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Will a dealer let me buy a bike without having to produce a cycle license ?
Tony, that was a bit of a low blow. Just because I am not 'up to speed' with current laws concerning learner-riders regulations doeesnt mean I'm out of touch with reality overall. ****, I could ask a dozen mates who are long-term bikers, and none of them would know the current regulations either.

:lol: was fishing for a bite and got one :p

i guess our warped sence's of humor clash.

Just had a hot wort shower.

Worked out why more people don't do 23l batches on kitchen stovetops.
Ren its good to see that after you told us you are Iranian you have changed your pic from Saddam to the Ayatollah.

P.S. Hope you have a super birthday the other day. Did you do anything special?
Little fella is havin' a snooze, so I've busted out the G'tar and jammin' to Soundgarden's Louder Than Love. Couldn't be a better day I reckon, kegged an APA as well, might even get another brew down before the days end.
I have decided to come out of the closet and admit I am gay! :)

Gay as gay can be.

So gay that even gay people shy from my gayness.


I'm guessing Chappo is over at Sully's place today, and Sully's gone for a dump without turning his computer off...

I have decided to come out of the closet and admit I am gay! :)

Gay as gay can be.

So gay that even gay people shy from my gayness.



WarmBeer gets the prize...

AND Sully is clueless I have done this BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
*using best New Zealand accent*

Chappo, stop being sully.
I really need to talk to you about proper baiting techniques and general fishing tactics.
Wow. I honestly thought it would be harder to troll a troll... I guess the force isn't so strong with this one.
was fishing for a bite and got one

You lot fail to understand that when you address a person, he/she will respond. Especially if they are as passionate about human interaction as I am. None of you have baited me with anything, you have simply made statements in which I responded to. The 'idiot factor' of Tony & Chappo (and their retarded love children CM2 & Katie) I can forgive, because I possess a modicum of empathy for poor skookin'(k) in our society. Hopefully my occasional words might bring hope to the empty cans. Qu-Bert's shot in the barrel is a bit more complex.

There's a lot of unfounded self-congratulatory back slapping going on here when it comes to inciting a reaction from moi. Whilst it's all rather whimsically droll, the snide schoolboy comments hardly warrant a catcher's trophy. That's the worm that makes me bite. Nothing prior. The sense of deservedness is what rocks my little tin dinghy. Perhaps the bait is "oh I've caught that wriggly fish Renegade". Make no mistake, I'll shit in your esky before you chop my head off.

Hope you have a super birthday the other day. Did you do anything special?
See post #1302. I now know that I am not Jermaine Jackson. Or Greer. If I was, I would spell my name with a G. Sort of weird saying "Genegade" though. Or "Gtu". Or "Gay-Son". (yea, I wont let you lot have that one).
Ren its good to see that after you told us you are Iranian you have changed your pic from Saddam to the Ayatollah.

I did NOT say I was Iranian, I said I was of Iranian heritage. Just as you might be some convict Mick if we burrowed into the rotted roots of your family tree. I'm dinky-bloody-di (whatever that means). Got me first root in a holden ute and all! Quite frankly (if I may be Frank for a moment) you strike me as a little bit of a xenophobe, Steve.

As far as the Saddam image is concerned, I have respect for him, as I do for all great leaders. Under his rule, the Iraqi people had free health care, better than here, the poor were not taxed. Invaders were kept at bay for a while, so he protected his people. Don't talk to me about the genocide against the Kurdish if you have EVER drank a German beer and not felt the pain of a million gassed Jews (citations needed)

I don't care that Iran & Iraq were once at war, because the truth is that the game was a shifting of pawns by a far bigger superpower.

Chappo has an avatar of Ned Kelly, who contributed NOTHING to Australian society, nor is his legacy rippled through modern society - but helmet-head Ned stands in high regard as some sort of ******* national hero. For what ? Being a criminal, a cop killer & an outlaw. Woo bloody hoo for Ned Kelly. Do you people now how many bogans get Ned tattoos ? It's disgraceful.

Should I bring back the Obama Osama Bin Laden photo?

This from the bloke who used the word "converter" rather than "convert" on the last page!

If one brews, they are a brewer.
One who smokes is a smoker
Jermaine Jackson is a converter to Islam.

The rules of language change sometimes. Here's a puzzle.....

Wendy plays the trombone, she is a trombonist.
Steve drive race cars... what do we call him?

A bloody good bloke, is what.

As an aside, I just spend 6 ******* hours brewing today. I really need a manservant.

Yea, manservant.
I'll have to inform my wife that I am now happy to be called 'sexist'.