Nsw Xmas Case 2007 - Consumption

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Steve's Bastard Nelson Ale
Pours a crystal clear golden amber colour, with a long lasting dense white head. Sweet caramel malt, some honey notes, fruity esters and moderate hops on the nose, though i cannot pick the hops. Slightly lemony - glacier? Anyway, there is a medium-high carbonation, firm malt and a pretty high bitterness. The lemony comes through in the flavour, adn the beer finishes fairly sweet. I would suggest that it is a little too bitter to be an easy drinking beer, and could benifit from a 5IBU drop, and maybe more.
It is an enjoyable beer, though leaves me burping a little bit, and also a little bloated. As I said, nothing wrong with the beer at all, and the appearance is faultless, but when I started brewing, my beers were similar to this, very full in body, heaps of flavour and bitterness and something I loved to drink - only problem was they were too bloating to drink more than 3 or 4 glasses in a sitting. I find this problem in this beer (though I am being picky). I can only suggest mashing lower, or reducing the amount of crystal in there (if any) to make it more drinkable. There is just a residual sweetness there that I find distracting, or possibly a little cloying, that I found in my extract beers (though I mean no offense if this beer is all grain). I dont think I could drink more than the 2 glasses in the bottle, but I am certainly enjoying it. My suggestions are only to increase the drinkability, and be a little more to my tastes. Apart from that, it is a very well made beer, looks the part, and has HEAPS of flavour and character. Maybe try brewing it to a lower starting gravity next time, and if it is a mash brew, mash lower to get a lower FG, and you will have an excellent, easy drinker.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks very much Trent! Thats a great review I think?. It is an AG beer. The Hops are Nelson Sauvon - hence the name. Thats the first time ive ever had one of my brews scrutinized. Thanks for the tips.
Thanks very much Trent! Thats a great review I think?. It is an AG beer. The Hops are Nelson Sauvon - hence the name. Thats the first time ive ever had one of my brews scrutinized. Thanks for the tips.

My pleasure, Steve
Never tried the Nelson Sauvin hops before, they are quite distinctive, though eh? Sorry to mention extract there though! My early all grain beers (re-reading my post made me realise I didnt state that) along with my extract beers had that extra sweetness, that I have overcome by mashing lower. Drop the bitterness and body by a little each, and that will be an excellent beer, IMO.
All the best
Currently drinking #2 from Stuster. It poured well with a good long-lasting head. Gold in colour with a haze that seemed to clear as the beer warmed. Mild hop aroma; Medium body and bitterness. A well balanced, approachable beer that's a pleasure to drink. Thanks heaps.


PS.What hops did you use in it? Or is it bad form to ask those questions here? :unsure:
just went to the shed to put a few bottles in the fridge & found a crumpled pile of glass in 1 crate!!! :angry: :eek: I haven't found the lid yet but think it was #2 from Stuster.

Bummer I was looking forward to that one. You all may want to get it cold to prevent the same happening to you - or maybe it was a 1 off - I hope so.

On the same note I must advise I had 1 of mine (#27) explode the day before the swap, so it might be an idea to get into it soon. B)
#9 - Nelson Bastard Ale

I really enjoyed this beer. Thought it was going to be Savin hops from the name - and they delivered in spades! I got the same pour and colour characteristics as Trent, all good.

I thought the amount of body was great, however given the nature of the hops, the whole beer was a little sweet. There were lingering sweet passionfruit notes as it warmed up too (all good!). Maybe left a little longer in the bottle the hop fruitiness would dissipate, therefore toning the whole beer down slightly.

All in all though, a nice drop - good stuff Steve!

Cheers - Mike
Currently drinking #2 from Stuster. It poured well with a good long-lasting head. Gold in colour with a haze that seemed to clear as the beer warmed. Mild hop aroma; Medium body and bitterness. A well balanced, approachable beer that's a pleasure to drink. Thanks heaps.


PS.What hops did you use in it? Or is it bad form to ask those questions here?

Glad you liked the beer, Pete. Not bad form at all. All the details are in the recipe thread, here. It's Fuggles, EKG and Northdown. Maybe add your recipe in there too. :)

just went to the shed to put a few bottles in the fridge & found a crumpled pile of glass in 1 crate!!! I haven't found the lid yet but think it was #2 from Stuster.

Bugger. Very strange. No problem with the ones I've opened so far (drinking a spare of that beer now actually) or other reviews. Anyway, it's ready to drink now and then I can get all my reviews done before Xmas. (when the reviews slow down anyway for some reason :lol: )
just went to the shed to put a few bottles in the fridge & found a crumpled pile of glass in 1 crate!!! I haven't found the lid yet but think it was #2 from Stuster.

