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i need to go drink at lecters again my brain needs a work out.

On a heavier note you need to ring the firies for any small fire as the first question that will be asked by your insurer or your landlords insurer is. Was the the fire brigade called? they need the report before they will act on any claim. +it keeps me in work.


edit: public service announcement included above

HAHAHA - I was actually reducing some sugars to add to a brew and got caught up in the 'love of the sound of my own voice' and had a slight boil over... my forestry instincts kicked in..."how to break the fire triangle?!"... the fuel was low so I let it burn out, easier than putting in a rakehoe line around the oven.
i need to go drink at lecters again my brain needs a work out.

On a heavier note you need to ring the firies for any small fire as the first question that will be asked by your insurer or your landlords insurer is. Was the the fire brigade called? they need the report before they will act on any claim. +it keeps me in work.


edit: public service announcement included above

That's sound advice.

So is this. If your garage gets broken into, but actually shows no sign of forced entry and you wish to make a claim under 'house and contents', get busy hurting that PA door before you call the police to come out and have a look and write on their notepad.
Police report + no sign of a jimmied door = zip payout.
Technicality's are a bitch.
The 'No topic' Thread, seems to have gained a topic...

I have nothing to say, just wanted to keep my post count up!

Dinosaurs. :p
I could still whinge about some aspects, but how good is the 2012 F1 GP compared to the last few years!

Dusty old JB absolutely dominated Spa qualifying like it was a gimp on smack. And the bloke I would probably be most happy to ever see a GP win, Kamikaze Kobayashi 2nd on the grid tomorrow. I know it is a stretch to see him possess the reliability to ever make it stick, but he is significantly closer than ever before.

And imperial IPA tastes good.

And Gotye programming Rage is criminal. There should be a reviving shoulder pad tax.
And I planted tomatoes two weeks ago. :p

The trade off seems to be that I get another three months of annihilating summer.
Didn't brew this weekend. Feel like I should apologise to my Brewmagic.
C/C'd my first brew from it though.
And I planted tomatoes two weeks ago. :p

The trade off seems to be that I get another three months of annihilating summer.
I will swap with you. I am 2 months off planting toms..2 months of winter left to go yet.
200-250 mm of rain predicted for Sept. Sometime I hate Tassie!!

Celebrated fathers day with family, friends and a BBQ. Lamb, crunchy cauliflower salad and beer was the order of the day for me.
Started at around one o'clock.
Finished my last bottle at about nine last night.
Fathers morning it aint..
Celebrated fathers day with family, friends and a BBQ. Lamb, crunchy cauliflower salad and beer was the order of the day for me.
Started at around one o'clock.
Finished my last bottle at about nine last night.
Fathers morning it aint..

I spent the day brewing. Kegged my Octoberfest and brewed a Czech pils. While drinking my brown ale.

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