I have finished my xmas case now, all bar Hopsta's GSA, but I think I will leave that one a little longer, more time cant hurt it, I believe I heard a few comments that it would get better with age? Anyway, here are my last few reviews
STICKLERS OLD - Slightly overcarbed on first pour, very dark colour. First sip tasted kinda metallic to me, for what reason though, I couldnt say. Nice body and mouthfeel to it. It tastes like it has a bit of roast barley in it, which I rarely use as I dont really like the flavour it imparts

. Apart from not quite being my cup of tea, I think that it is quite a good example of the "old" style (as in tooheys old, not Old Ale)
POL's VIENNA - Quite a lovely pourer. Nice amber colour, a little bit hazy. Quite malty and sweet up front and quite a firm bitterness. I think I could detect a bit of hop flavour in there, but little to no aroma. I have only had Negra Modelo to compare it to in style, so it is much paler than I was expecting from a vienna, but still a very nice beer. Well done.
BERTO'S WHEAT - Amber in colour, darker than I would expect for a wheat. Low head, but plenty of carbonation. Slightly astringent (?) nose, translates into a sour flavour in the beer that says "low level infection" to me, but I am not very well versed in wheat beers, so it could be the intended flavour. I know that some wheats are sour, so maybe this flavour is from lactobacillus, or something like that? Low-med body, and could be a very refreshing beer, but I had trouble getting past the sour flavour enough to fully enjoy the beer. I am assuming that was the intended flavour, though, as it certainly wasnt as overpowering as I would expect an infection to be
DUFF'S KOLSCH - Pale in colour, chill haze obvious. Good carbonation, nice pillowy head, fruity kinda nose. Very sweet and malty on the palate, but a very faint fruitiness (but I could be wrong). This is a very tasty beer and I am quite impressed with it.
TIM'S VIENNA - Low to medium carbonation, pale amber colour, and absolutely crystal clear. The clearest homebrew I think that I have ever come across, I can read my notes right through it! Very little to no hop aroma. Malty flavour with a reasonably firm bitterness, and some sort of bite that COULD be carbonation bite, but I am not sure, it feels tingly on the tongue and throat though. As with POL's effort, alot paler than Negra Modelo, but still quite nice. I dont know the style well enough to offer much advice, but for mine (and it is only my opinion), and would aim for a slightly higher FG for some more sweetness in there, though that could be out of style. Great beer to try though, thanks for sharing it.
STUSTER'S BITTER - Nice amber colour, with some chill haze. Good carbonation. Nice hop aroma, good firm bitterness and a good hop flavour. Nice clean yeast, it allows the malt and hops to both shine through, I thought this was an excellent beer, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the xmas case swap, and ESPECIALLY to those that organised it, did the "ferrying" and for the extra's. I cant wait for the next case swap, though we may have to start doing 2 cases of stubbies, cause it seems there are probably at least the same amount again that will want to be in the next one :beerbang:
All the best