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Had to re-read that last line. I thought it said "each time I wake up".
bullsneck said:
So I have found out that 'please' in Dutch is not 'astublieft' while holidaying in Belgium.

Google translate it.
Yup, it's actually "alst U blieft", but spoken as if it's one word. Literally "if you please".
Hope you are having a great time sampling those magnificent Belgian beers.
Canberra: enjoyed the Wig and Pen, enjoyed the Phoenix (great little live venue and tooheys old on tap always makes me giggle), enjoyed the National gallery and Turner exhibition, enjoyed the little asian taxi driver who made me sing Europe's final countdown with him because he insisted I was a famous rockstar due to my hat, beard and tatts (although this might have been a ploy as he seemed to have the song cued up on the cd player ready to go).

Didn't enjoy the bloating, reflux and diarrhoea so much, but I guess you can't have everything.
Turner is straight gangsta son!
Nice story.
I am going to AGWA tomorrow, it is like modern art's greatest hits.
Lecterfan said:
Canberra: enjoyed the Wig and Pen, enjoyed the Phoenix (great little live venue and tooheys old on tap always makes me giggle), enjoyed the National gallery and Turner exhibition, enjoyed the little asian taxi driver who made me sing Europe's final countdown with him because he insisted I was a famous rockstar due to my hat, beard and tatts (although this might have been a ploy as he seemed to have the song cued up on the cd player ready to go).

Didn't enjoy the bloating, reflux and diarrhoea so much, but I guess you can't have everything.
But you'll enjoy the swap tomorrow right?
Nah sorry chief, had to back away from the Cockatoo extravaganza, I passed my apologies onto breakbeer earlier in the week.
Felt a certain amount of irony today watching a guy with a 'Sons of Anarchy' shirt take a number at the supermarket deli.

Thought it was actually quite conformist.
kevo said:
Felt a certain amount of irony today watching a guy with a 'Sons of Anarchy' shirt take a number at the supermarket deli.

Thought it was actually quite conformist.
That made my day. :D
A conforming anarchist......bit like John Lydon standing in line at a Bieber concert
I have to stay awake for a bit to delay my sleep cycle for shift change. I thought I was a genius when I pulled an espresso shot into a cold heavy mug to maximise heat loss, transferred it into a pint glass and began pouring a bottle of Zywiec porter on top... you know, it will be kinda like a Kahlua.

So it instantly turns into this cup of turgid, gelatinous foam.

It is slowly turning back to flat coffee beer for me to taste. I have no more bottles of this, so I can't repeat the experiment adding the coffee after pouring the beer.

ED: Def won't work the other way because I added the remainder of the bottle and it instantly went to foam again and looked like a nitro pour settling with the beer visibly cascading through the bubbles.
Tip @ 1:41 - ********. I'm convinced you need to relax the hip flexors to do a quality, bladder emptying wee. The best I can manage is treading water or maby a casual breast stroke.
Over consumption of B group vitamins and Vegemite can also be a trap for new players.

Otherwise, sound advice.
Well it went from 4 posts to 16. Wonder how long the next one will last?