, the middle east, etc. Yeah, there are plenty of decent white Aussies....but Jez there are some total assholes also. Much bigger than any of the pricks I knew in NZ. I grew up in a backwards white-trash broken home in New Zealand, so I know the "white-is-right, I'm-better-than-you-'cause-I-have-white-skin attitude." When I was 10 I was abruptly removed from a State school, where I was perfectly happy, and sent to a Catholic one. The only reason I can think off is some Maori friends...the Catholic school was probably 99% Anglo. Really, those of you who still harbour these racist views - and it's mostly class and generational based...seems to be almost completely eroded, thankfully, with Gen Y - need to take a good hard long look at yourself and your (pathetic) views/lives. I feel I'm probably talking to a brick wall though....

Well thats about the most racist thing I've seen posted here for a while, don't like Aussies then? You could always go home.
Well thats about the most racist thing I've seen posted here for a while, don't like Aussies then? You could always go home.

I don't know, if ever, in the history of internet forums, the term 'predictable response' has ever rung more true. I'll be sure to stay well away from Cronulla next time I'm visiting Sydney with my part Scottish, part Maori wife too...in case we offend your 'white aussie sensitivities.' Speedie was right about your pricks....
I'm off to watch 'Real Time With Bill Maher' now [a real lefty Obama-worshiping Democrat if ever there was one.] I get it on my $0 per month subscription to Downloadtel. - Something tells me it's probably not on your beloved Foxtel. Feel free to just ban me from this forum if you want. - In fact, yeah please do.

....Actually, I'm not sure why I even joined this forum : )

And do carry on with your anti-Obama racist banter....it makes for interesting reading if nothing else. (I've been around pricks like you guys long enough to know you never change)

I have a lot of Maori and Islander friends at work. They come here because they are very well received in the workforce due to their good literacy and telephone skills - I did note on my one trip (so far) to New Zealand that Indigenous New Zealanders seem to be far more common in the workforce than Indigenous Australians but I don't think that's the fault of the "white" population (actually more and more small businesses such as servos and fast food chains seem to be run or managed by Asians) - Maccas over the road from the Duxton where we stayed was staffed 100% by Maoris and they were a lovely happy crew. Racial "humour" such as Irish Jokes, Gangsta Jokes etc is common throughout the world. The Germans (as Florian will attest) have East Friesland Jokes, I'm sure the Italians have jokes about Swiss Italians ad nauseam.

East Friesland Joke:

When Berliners on holiday in East Friesland die, why do they bury them with their arses in the air? So the locals will have somewhere to park their bicycles. (much Teutonic Guffawing) :icon_cheers:
No, not Ross's - President Obama has taken up home brewing - I wonder if he's got a BrauMeister? :rolleyes:

The CIA are just going to have to raid Capalaba now :unsure:

I really would have thought the President of the United States would not find time to home brew his own beer. There are a couple of other matters going on the I believe need a tad of attention, however good on him, and he wants to swap a couple of bottles with me.
Jesus, it's like being at a work BBQ [I work in a fairly white anglo "real aussie" working class industry] surrounded by racist f-wits listening to them - with bemusement - crap on about "Abos" and Asians. Obama should be congratulated for setting up a small brewing operation. The beer they produce probably beats anything Bush served guests during his 8 years. Do you guys spend a lot of time watching Fox? You know both Murdoch and his little turd of a son, James, are sociopaths? You don't feel a duty of care to cancel your subscription to Fox - and to stop reading the 70% of "news"papers this sociopath owns in Australia; Papers like 'The Climate Change Denier' (otherwise known as 'The Australian') - when these creeps hack the mobile phone account of a mother whose daughter was murdered? Didn't think so. Sheep....

"obaaaaaama 2012"

....Having emigrated to Australia in 1996, from NZ, I have to say that - on balance - the most intelligent, hardworking, and friendly people I have met in Australia are immigrants. People from Asia, so-called wogs, the middle east, etc. Yeah, there are plenty of decent white Aussies....but Jez there are some total assholes also. Much bigger than any of the pricks I knew in NZ. I grew up in a backwards white-trash broken home in New Zealand, so I know the "white-is-right, I'm-better-than-you-'cause-I-have-white-skin attitude." When I was 10 I was abruptly removed from a State school, where I was perfectly happy, and sent to a Catholic one. The only reason I can think off is some Maori friends...the Catholic school was probably 99% Anglo. Really, those of you who still harbour these racist views - and it's mostly class and generational based...seems to be almost completely eroded, thankfully, with Gen Y - need to take a good hard long look at yourself and your (pathetic) views/lives. I feel I'm probably talking to a brick wall though....

I really wish you would **** off back to where you came from and stopped posting on this forum.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't brew it himself, the kitchen staff/chefs do. I think someone brought that up when it was posted back during superbowel.

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