Clearly we cant find a moderator when we need one your account is still open!
I did ask Batz (a moderator) to give me a 'time out' because I was pretty negative about Dave & Shawn's comments, but he said it was an admin request. Regardless, I'm still here, and I'm asking legitimate questions, because I do not understand the finer points of how this is panning out. People can say "Oh youre a f&&ing whinger" as much as they wish, but I'm querying matters relating to a comp that I entered. It's being done publicly firstly because I hope that others aren't going to miss out on a place due to administrative errors, and secondly because HUB have made this thread the official channel in which to communicate all aspects of the comp.
This is probably my fourth year of entering competitions, and I don't understand some of the details. Undoubtedly it would serve me well to steward next time 'round. I asked a question of Stuart Upton a few years ago as to why I placed lower than an award winner, and he took the time to explain it - I don't quite get it, but that's why we ask questions, right?
I think that flight might have had a third judge, personally I have always thought raw scoring was rather silly and that all results should be posted as percentage so in this case 105/150*100 or 70% or 35/50. I suspect #4 may have in fact have a score of 24.8/50 or 49.6% however you want to phrase it.
Yes, there were three judges for that flight, and the figure was not averaged out. I made my correct score evident in a thread earlier. As for raw scoring, Maybe, or maybe not a good idea. Whether it be one judge, multiplying by two, or three judges multiplying by 0.666 to determine an 'out of 100' score, I do think it's a solid system. I hadn't given it much thought until yesterday, and seeing the glaringly obvious 105 points. I knew where the error laid before I viewed the scoresheets.
Medals are decided on a score not a place, if all the beers in the flight were stunningly good and scored over 40/50, they might all be awarded a GOLD medals, but only one of them can get first place, beers scoring between 30-40 might be awarded a SILVER medal and so on, Im far from sure what the cut-off for the various divisions is, but thats a pretty common way to distribute medals in wine comps and the like.
What I don't understand is how a beer that ranked #15 scored a Bronze. The highest score in Category 17 (Farmhouse & Wild) was 81.5, and the lowest was 39 on a table of 20 entries. I'm not claiming to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm reluctant to accept a Bronze certificate for a beer that was on the bottom-end of the tally sheet.