Crozdog, it's just the animal in you coming out. Don't throw the milk crates around !! :lol:
Brew: #6. Nifty - Some Sort of Extra Special Bitter, Bottled 18th November 2007, 5.8%abv

I buckled under the pressure, so I thought I might follow the crowd and crack Nifty's offering ASAP.

Served chilled in glass.
Malty sort of aroma, underlying notes of toffee, nuts and roastiness, possibly some citrusy hops with an odd metallic/medicinal note. Pours a delightfully clean reddish amber body with a dense white head. Carbonation is quite full, body is on the lean side. Nice malt flavours, toffee and nuts, hint of roasted malts, some earthy citrusy English-style hop character, with an ever present, slightly off-putting drying metallic note that lingers.
Not a bad drop, certainly looks the part and has a decent malt profile, shame it didn't turn out as well as you hoped Nifty!

ps...Sorry to hear about your dog too mate. Good way to celebrate his life by brewing a beer though!
Just had half of Nifty's #6. Great tight fine head with a lot of carbonation - maybe a bit too much for style, but it certainly tops the beautifully clear dark copper beer well. Great malt aroma with a hint of hop & some phenolics. Masses of malt in the mouth with a good balance of hop bitterness & flavour. I initially detected some phenolics, but wouldn't really call it bandaid. This dispersed as the glass warmed. What temp did you mash/ferment at? I ask cause if finished a bit dry (again less noticeable when warmer).

All in all I liked this beer thanks - it was a lot better than some of the entries in the state comp I judged B) - some of em had a whole chemist shop in em not just 1 bandaid :ph34r:
#8 - Peve's Golden Ale

Great colour, very golden! The beer has good clarity and a small head. Loads of tropical fruit hop aromas on the nose. Plenty of hop flavour follows. There is some nice malt flavours in the background and a very dry finish. I'm detecting something a little out of place in the finish - not sure if it's some oxidation or some grain astringency. Other than that, a very enjoyable beer thanks Peve.
#2 Stuster's Summer Ale

Attractive golden colour peeks out from under the haze with an enviable head perched atop the beer. A good dose of English hop aroma along with some pleasant yeast characters is evident. There is a solid punch of hop flavour (and bitterness) up front which follows right through to the finish. The malt is well supportive of this and makes for good balance. The lively carbonation and the finishing dryness round this beer out as a very tasty well drinking beer. Much enjoyed thanks Stuster.
Yeah, it's a shame about the beer. I guess I'll have to look at my process, maybe I got a bit slack, although I can't see that I did anything different from all my other brews. I hope the brew I have fermenting now is ok. It tastes alright, but then, the xmas case was tasting good at bottling and 2 weeks down the track it is off.

Had it last night and thought it okay. Given I may not be a great judge (yet) I couldn't really say I found much wrong with it. Happily drank the lot and plan to make a beer similar in style in my winter brewing program. Thanks mate !!

The kids loved the label and my daughter is now using the bottle as a flower vase.
Managed to get another couple of beers drunk during the week...

Brew: #1c. SJW - English Bitter
Served chilled in glass.
Grainy biscuit malt on the nose, a bit of bread and toffee sweetness, perhaps a touch of floral hops in there too. Pours a slightly hazy orange-amber body with thick white foam and lace. Nice creaminess to the texture, moderate carbonation and body. Biscuity toffee-like malt flavours on the body with a touch of sweetness, some leafy citric hop character, with a note of bread on towards a drying, reasonably bitter finish. In true British style, it the flavour seems to develop and balance out with a rise in temperature.
Not a bad drop, could very easily see myself downing a few pints of it fresh from the cask at a Ye Olde Style pub! :)

Brew: #2. Stuster - English Summer Ale, Bottled 28/10/07
Served chilled in glass.
Zesty citrus and leafy hops on the nose, not overdone though, some faint malt and breadiness. Pours a hazy pale copper body with a solid white head and lace. Moderate carbonation, full bodied, slightly creamy texture. A touch of malt sweetness, biscuit and honey-like, on the body supporting some grassy citrusy hop flavours. Finishes on a lingering dry bready note with a decent belt of bitterness.
Not sure why i'm trying all of the English-style ales first off!? Quite a nice beer, certainly appreciate having one of these to come home to on a Friday afternoon after a long week of work.
Sadly Punter (who hasnt picked his swap beers up yet) won't get to taste #17; it exploded in my shop today.

