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Just chucked in some Galaxy and Simcoe.

The smell is worth it.
Hey I did that yesterday. Thank god I live in QLD where the temperatures are more civilised. For the moment at least.
Whose ******* idea was it to do a boil in 38 degree weather?
Pfft. Pussy.


And that's the temperature at 5:30. I transferred my mild ale into the cube around 2:30 after a 60 minute boil. Put a thermometer on the table with the snacks in the shade and measured 42C. I think there's a hammock in the shade next to my porta-keg calling my name...

43C in Adelaide the next 2 days... That should be fun.
I'm not gonna say that 4+0 isn't hard going (it is) but let's just have a quick squiz at the relative humidity for a minute. I'd rather do 42 at 12% than 38 at 55%.
I'm not gonna say that 4+0 isn't hard going (it is) but let's just have a quick squiz at the relative humidity for a minute. I'd rather do 42 at 12% than 38 at 55%.
Your complaint wasn't that it was hot and humid... it was that it was hot.

I can't stand humid heat - give me Adelaide's dry heat any day.
I was meant to be taking demon child out to a concert in Hyde Park this afternoon........In this heat, I'm not taking her anywhere that isn't cooler than here.

This was a good choice.

Just not one I made. :angry:
43C in Adelaide the next 2 days... That should be fun.

Yay... doesn't my job just know how to perfectly time when I should be in Whyalla... NOT

ahh well... back in Adelaide Thursday arvo, anyone know if the Brewboys will be open?
For some inexplicable reason, 7two is repeating the 1985 VFL Grand Final. Just saw a dude punch (PUNCH!) another dude in the head, off ball, and there was no whistle. Very different game in those days.
Few years ago my mother in law was round helping out with stuff and me and her sat down and watched a Carlton game on FOX. Cant remember who they were playing but it was the best bloody game we'd ever seen. Shes an avid Carlton fan and im kind of a fan by proxy. Carlton absolutely smashed the other team. We were yelling and jumping at the TV. It was sensational. So much so she was calling people afterwards to say did you just see Carlton? That'll help them get up the ladder etc etc. No-one else had watched it. Turned out it was one of those FOX classic games from a couple of years earlier. We laughed. Guess you had to be there.
Has anyone else been seeing the hot cross bun and easter eggs out in the supermarkets already?

Does anyone else get as pissed off at this shit as I do?

Where's Renegade when you need him?
Has anyone else been seeing the hot cross bun and easter eggs out in the supermarkets already?

Does anyone else get as pissed off at this shit as I do?

Where's Renegade when you need him?

I know I havnt even taken my xmas tree down yet!
Has anyone else been seeing the hot cross bun and easter eggs out in the supermarkets already?
You think that's early? - those are already out on display for next year.

The sad part - people will start buying them, freezing hot-cross buns to save $0.03.
As long as people don't start with the 'they come out earlier every year' nonsense. It all starts being sold at the same date each year, people.
I dunno, the big supermarkets have felt the need to go on talkback radio here in Melbs defending the early sale citing "customer demand". Which, as my near elderly mother points out, is "bullshit".