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Shit. The Schlenkerla is making the extract APA I'm drinking now taste like glue. I quite liked it previously. I should go get some VB or something to make it look better.
Lapsang souchong one of my favourites
Finally, some tea drinkers who would understand! :D

Just about everyone who samples my favourite blend (1/4 Darjeeling, 1/4 Earl Grey, 1/2 Lapsang Souchong) thinks I'm just a freak.
Them: "Ohh- tastes smoky, don't like it. How can you drink that?"
Me: "Well duh, never tasted LS before perhaps?" :rolleyes:

My Scottish relatives put me on to the blend, they used to get the real stuff from a merchant in Dundee, fantastic for breakfast with multigrain bread toasted on the Aga, loads of butter and marmalade or rasp jam. :icon_drool2:
Lapsong Souchong is one of my favourites, along with Yunnan and Russian Caravan.

When I was still working, people used to walk into the kitchen when I was brewing it, and inevitably asked "why does it smell like a bushfire in here?"
Corey Haim dead at 38.

Reckon I'll have to rewatch The Goonies & The Lost Boys dvds in his honour.
Ive being given 2 frozen crayfish.... How is the best way to defrost and clean? I know a foodie asking that but never had much experience with crayfish!
Ive being given 2 frozen crayfish.... How is the best way to defrost and clean? I know a foodie asking that but never had much experience with crayfish!

Frozen cooked or raw?
Frozen raw.

I want to put them on the bbq with a simple garlic, parsley butter!

I'd be tempted to chuck them in a pot of boiling water to thaw out and cook then split in half, clean then quickly throw on the bbq to brown up....

Otherwise you could thaw at room temp, split in half and cook on the bbq.

Either would work. The boil method would be quicker.

1 month today of being nicotine free. If you ever want to quit go to your doctors and ask for Champix. Seriously like flicking a switch. 28 years of smoking and drinking beer and thinking yeah thats nice is now replaced with a full on mouth explosion of taste sensations. Its so full on I dont think I like APAs anymore :(
1 month today of being nicotine free. If you ever want to quit go to your doctors and ask for Champix. Seriously like flicking a switch. 28 years of smoking and drinking beer and thinking yeah thats nice is now replaced with a full on mouth explosion of taste sensations. Its so full on I dont think I like APAs anymore :(

I want an explosion of taste :(
Nigh on 2 years for me....

That said, last Friday night we went out for a bit of a pub crawl with an old mate of ours (he is an on again off again smoker), being half tanked and child free for the evening I found myself suddenly smoking again while we were at the pub.....

Woke up the next morning and went the the Tattoo Expo, didn't feel like a smoke at all and still don't.

I think I've found a comfortable spot with smoking, I get zero urges other than times when we go out as a child free couple hitting the town, which probably only happens 2-3 times a year, I'm comfortable smoking on those odd occasions.

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