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Bargain!!! Shame they only had 3. Perfect size for beer tasting with friends.

Was just cleaning up after bottling a northern brown ale when my better half came home and complained that "the house smelt like a brewery" to which I replied "Awesome" I don't think she was impressed, I was quietly pleased though.
Burnt my tongue because dinner was too hot. Now my home brew tastes different.
I just loled

Went to Indian grocery store today, scored awesome mash paddle. Shopkeeper asked if I was sure I wanted it :p
so pissed off!

travelling to wellington today via sydney. of course the plane leaving Brisbane had to have some technical isssues so i missed the connecting flight by five minutes.

Now on a room/lunch/dinner package at the rydges sponsored by qantas and waiting for my flight out tonight. What a waste of a holiday day.

Funny thing is, i departed from the international terminal in bris and therefore had already 'checked out of australia', but then had to get back into the country to get to the hotel. took immigration 40 minutes to figure out how to book that in their systems, wasn't allowed to go anywhere til they got it sorted.
felt a bit like eddy.
Don't worry too much...crap day here in Welly town today.
Your lucky you where not on a boat ..... Your holiday may have included an all expenses paid trip to PNG
Finally on plane again, leaving Australia for the second time today.
This Slide Show is just ****. 40min in and we've seen one slide set, and then 30min of stupid party games & charades.
Cleaned house top to bottom come home from school and decide to eat dried noodles in front of carpet is covered in dry noodles......why do I bother
petesbrew said:
This Slide Show is just ****. 40min in and we've seen one slide set, and then 30min of stupid party games & charades.
Absolute crap (the show, not your comment). Wonder how long it'll last.
thedragon said:
Absolute crap (the show, not your comment). Wonder how long it'll last.
Don't worry, mate. I was expecting a right flaming for posting it.

The TWO tilting the set skits were stupidly funny, but it's gonna get canned pretty quickly IMO.
Blue Vein & Bacon Pizza from Dominos.
For a Domino's pizza it was pretty bloody awesome, but wow my breath smelt like an empty skip bin.
Why does a 500mL bottle of sam smith's taddy porter cost $25 at de ja vu?
Why did the top part of my front brick fence just collapse?
duvel or rodenbach ? am leaning towards duvel but either means I gotta get up and walk to fridge ...

hmm could text mrs to fetch both B)