What if you called it dinner?
We had chooks, great for eggs, but I got sick of them shitting everywhere so I gave them to my granny as she had a massive chook yard. A dog got in and ate all her chooks except for Martha, one of the chickens we gave her.
When I was a kid we grew our own chooks and ate them. Looking back the old girl was a bit harsh, the chopping block was in direct view of the chook yard. I'd get home from school and the old concrete laundry tubs were full of hot water and chooks. Usually a couple of eggs in a glass in the fridge, she wouldn't waste the eggs that didn't quite have a shell yet.
Uncle had a farm so also learnt early where meat came from.
To answer your question, no I could not eat my pets. We have a large area at work that I could grow some cows in but I just can't bring myself to do it.