Nsw Amateur Brewing Competition

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From my point of view I am absolutely satisfied with the way the comp was run and look forward to the comments in the mail. Thanks to HUB and all the judges, really appreciate it.
Cheers and thanks to all involved in running this competition.
For $7 per entry, it's worth it just for the feedback on the beer I entered.
I don't care if it takes a week or two or three to get the judging sheets back. It doesn't alter the result.

And to all the whingers, try to exercise some patience, get a life, move on, and show some appreciation for an organisation which really does it all on what is in reality a voluntary basis.
Cheers and thanks to all involved in running this competition.
For $7 per entry, it's worth it just for the feedback on the beer I entered.
I don't care if it takes a week or two or three to get the judging sheets back. It doesn't alter the result.

And to all the whingers, try to exercise some patience, get a life, move on, and show some appreciation for an organisation which really does it all on what is in reality a voluntary basis.

Too true.

Some people will remember I was in the thick of defending state and national championships a few years back - history repeats!

It's a NSW thing too - the problem with having a lot of brewers but few properly organised clubs. You got to just about beg for judges and stewards to come help - some will always make the effort but many people don't think / want to be there. I'm really peeved that I really wanted to be at both but other things took precedence. I'm really pissed off I wont be at the Nationals this year - my first absence in some 5 years. (But I am coming down for Club Night). I'm big enough to fill a small stadium, but even I can't be in two places at once.

Let's stop throwing the barbs and ******** around here. HUBs - champion effort. All take a bow. Castle Hillers - you know I love you all long time!

Good God, talk about an over-reaction! People are enquiring about the full results, there is no crime in that ! We are told time & again of the great sacrifices Bigfridge has made (by Bigfridge himself) and praise has been stated accordingly across many pages. Trying to assign blame for clerical delays on another city's judges non-attendance at short notice is poor form, and the woeful defensiveness does no justice to the future of the NSW amateur brewing.

Clearly those involved are doing what they can with present resources available, but you cannot begrudge entrants their anticipation.

Sour taste indeed, but maybe not from the same glass that you guys are drinking from.

Dear Jay Cee (can I call you J ?)

There is not much more that I or any other reasonable person can say, so I won't bother.

I will just add you to my list of prayers each night as you are obviously suffering greatly.

Currently I have my mother dying of cancer in Perth hospital, the treatment for my son suffering from anxiety and not able to leave the house and my 10 year battle with depression that affects my ability to work when life's pressures get too great - on my list. But there is still room for you.

I have seen the best of human nature demonstrated by the louder that you protest, the more posts and emails of support that I get from my mates and brewers unknown.

Perhaps you should consider giving up brewing if it causes you such distress.

No need to reply as I won't see it - welcome to my Kill File.

Youre a joke. Nobody is mention suffering, distress nor protesting anything. You have single handedly turned this into an unnecessary drama over something so small. Your behaviour in this thread is disgraceful.

I urge anyone following this thread to look for all of these so-called 'whinges' before taking the last few comments at face value, and you will determine that the woeful strains are from the North more than anywhere else. Clearly Bigfridge is manipulating the situation to cover for his own shortcomings.

People ask about the results > bigfridge gets cranky
People ask about the delays > bigfridge blames Sydney judges for not attending at four weeks notice

This is my last word on what Dave has made into a great woeful spectacle for NSW as a whole, and assigned himself as the poor martyr for the Hunter region. If youre representative of the NSW arm of BJCP representation, then I'm wiping my hands of the whole thing in future.

Thanks for everything, MATE.
And I have just requested a moderator suspend my access. I want nothing to do with this schoolyard BS and manipulative behaviour.

To the rest of the HB team, cheers. To the placegetters, hope you enjoy their prizes. Oh wait NSW was the only state who didnt bother organizing any. Despite being the richest comp in the nation, with the highest volume entry (2 bottles) recommended. Hope everyone gets their extra money back from the 'clerical error'.

Good Bye.
I happened over this thread (more a razor wire I might say) last night and kept uncharacteristically clamped.

One aspect we are particularly proud of is the Beer of Show evaluation where 2 BJCP Certified Professional brewers (Shawn and Keith) and an internationally qualified professional brewer who trains other brewers in flavour analysis (Geoff) spent 2 hours tasting and debating the merits of all the individual category winners to arrive at the eventual Champion beer. This takes a lot more effort than just taking the beer with the highiest score, but is well known to produce a far fairer result given the spread of scores assigned by the different judging panels.

I know (if not all well) Dave, Shawn , Keith and Geoff and have nothing but the highest respect for them, not only for their ability to brew the occassional decent beer but for their huge combined knowledge and the long term committments they have made to making brewing a better place, but that is not the primary point of this post.

Canberra Brewers are not better brewers than any other club, the ACT not better than than any other State, in fact looking at what some peoples rigs are most of us are back with the dinsaurs brewery wise. Canberra Brewers generally do very well in the Nationals.
Canberra Brewers do well because we take our local competitions seriously and our qualifying comp for the Nationals extremely seriously, yes we have a decent pool of judges but further our panels are chosen giving thought to subject matter experience, we want the best three beers to place, if it takes a bit longer to organise, a bit longer to conduct, a bit longer to QA, well sorry it will, its not a Sunday picnic with a few three legged races (all of which is great fun).

Well done HUB you given your comrades beers the time and respect they deserve..see you at the B and T !!!

Yup things don't change much around here - I have always been hopeless yet innocent folks keep sending me beer to judge :rolleyes:

But I do beleive that this point was answered ealier in the thread.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have an informed opinion either way because I've never been involved in the competition/judging scene.

I just love a good old fashioned **** slinging match and there's plenty round here.

One thing I will say, in the Hunter region we are blessed to have as many top brewers and associated people who are more than welcome to share their knowledge and time. :icon_cheers:
I'd like to add my input to the bitch-fest but can't be bothered, other than to state that I'm glad I was part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Cheers to HUB, however slow and shabby we may appear to the rest of the state, we have big hearts and broad shoulders.

I've never seen you look shabby ... ugly, bloody, but never shabby.

Us country folk gotta stick together!

from what i can gather from the comments here, there seems some sort of nasty history between sydney and hunter,tho why on earth is there a major comp in relatively the same period as the state comp anyhow...? i wouldve thought all would be working for the benefit of state comp, regardless of where its held?????
from what i can gather from the comments here, there seems some sort of nasty history between sydney and hunter,tho why on earth is there a major comp in relatively the same period as the state comp anyhow...? i wouldve thought all would be working for the benefit of state comp, regardless of where its held?????

All does seem unstable
All does seem unstable

Don't know why - personally I really like the Sydney mob and have had great times whenever we meet. Many of us go so far back that we feel like we hatched from the same clutch of dinosaur eggs.

Progress Report

I have gone back through the envelopes and found that 22 competitors used the entry form that had the $10 entry fee printed.

But unfortunately many entry forms are not properly filled out so we don't know if $10 or $7 were paid. Also a few competitiors rounded up their entry money eg 7 entries = $49 but $50 is paid with a '$1 tip' noted. This is balanced by the 1 or 2 entrants that forgot to enclose any entry fee at all.

The end result is that while the total entry fees returned is just about right (only out by a few dollars) there is probably a few entrants that have paid too much.

I will send an email to all these entrants to see what we owe them.

Keep it all. Surely no one would care about a couple dollars.

Hats off to you're diligence though.
Great stuff,looking forward to the feedback.
Thanks Dave.
Looking forward to the feedback prior to the re-brew for the nationals.
I have been without internet at home for some a couple of weeks now... Have they put on the net yet what everyone scored?
