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Not about February but my dry period should end March second. Planning on destroying Biero with the missus but we'll see.

As for the kitten, this ****** situation is even effecting my beloved cat, Biscuit. Said family member really is having a crack at ruining everything that is important to me.

[/vague Facebooking]
People who **** with your cat deserve everything they get.

Good luck with it (and getting through till March)
Tastier? You're doing something wrong.

Nothing pre-made is tastier than something you (well, I anyway) can do your(my)self.

That includes fancy restaurant food too. I may be too lazy to make it, but could still do it better. A bit subjective perhaps, but most people don't seem to like flavor, and chefs cook to that standard.

Same. Had a pretty ****** year so far due to the exploits of one family member. It looks as though the difficult situation may come to and end at the end of the week and, if so, she'll be told to consider me dead as I will her.

But the supermarket ones smell amazing while you're walking around the deli section. Bland as **** when you get them home though.

As for the beer can method - quarter up a couple of lemons instead and you're way in front.
Yeah I did the lemon wedges. Look it was nice and tender, just a bit bland.
Got some leftovers in a salad today, so hopefully the flavours just need time to meld.
I still like the woolies chooks though.
SWMBO was talking with one of her old school friends last week, she was complaining(or boasting) that her husband collects pinball machines, and recently sent one interstate for an overhaul that is costing a few thousand.
I don't know how she thought that I spent a lot on brewing, as I'm doing it the cheapskate way (and completely envious of everyone here with big brewrigs ;) ) but this has given me more ammunition for future purchases.... yet another win for homebrewing. :lol:
Neither. She was farting a lot when we were trying to think of a name and I called her "air biscuit".

True story.
Harringtons ESB last night, bloody awesome. Here is a pic of what the shelf in the supermarket looked like.


And craft beer is so cheap here, a LC equivalent beer would be 12-13 kiwi pesos in the supermarket, guessing even cheaper in a liquor store and I've been buyin in tourist towns and out in the woods where in Australia you'd be lucky to get anything other than vb and xxxx and maybe coopers.
Liiks like a newworld supermarket. Fkn awsone isnt it
29th Feb! Febfast see you later! piss on tonight fo' sure!
Smoked almonds, I love you in ways words can't describe. If only schlenkerla were more readily available down here........
Looks like my micromatic regulator is working again following a service and replacement of the seals. Thankyou Jebus!

Win!!!! :icon_cheers:
30 minutes in line for fuel at 9pm. The end of the world is upon us, people. Jerry cans coming out of people's arses.
love the scare tatics of 1.50 fuel. still playing a 1.37 down here :)
There's every possibility that the next 24 - 48 hours will see my neighbours and I isolated from convenience by way of flooding. If the Hawkesbury hits 15m, it's around a 3 day wait according to some older locals who've been there, done that.
The first thing I thought of was to ensure my beer supply was sound. The weight of the one remaining keg means I need to bolster supplies.
Funny how a man's mind works at times..
love the scare tatics of 1.50 fuel. still playing a 1.37 down here :)

I have been paying $1.52 for fuel for the past 3 months. Should stay like that for at least another week. Servo worker can't be ****** changing the sign.
There's every possibility that the next 24 - 48 hours will see my neighbours and I isolated from convenience by way of flooding. If the Hawkesbury hits 15m, it's around a 3 day wait according to some older locals who've been there, done that.
The first thing I thought of was to ensure my beer supply was sound. The weight of the one remaining keg means I need to bolster supplies.
Funny how a man's mind works at times..

Hoping all our brewing brothers and sisters are safe and well stocked in beers during this next round of floods!

You could get a low OG bitter down today, big pitch of 1469 yeast and be drinking it inside 5 days worst case mate!!!
Best of luck with it, Dave (and anyone else liekly to be effected.

Trying hard not to post about speedie in that thread where the guy is asking for advice on setting up a 400L rig.