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I have no sympath for clarke, good cricketer, but a complete f**kwit
they recon brendan fevola released a nude pic of lara bingle that he took on his phone. story here.

a lot of hype about nothing.
well our great leader Krudd has released his great health reforma plan which pushes Victoria 10 years backwards to use anitquated sustems that we have already cast off because they dont work.

fantastic Krudd. thanks.
I gave a guy at work a couple of long necks of a lager I brewed ages ago. He just came up to me right now and said it's the best home brew he has ever drank. It's only taken him 4 months to try it!

His deverstated to find out they were collector items and that I no longer brew!
Heeeeyy good lookin'

I gave a guy at work a couple of long necks of a lager I brewed ages ago. He just came up to me right now and said it's the best home brew he has ever drank. It's only taken him 4 months to try it!

His deverstated to find out they were collector items and that I no longer brew!
more reason for you to take it up again katie. come back to the dark side.
just read the whjole of Krudd's health reform plan. terrible. not to mention that it severaly alters the jobs of a~700,000 australians and there's 1 tiny para in the entire 74 pages about staff. and its doesnt guarantee jobs or anything. no talk of how it will impact on people who will loose their jobs under this hairbrained scheme. great way to be in touch with your voters and the people you are meant to be helping Kruddy.

Im suprised he didnt propose to outlaw homebrewing becuase it contributes to alchol fueled violence. numb nut Krudd.
just read the whjole of Krudd's health reform plan. terrible. not to mention that it severaly alters the jobs of a~700,000 australians and there's 1 tiny para in the entire 74 pages about staff. and its doesnt guarantee jobs or anything. no talk of how it will impact on people who will loose their jobs under this hairbrained scheme. great way to be in touch with your voters and the people you are meant to be helping Kruddy.

Im suprised he didnt propose to outlaw homebrewing becuase it contributes to alchol fueled violence. numb nut Krudd.
That's right, cos of bottlebomb glassings in our sheds.
What don't you like about the scheme?
area health networks. we got rid of them in 2000 as they didnt work
funding - they fudge the figures. $30.9b is not new money its current costs plus a little more. smoke and mirrors
commonwealth to fund 100% of primary care. not new. they are supposed to do that now. they also have 100% of control over GPs. thats not new either
doesnt take into account population based planning/health. 1 system doesnt fit all.
capital. states own and are stuck with capital, but have no control over capital funds. WTF
handing control over to clinicans - last time this was done they bankrupt the states.

I could go on. but doesnt matter. states wont sign up to it and it will go to a referendum.

edit: from memory the last time a referendum was passed was back in the 60's on Aborignial voting. from meory of my uni studies on politics referendums in australia had a success rate of around 20%.
bahahah,,,,, its started

Knockin on Kevin's Door

Mama, take these funds off of me
I can't use them anymore.
It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see
I feel like knockin' on Kevin's door.

Knock, knock, knockin' on Kevin's door

Mama, strip me of the GST
I can't use it any more
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on Kevin's door.

Knock, knock, knockin' on Kevin's door

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