If you place do you get into Nationals?
Yes, you are correct. More info & entry form available at the following link:
Good Luck !
If you place do you get into Nationals?
Hey Michael,
If you're interesting if having your "award winning" beer(s) on show at the Bitter & Twisted in November let us know. We'll have a stand there again this year and more than happy to have some more great beers on show!
Any answer to the post above ?
It's been two and a half weeks since the event was to have officially concluded, and there's no full results, nor scoresheets been dispatched.
By comparison, full results for Castle Hill were wrapped up on the same day. Is there a problem with something on the HUB side of things ?
If you would like to contact the organisers then you should use the details provided on the entry form as not may of them visit AHB these days.
Castle Hill had "190 entries all judged in just under a day and a half" thanks to probably having a dozen Sydney judges at a guess ?
NSW comp had 320 entries judged over 5 session due to only having 4 sydney judges/stewards.
Judging was completed a week ago, with all scoresheets sorted into addressed envelopes ready for mailing - certificates being printed this week and prize situation being double chcked due to complaints from last year.
Some competitors have now claimed that they paid the wrong amount and would like a refund, so all envelopes need to be opened to check who paid $10 so that the $3 refund can be organised before they are posted back. This has all delayed the finalisation of the comp. I was able to take a week's leave from work to help with the competition, but when it extended into a second week I had worrk and travel committments that only allow things to be finalised at weekends.
There have been many offers of asitance from the local brewing community, but help is most needed on the day to prevent clerical errors from occuring.
I can assure you that everyone associated with the comp has been doing their best and can only appologise if this has not been good enough.
at least you should acknowledge one point here. people have things planned out well in advance these days. Announce the comp dates earlier than one month before and you might get more people show up. personally i would of come up for a drive but had booked flights to new zealand back in march for that date.NSW comp had 320 entries judged over 5 session due to only having 4 sydney judges/stewards.
I think a good system now with the Internet would be to have entrants nominate what beers they are putting in say 3 weeks before closing date and then you will know how many beers you will have in plenty of time.
at least you should acknowledge one point here. people have things planned out well in advance these days. Announce the comp dates earlier than one month before and you might get more people show up. personally i would of come up for a drive but had booked flights to new zealand back in march for that date.
you keep making this point, how many judges for newcastle have we seen in Sydney the last couple of years for any of the other comps, including when the states was up here.
i can count them on one hand.
Sorry but it is not up to me to acknowledge anything about how the AABC is organised.
For as long as I can remember, the AABC has been held in October - which means that the state qualifying events are held in August to give entrants the time to re-brew any qualifying entries.
So it was always going to be difficult for you to assist as you had decided back in March to be out of the country during the 'comp season'.
I don't know about other years but I have certainly bought a car full down to judge at Castle Hill.
But from my perspective - the Castle Hill comp is a regional comp run by the Sydney brewers to benefit the brewers of the Sydney area.
The NSW state comp was run by the Hunter Brewers to benefit the brewers from the whole of the state - hence they needed the support of the whole state.
Ask not what the state comp has done for you - ask what you can do for the state comp.