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Just got a new 2TB drive along with new MB, CPU, RAM and GFX. I need to repartition my old 2TB drive to install the OS so I decided to format the new one first (it's a slower 5400 so I don't want to make it a boot drive). Well ~2 hours in my graphics drivers on the current PC have crashed (AGAIN!) but it's still running, just not displaying anything. Problem is, I have no idea how much longer it's going to take. A quick google suggests up to 7 hours total! Looks like I'm in for a long night and only the wife's shitbox to keep me company. :S
aah, gotta love technology.
snip... Well ~2 hours in my graphics drivers on the current PC have crashed (AGAIN!)
Nvidia crash?... i get that all the fecken time. It's a major pain in the arse, which i haven't fully resolved yet
Synthetase, its probably a little late now but I'd recommend the GParted LiveCD for that sort of process as it is just brilliant (and free!), plus its robust enough that it shouldn't be affected by those display issues affecting the host OS, at least AFAICT.
I can't believe how ridiculously excited I still get when formulating recipes.
Gotta love having backup dried yeasts, when your liquid starter smells like rotting vegetables. I always keep a couple handy.
First time in close to 2 years i've not had any cubes waiting. :( No time for brewing. Might have to get me some of those award winning FWKs.
Got up this morning a checked my starter of 005, nice thin layer of krausen, cool, but then my joy turns to horror, theres a small leaf floating in there,
have a bottle of US05 slurry in the fridge but resist the urge and order another vile from the LBS, (cause I was excited about trying this yeast).
So I sit here today and I ask myself, just how the **** did that happen Michael?, you ******* *******
kids came home the other day with purple mouths & fingers. The inlaws mulberry tree is full of fruit.
The brewing part of my mind instantly clicked into gear... thinking of a mulberry lambic...
Don't worry Mikedub, you're not alone. I just checked a 1469 starter and there was a bloody vinegar fly in it ( :angry: definitely rooted), even though there's a screwed lid on the Schott bottle plus cling film and a rubber band over it. Some things you just have to write off as experience, no biggie, just dust yourself off, get back up and stuck into it again. :icon_cheers:
Had the same thing happen some months back with a US-05 slurry I left sitting in the fermenter with the lid screwed on for an hour or so after bottling before scooping some out to re-pitch. I left the bloody airlock out and a fly got in there, found him swimming around went I went to scoop some slurry out. Damn!
wyeast 1318, where have you been all my life? Three beers in - an ordinary bitter, special bitter and a monster old ale, all well attenuated (well the old is about two thirds of the way there and I am not shy in giving english yeasts a good wake up call for the first 2-3 days of fermentation), massive top crop krausen, fantastic aroma and taste. I officially declare it to be my new go-to yeast for all english beers (with 1084 for the drier reds and darks).
Got a call from a mate I use to work for this morning.
Seems that his 3rd year apprentice, who just returned from two weeks holiday, no longer want's his job, and sent him a SMS to that effect..

Yes. A ******* text message.

What sort of a weak c**t treats a bloke who gave him a job, took the time to train him into a skilled worker in that fashion?
I've know the bloke over twenty years, and he's always been tolerant, respectful and even handed with his employees.

Things like that really **** the **** out of me.
Got a call from a mate I use to work for this morning.
Seems that his 3rd year apprentice, who just returned from two weeks holiday, no longer want's his job, and sent him a SMS to that effect..

Yes. A ******* text message.

What sort of a weak c**t treats a bloke who gave him a job, took the time to train him into a skilled worker in that fashion?
I've know the bloke over twenty years, and he's always been tolerant, respectful and even handed with his employees.

Things like that really **** the **** out of me.
And I bet he'll have the nerve to ask for a reference.
Yeah that's pretty ******' low man, if he didn't want to give him 2 weeks notice the least he could have done is front up and explain why, in person.
Ah dammit! My flatbed scanner just died... why?!?!?
Maybe it's time to get that 3 in 1 copier. (but that's what work is for right?)
Well things are really going to the pack in Greenland - getting to look more like Morayfield every day

BRB, just going to look at my Tempmate holding 10c in the garage for the 11th time today.

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