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Funniest thing I have seen on a menu in Cambodia was Pepsi Crap! I ordered but they didnt have it. Actually the menu was huge but they only had one thing which was fried noodles!
As promised.

See No.7

See No.1

Bun Bo Hue!

Table Sharing!
No TV!

Projector light finally died! Oh the Humanity! Going quite crazy already - only been an hour.

Cant really complain, when the message came up a few years back to replace the light, I just reset the timer, then a year ago when it came up again, I just reset the 3000hr timer again. Now it has actually died after about 8000 hours. Now to figure out if a new HD projector is more important than new brewery. Nah, will just get a new light.

No TV makes Bandito go something something.

Incase your wondering why a projector rather than a normal tv. Here is what it was like late in 2007 - now in a new place it is even wider. Watching a movie or playing a game on it from the pc was mad!

BOOOO Mods for closing the cheeky bugger thread, i was in the middle posting another witty comment about pads being sold and people getting theirt panties in a bunch. ;)

oh well it lasted longer than i thought it would.

so who cbf today? *puts hand up*

edit: bandito, in the pitcture above are you trying to pretend your a PC? lol. love the size of the projector.
havent tasted it carbed yet. i was quite happy with the profile the W1084 Irish gave it. basicly my intial thoughts were that it was a slightly muted english ale. which is well kinda what a partigyle with that malt and hop profile would taste like. probably also explains why Dave wasnt happy with it and dry hopped it with more hops

As a historic method of brewing i can see why you would do it, you get 2 beers out of 1 batch of grain (ok we touched up the grain bill a bit, but basicly the same method). I would definitely do a partigyle again, next time i brew i high grav beer. im thinking a high grav belgian partigyle and trating it like a light alc blonde (providing grain bill is suitable).

what are your thoughts?

Do your homework boy!

Was all motivated before I got in...then...
oh yeah that. economics exam friday. Im sure Daniel is as wrapped as i am about it. 8:30am start, closed book. that blows
The only thing that made me laugh was when he said that Donna Hay stole fultons recipe... Really theres not much to a pav.... egg white, suger, vinegar, vanilla ... whats there to steal?

Yeah yeah... But when it's word for word... Pffft... So I don't like Donna Hay, meh!

Nice Pav too, Katie, but I'd have to taste it to even give it any creedence of being in the same league as mine... <_<
I'll be a dad for the second time in the next few days, whoohoo. Poor little bugger doesn't know what he's in for
BOOOO Mods for closing the cheeky bugger thread, i was in the middle posting another witty comment about pads being sold and people getting theirt panties in a bunch. ;)

oh well it lasted longer than i thought it would.

The only beer related thread ive posted on all year and it gets deleted! bah!

Yeah yeah... But when it's word for word... Pffft... So I don't like Donna Hay, meh!

Nice Pav too, Katie, but I'd have to taste it to even give it any creedence of being in the same league as mine... <_<

Yeah I cant stand her either, I get disappointed everytime Ive purchased her Mag which is twice...

Your pav rocked but we didnt see the middle but you can see it was perfect no oozing.... its all about the temp of cooking.

People line up for my pav... lasts about 1 minute at work. Try balsamic, basil strawberries on top... I never put banana on my pav to sweet! Im going to make a chocolate one soon.

I'll be a dad for the second time in the next few days, whoohoo. Poor little bugger doesn't know what he's in for

Ham, tomato, lettuce, seeded mustard & gruyere cheese on dark rye.

Yum Sandwich. Wish I made two!

I love Gruyere.
i had ham and jarlseberg yesterday. it rocked immensly.
As a historic method of brewing i can see why you would do it, you get 2 beers out of 1 batch of grain (ok we touched up the grain bill a bit, but basicly the same method). I would definitely do a partigyle again, next time i brew i high grav beer. im thinking a high grav belgian partigyle and trating it like a light alc blonde (providing grain bill is suitable).

what are your thoughts?

Sounds good to me mate, if oyu are doing something like a Trippel it would go down super! Add a little carapils or caramalt before the sparge and you are away. A little suggaz in the boil will add any additional alcohol as you require. Sweeeet! :icon_cheers:

Hey Katie... Like the Bun Bo Hue pics?! Oh and the Sea CRAP spring roll! :icon_drool2:
Sounds good to me mate, if oyu are doing something like a Trippel it would go down super! Add a little carapils or caramalt before the sparge and you are away. A little suggaz in the boil will add any additional alcohol as you require. Sweeeet! :icon_cheers:

Hey Katie... Like the Bun Bo Hue pics?! Oh and the Sea CRAP spring roll! :icon_drool2:

yeah.... the one I had in Vietnam was redder.... there is a place in perth Phi Yen they make a great one!.... Had a really bad one in Melbourne but that was my fault! My x had the broken rice and pork chop and that was crap also! Was the person sharing your table eating the same thing? I want to go back to Vietnam! But with my mortgage its looking far off!

I wonder is Sea Crap is anything like Pepsi Crap. Do you think they mean CRAB?
HB79 - congrats man. our eldest (3yrs) keeps asking for a brother. she already has a sister to torment why does she need another one!

4* - yeah i was thinking a golden triple then making the partigyle from that. sort of like a leffe blonde light (if thats basterdising enough styles!)

so what are thoughts on the partigyle we made?
People line up for my pav... lasts about 1 minute at work. Try balsamic, basil strawberries on top... I never put banana on my pav to sweet! Im going to make a chocolate one soon.

Come on... a pav has strawberries and passionfruit on top. If you are posh you can throw in some kiwi fruit as well.

Anything else is just un-Australian. Or just showing off.