Several startled customers and some mopping later it's all cleaned up. But be warned #17 may be just a tough fizzy.

#6 Nifty's ESB

Coppery in colour with a subtle red hue, crystal clear and a good sized white head. Great looking beer. Loads of English hop aroma with some complex malt coming through as it warms. Plenty of hops up front in the mouth with some delicious caramel malt flavours. The bitterness is very solid, to the point where I get a slight metallic feel from it. The mouthfeel is deliciously creamy and the finish is crisp and dry. I must be in luck Nifty, I couldn't find any sign of the infection referred to by the other drinkers. This is a top example of an ESB I reckon, a fitting tribute to your mate Widget. Cheers.

#9 Steve's Nelsons Bastard Ale

Deep amber colour and very clear with a smallish head. Great tropical fruit aroma with some sweet malts in the background. The flavour is awesome - lemons and passionfruit with nicely balanced malts. The bitterness is well balanced by the slight sweetness in the finish. The carbonation is a little on the low side, maybe mine needed another week or so in the bottle. I've got two fermenters of beer ready to keg with NS in them, I'm very much looking forward to them now. A very tasty and drinkable beer thanks Steve.
OK First one for me.

8. Peve - American Pale Ale - Golden - ABV 4.5% Ready to Drink

Disclaimer : palate somewhat dented by 4 schooners of Matilda Bay alphas on redbeards insisntance this arvo after work!!!!!

Super super super clear (post ferm finings???), with a brilliant golden colour ever so slightly amberised. Was not expecting any clear beers this early after the swap and I only put this one in the fridge about 10 hours ago. Head fell away a little quickly but the class had had a couple of my AIPA's and greasy lips prior!!!!
Earthy hop aroma not prominent but some nice hops there. I'm picking up some Aceto or Diacety aroma in there, not strong but something there.
Quite highly bittered but not unpleasant at all, quite well balanced with some nice Amero hop flavour up front and some nice malt complexity added in. Nice light body, again picking up a little diaceto on the back palate (low ferment temp???)

Generaly, a great session beer, could go several more or these........still being blinded by the clarity!!!!

.............just read goatherders review, matches my picking up something at the backend, not confident it's diaceto but something there. Not too distracting though, very good beer.
#6 Niftys ESB

Exactly what goaty said....... im not going to try to discribe it better. I was very impressed with its clarity and perfect carbonation, head retention and mouth feel.

I can see where you get the bandaid thig from but i think this is hopa and malt and posibly a yeast ester but its not unpleasant.

I would be proud to brew a beer this clear.

Whats your secret mate?

#26 nOOch Stout.

Well it says to leave it till after xmas....... i was going to put redbeards beer in the frikdge but i fridged the wrong bottle.

poured it in the glass and thought...... Gee its dark for a pale ale.

Drank the first glass and mate...... i have to say.......

Ive brewed a few stouts in my time but this is the best stout i have had.

Its got a sweet malty finish with a great drinkable mouth feel. Carb is great and holds a nice head.

SLight alcahol warmth that is smooth and pleasant, and not unwelcome on a friday night after a long week.

W hop character is there.... not sure what though over all that malt but its definatly there, even down to hop flowers and seeds in the second glass :p

Dude...... you might want to look into something to strain them out of the firmenter when you bottle.

Both great beers and would be proud to have brewed them myself.

PS...... the stout did have a good head on it till i stuck myt greasy fingers in to see what the chunks were. And dont feel bad about the hops mate...... i sent a beer to Ash in perth a whila ago..... the robust porter i brewed for last years mash paddle and never got to enter..... anyway, it had a huntsman spider in the bottle :lol:

Reconed it still tasted ok :rolleyes:


Ok....I'm sorry about the possible hop flower or 2...Quite embarrassed to see some hop flowers in there..... I was REALLY short on volume and obviously made the most of what I had left. :mellow:

I am truely sorry Tony (and all who possibly get another flower!). Glad you liked the beer and I am guessing you got one of the beers closest to the bottom of the bulk prime. I have never had this before. At least you know I used great plugs!

It wasnt a problem mate....... i just scooped them off the top and enjoyed.

It Is ready to drink now by the way.

Well glad to hear other then the flowers it was ok.

Ok well I change my comments from drink at xmas to drink NOW. It did CC for a good 3 weeks.

Thanks for your helpful words Tony, and for being kind. I couldn't find my bottling wand (I am glad I only bottle 1 to 2 times a year) and had to make use of a narrowed down racking tube instead which had no way of blocking left over flowers.

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