Nsw 2007 X-mas Case Swap

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thats a shame doc

i was looking forward to trying one of your beers ;)

next time hey

thats the second swap i a row the doc has pulled out of , maybe its my beers that are puttin him off ....LOL
My beers are all good :p
Have had house guests for a month, and have found out when these ones are leaving new ones are arriving for prob a month as well.
As such the consumption of my stocks has increased and the opportunity to brew more had gone down.

no need to explain at all doc , everyone thats had one of your beers knows theyre good too , hence the fact that most were disappointed when you announced you couldnt take part in this swap and the last swap too...

Next time aint that far away anyway...
hopefully youll be all good to go then ...
Bugger me, now I'm excited. I should say thanks Doc for the opportunity to participate but I have the distinct feeling that my beer will be filling a hole way too big for it! :eek: . Never mind, in for a penny, in for a pound.

I'm gonna have to get my sh*t together now. Been thinking about moving forward my plans to go AG to make this my first AG brew but methinks this may be throwing caution to the wind.

So, some advice may be warranted here... Do I go for my favourite brew so far (ie the one I was happy to give to friends: Morgans dockside stout, 1kg dark crystal LME, 1kg dex 100g roasted barley & 12g goldings steeped, simple, but tasty) or do I go for the never tried never tested AG batch?

Bugger me, now I'm excited. I should say thanks Doc for the opportunity to participate but I have the distinct feeling that my beer will be filling a hole way too big for it! :eek: . Never mind, in for a penny, in for a pound.

I'm gonna have to get my sh*t together now. Been thinking about moving forward my plans to go AG to make this my first AG brew but methinks this may be throwing caution to the wind.

So, some advice may be warranted here... Do I go for my favourite brew so far (ie the one I was happy to give to friends: Morgans dockside stout, 1kg dark crystal LME, 1kg dex 100g roasted barley & 12g goldings steeped, simple, but tasty) or do I go for the never tried never tested AG batch?


I'd say go with a batch you've already made. It'll be fairly stressful getting a bigger batch ready for the case swap (a 23L batch will only just stretch to it, and I'd say doing slightly more is probably a good idea). Doing that for your first AG when you've never used your system, might have low efficiency etc etc is going to make life difficult. Plus, you won't get to really enjoy your own first AG batch. :D

Updated case list.

1. Steve - Belgian Strong Ale (Duvel style)
2. Stuster - Belgian Pale Ale (probably)
3. Fatgodzilla - possibly my first AG
4. Barramundi - Dunno Yet
5. Gulpa - Dunno either
6. nifty - not sure yet
7. KillerRx4 - Oatmeal stout
8. DK - Helles Bock
9. Steve (ACT) - Nelsons Bastard Ale
10. Brewer - Unsure as Yet
11. Punter- dont know yet.
12. Slurpdog - Beer?
13. floppinab - can I say I don't know yet !!!
14. Josh
15. Oblomov - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
16.HomeBrewWorld.com- Unsure atm
17.Beerslayer- Unsure atm
18. goatherder - Czech Dark Lager
19. Keith
20. Trent (who will kick my arse if I dont sign him up)
21. Thommo - no idea
22. Phrak - NFI
23. monkeybusiness
24. MVZoom - Koelsch perhaps?
25. Tony - Golden Fleece NZ IPA or "The Sheep Shagger" for short. tongue.gif
26. n00ch - No idea at the moment.
27. crozdog - NFI
28. redbeard - nfi2

1. Kabooby
2. Muggus
3. Peve
Monkey, like Stuster said, go with what you are comfortable with. I would be more than happy to try one of your tried and true recipes that you and your friends like. Go ag when you have time to enjoy it.


very quiet folks.... whats everyone brewing?

If the drop off is in early december there is only 2 months left.... not 3

Your right Tony !
Last time i made a American Pale Ale ( EzyBrew Micro Kit )
This time i might try brew a Ginger Beer, full strength but not over the top with the ginger.
Something refreshing and with bite for summer !

I put down my case brew on Sat.
Brewed this Oatmeal stout based on a Jamil Z recipie.

Now the hard part, to round up enough empty bottles.
I think I'll do another bitter of some sort. I'll have to pull the finger out and start planning.
I'll be making mine in the next few weeks. Any idea on a swap date yet?
Damn I didn't realise the December was so bloody close!
Maibock/Helles Bock going to be put down this weekend.
Bottled today (Belgian Dark Strong Ale). Should be a-ok around the swap date.
Your right Tony !
Last time i made a American Pale Ale ( EzyBrew Micro Kit )
This time i might try brew a Ginger Beer, full strength but not over the top with the ginger.
Something refreshing and with bite for summer !


That sounds tops.
My shoulder is on the mend. 6 more weeks in a sling then I will put down the Belgian Strong. So it may need to be in the bottle for a while prior to consumption.
Is there any system for getting all the beers in one place for the swap? My garage is available if we can get all the beers to Newcastle. Not sure where everyone is from though.

going to mash the Sheep Shagger tomorrow night, chill it down most of the wat (30 or so) and let it no chill the rest in the kettle till the next arvo and put it on yeast.

I can seal my kettle with a lid so should be good.

Just cracked 13.5 KG of grain..... mostly golden promise for the 1.072 beer.

God this grain cracks well and smells great. I was very impressed with the 5% beer i made with it... this will be a rippa. I hope ;)

here are some pics of the grist to wet your apetites and get you motivated.



Sorry guys, dropping out of this one.

I've got sweet FA time to brew and bottle a full batch between here and Xmas.

Was planning on doing a brew this weekend anyway.

Has a swap date been decided?

Kabooby :)
Put the G-Bock (Maibock) down last Sunday.
Got my first ever stuck sparge, now I know how bloody frustrating they are! Anywho, its quitely fermenting away at 12.

Bloody stuck sparge, causing me no end of stress and hassle, raubble rabble rabble, grumble grumble grumble....
