Nsw Special Case Swap

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Put down my stout just before heading overseas mid-August. Bottled it today. Looking very dark and surley at 7.1%.
FG at 1.018...hopefully 107 IBU will be enough to balance it out! ;)
Bottled my English Barleywine for the second swap tonight. Poured a few glasses from the fermenter to enjoy tonight.

Brewing up a Belgian Dark Strong either tomorrow or Saturday. Will wait till closer to the date for the IPA.
I'm just heating up the strike water for my Anzus wheat wine,

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Wheat wine
Brewer: Grant
Asst Brewer:
Style: American Barleywine
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 22.00 L
Boil Size: 27.95 L
Estimated OG: 1.101 SG
Estimated Color: 5.5 SRM
Estimated IBU: 60.7 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
6.20 kg Wheat Malt (2.0 SRM) Grain 70.86 %
1.80 kg Pale Malt Barrett Burston (3.0 SRM) Grain 20.57 %
38.30 gm Galaxy [10.00 %] (60 min) Hops 45.4 IBU
33.30 gm Pride of Ringwood [9.00 %] (20 min) Hops 12.0 IBU
33.30 gm Nelson Sauvin [5.00 %] (5 min) Hops 3.3 IBU
0.58 gm Salt (Mash 90.0 min) Misc
1.16 items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
0.75 kg Cane Sugar (0.0 SRM) Sugar 8.57 %
3 Pkgs S-05 (Safale #S-05) Yeast-Ale

Its a variation on Les the weizguy's recipe. My biggest beer to date.


I'm living on the edge :)

Well that was prophetic. :blink:

An otherwise successful brew day, sparge was long and unblocked. Slightly better efficiency than I calculated for and hit 1105 for the final gravity. :super:


as I'm draining the wort into the cube, in the rain, I decide to step in front of the kettle, slip on the damp concrete, snag foot on hose, pulling kettle off NASA traight towards feet (had my safety things on too), somehow jump out of the way of scalding wort and avoid injury, only to watch the last 8 litres drain down the driveway.

Not sure whether to laugh or cry, but I can always brew more beer, growing new skin is a bit trickier.


Well that was prophetic. :blink:

An otherwise successful brew day, sparge was long and unblocked. Slightly better efficiency than I calculated for and hit 1105 for the final gravity. :super:


as I'm draining the wort into the cube, in the rain, I decide to step in front of the kettle, slip on the damp concrete, snag foot on hose, pulling kettle off NASA traight towards feet (had my safety things on too), somehow jump out of the way of scalding wort and avoid injury, only to watch the last 8 litres drain down the driveway.

Not sure whether to laugh or cry, but I can always brew more beer, growing new skin is a bit trickier.


Geez, that's a close call.

Gotta plan my FES sometime soon
Ive been sampling my Old ale of late to see how its going. And its just no good. Ive had a few bottles now trying to convince myself that its just needs time to develop and it will eventually be "special". But its just no good.

Its got a yeasty phenolic thing going that just mutes everything that should be nice about the beer. Im not certain if its a minor infection or a stressed yeast thing. Ive thought about putting it back in the fermenter and adding brett but I just can see it fixing the issue.

At this stage I dont know if Im going to get time to put down another. I will try but cant guarantee it. If anyone wants my spot I would be happy to surrender it if someone has a brew or has time to put one down in time.

The good news is my Belgian Dark Strong is looking good. Its starting to come together and should be really nice by swap time. Its so dark its almost like a belgian stout. I need to stop drinking it to give it more time but I just can help myself.

Have bottled my American Barley Wine and have my Rye IPA sitting in a cube - should pitch this arvo

Also I have adjusted the wiki so the

IPA list runs 1-14
Belgian list runs 15-28

Should the stout / old / barleywine list run 29-42 ?? So things don't get mixed up on the day???

Or leave it at 1-14?

I am sorry to say that my circumstances are changed, and I have definitely pulled out of the old ale side swap bit for sure.

I DO have an IIPA that I can bottle for the main swap. Which leaves me with only the Belgian. I currently am a fridge short, and potentially moving to WA at any stage soon, but I will do my best to sort out the Belgian as well.
Have bottled my American Barley Wine and have my Rye IPA sitting in a cube - should pitch this arvo

Also I have adjusted the wiki so the

IPA list runs 1-14
Belgian list runs 15-28

Should the stout / old / barleywine list run 29-42 ?? So things don't get mixed up on the day???

Or leave it at 1-14?


Hi Cortez,

I think run from 29-42 just to avoid any confusion at the swap (chaos at the best of times) and so I know which one im drinking.

I found some muscovado sugar at the deli the other. Thinking of using it in the belgian.


Had a crack at my Belgian DS last night.

Having not drunk a lot of these types of beers but at this stage it's come out quite phenolic and has a degree of bitterness from the dark malts. Should settle down though with some age.

Better get to that IIPA.
I have finally got around to pitching the (shedload of) yeast on the Wheatwine. Sadly I missed the gravity and it only ended up at 1099. The wort however smelled great, the nelson sauvin coming though nicely.


Is it time to start organising a swap date and location?

For reference - 2nd April = Good Friday

Are we looking at before or after Easter?

Either side is ok for me

So the options are

March 20th
March 27th
April 10th
April 17th


Edit: Is everyone on track with their brewing? Probably worth updating the wiki http://www.aussiehomebrewer.com/forum//ind...;showarticle=95
I'm actually thinking of hosting this one ctk and if that's the case it will have to be the 10th or 11th April (my last free weekend before the footy season!!!!) or is the Easter WE a possiblity for any?
Will try and confirm within the next week or two. I'm due a camping trip to the Murray Mallee around the same time so I'll have to work around that as well.

Depending on the date I could put up the camper trailer as o'night accomodation for those coming up from down south (or even up the road!!!), make a decent show of it, what ya reckon.

Oh, put together IIPA on Sundy, will pitch in the next few days hopefully.

I'm up for the later the better. As usual I'm disorganised and need more time to brew.

I notice I've moved up into the ranks for the IPA and belgian swap. Kinda missed when that happened, but thanks to whoever dropped out.

My RIS is down but I wasn't altogether sure about a slight funkiness at bottling (kinda hoping it'll mellow out). I'll try one in a week or two and if it's ***** I'll have to quickly re-commit some brewing time for an alternative.

Otherwise I should have a yeast cake for the belgian in the next week or two and the IPA I was going to leave for the last minute.
Tried my Belgian strong ale over the weekend.
Reasonably happy with it, only a couple of weeks in the bottle so the carbonation was pretty deal, but hopefully should be ready by Easter.

Gonna brew a NZ-style (I)IPA ASAP.
Holy crap! I've just spent all afternoon pondering my Foreign Extra Stout recipe. But now I realise the stouts are in with the barleywines in the second swap. I might brew one anyway and see which is better out of the stout and my barleywine.

So I guess Thursday will be Belgian Dark Strong Ale brewday.

My IIPA will be brewed closer to the swap day for freshness of hops.

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