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panspermian said:
Watching new Star Trek tonight.
I love my sci fi but it ***** me no end, Captain Kirk hurtling towards a destination and he's given coordinates.!

Yeah I prob had a few, but **** eh, coordinates are from a fixed position on Earth. If in space how can you get a fixed coordinate????

I prob could have explained myself clearer without a few under my belt but I'm sure you guys know what I mean.
The coordinates are from a fixed position on Earth. The computer would then compensate concerning the position of the vessel to give a correct reading to the navigation system. Just ask Data, he can explain it better.

Edit. And of course it would take in to account the movement of the Stellar bodies.
The first time is forever
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The first time is forever

Thats currently the soundtrack in my house. From dawn to dusk.
If you have a daughter around three, you'll probably understand.
Dave70, you clearly need to listen to it more. It's the first time IN forever. Looks like it'll take you a year to get all the lyrics. Good luck.
Do you want to build a snowman?
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Well I'm glad you mentioned those lines (paraphrased or otherwise) because I didn't have an annoying tune playing itself in my head at work today.
At least the young blokes version - Do you want to build a poo-man - makes for a welcome digression.
I was using my cooling water from brewing to water my bananas and veges tonight, when I saw something move just off in the dark. It was a joey that often stops by with it's mum, in my yard or the block next to me. Mum was there too, but she didn't care at all- looked up but then kept munching away. This was only 7-8m from me. It's cool seeing nature up close, and realising they (mum) don't see me as a threat at all.

The GF called me tonight saying she locked her keys in the car and asked me me to bring her spare set. After a few HBs I wasn't sure whether to drive or not, so played it safe and jumped on the Treadly and rode half way across the inner North of Adelaide. Got there and she was sitting in the the car.

"Thought you locked yourself out?"
"Yeah, keys are in the Boot."
"You're in a hatch, you could fold the seat down and get them."

Without a word I handed her the key and took the long way home. On that ride I was happy I didn't say anything about pulling the lever for the hatch.

Happy wife, happy life.
Dave70 said:
At least the young blokes version - Do you want to build a poo-man - makes for a welcome digression.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1445119557.081094.jpg
Best ******* motorbike race I've seen in longer than I can remember.
Marquez's talent seems to be matched only by the size of his gonads.
Still shaking.
Red Baron said:
I was using my cooling water from brewing to water my bananas and veges tonight, when I saw something move just off in the dark. It was a joey that often stops by with it's mum, in my yard or the block next to me. Mum was there too, but she didn't care at all- looked up but then kept munching away. This was only 7-8m from me. It's cool seeing nature up close, and realising they (mum) don't see me as a threat at all.

Half your luck. Shitloads of wallabies (they're not kangaroos Tasmania....) around as per usual with the odd echidna, but all I'm seeing is the snakes 'round mine. Lots and lots of snakes.
jlm said:
Half your luck. Shitloads of wallabies (they're not kangaroos Tasmania....) around as per usual with the odd echidna, but all I'm seeing is the snakes 'round mine. Lots and lots of snakes.
Hmmmm, seems like it could be a sloppy grain storage problem that's attracting the rats that's attracting the snakes to the house that Jim built :D
Hells no. No rats round here, it's all the frogs in the dam that the snakes are eating. But they're hanging a bit too close to the house (well, its a shed really,) for my liking..... Neighbours also have a small dam hard up on the fence line about 50m from shed/house which doesn't help.

Have to to some brush cutting around the shed/house during the week. Can't wait.
Could you make something that puts out smoke through some slotted pipe around your shed so they'll think there's a bush fire on the way and move over to the neighbours place?

Most snakes don't like noise so making some as you move around usually has them heading away from you. Are they a dangerous species, or could you learn to coexist with them? :lol: I love snakes but unfortunatly my other half has never let me keep one as a pet. Personally I reckon they've been trying to make friends with you by keeping rats away from your precious grain stockpile, that's why you haven't seen any :)

The very best way to keep them away from where you are though is to make sure there's nothing in your yard attractive for them to hide in or under, such as old cars, roofing iron, and wood piles.