No More Unibroue For Australia?

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A "heads up" for Adelaide brewers,

I was at the Edinburgh last Night. They have presentation packs consisting of 3 x 750ml bottles of the following beers :- La Fin du Monde, Maudite and Trois Pistoles, selling for $39.99.



thanx wally, got a pack for my birthday, and grabbed another pack today, and a bottle of chambly noire which i hadnt tried yet.


SebView attachment Unibroue_Gold_Medal_pack.bmp
I recently got a selection of 16, 17 and Terrible from those guys and nothing was mentioned about them not being available anymore. The Terrible, btw is awesome!

you bought those bottles directly from palais imports?,

I thought they only sold wholesale to businesses.
Was able to finally track down a bottle of Unibroue Quelque Chose, before I have no chance of ever seeing it again.

Anyone ever tried it. I am gonna drink some of it cold, but the majority of it hot
For anyone in Melb :

Sadly, Unibroue will no longer be exporting to Australia.

To access the last of their Australian shipment please contact James at Carwyn Cellars on 03 9484 1820 or email your order to: [email protected],

20% deposit required, order cut-off 31 October 2009

Full case orders only please.

Orders will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis.

Beer Prices

Case Price .inc GST

Blanche De Chambly 355ml

La Fin Du Monde

$ 145.00



Trois Pistoles

$ 145.00

Apple Ephemere

$ 125.00

Chambly Noire

$ 125.00



Don De Dieu




La Fin Du Monde

$ 175.00


$ 175.00

Trois Pistoles

$ 175.00
^^^^^^ There are some scary prices there!!!
I was told that they are still shipping to January next year. If this is the case I would be weary of overinflated prices when it may still be imported for another 5 months.

Kabooby :)
What are we doing? If our favourite beer disappears, brew a better one!

Plus, we Aussies could support our microbrews more.

It's the strong microbrew culture in Canada that nurtured Unibroue and made it popular.

As an Aussie who lived in Canada for two years, I think the microbrew culture over there is awesome. Consequently, the range of beers available at pubs and bottle shops is broader and the beers are (dare I say?) better than the average Aussie beer.

I guess I'm preaching to the choir here, but we need to support the little guys so the average pub and bottlo can safely get more adventurous in beer varieties.

Don't get me wrong, I will really miss Unibroue. I still remember the first time I tried La Fin Du Monde - I was broke and working at a bottlo in Calgary, but suddenly my taste buds were millionaires. I soon discovered a place that had Blanche De Chambly on tap. :icon_cheers: Now, every drop of Unibroue I have over here brings back amazing memories. I really hope we get it back soon.

But at the same time, there are great Aussie beers out there giving Unibroue a run for their money. Right now as I ramble I'm loving a glass of Saison from Beechworth Brewery (head and shoulders above any other Aussie brewery I've tasted).

Support your Aussie brewery, and one day Canadians will be crowing about OUR beer!!

All i can say is :( and :angry:

Im glad i bought this a couple months ago. Will save it for a special occasion now.

Can anyone tell me if its worth keeping it in a cool dark place for any length of time of best drank fresh?

picked one up today as well tony. never tried it before but the bottle says best before 11/11/2013!! sitting in the "cellar" now right next to a bottle of deus.

edit: forgot to say the bottle shop said they were still expecting another shipment of unibroue to be coming in so not sure when their stock will be drying up.
It's been a while since I've been on AHB, but I thought I'd add my condolences to the thread as well.

Blanche de Chambly and I started off like any young couple, me wanting to try new and exciting things and her willing to open herself up to anyone with the money. Slowly over time we began a love/love relationship that has now lasted for around 3 years. She then introduced me to her friends, La Fin du Monde, Quelque Chose, 16, 17, Ephemere and Maudite. Whilst all of her friends and I have had our flings, I still return to my Blanche de Chambly, and she will always hold a special place in my heart.

My wife didn't even mind when Blanche de Chambly made a special appearance at our honeymoon in Broome (courtesy of my parents flying up for my birthday). I still regret giving away a bottle to the brewer (PJ I think) @ Matsos in Broome (he traded me a couple of bottles of Mash's Mex beer). More recently, my parents bought the last 19 stubbies from the International Beer Shop for my birthday in August.

Here's a few photos to keep the hope alive that one day we shall see Unibroue start to export to Australia again in the very near future.

Blanche and I on Roebuck Bay, Broome in September 2007.


Blanche relaxing in the sun at Exmouth in May 2009.


Blanche and a few friends, chilling in the fridge.


Blanche's big sister, du Monde, showing me what she's made of.


Ladies, you will be missed, so until we meet again, so long and thanks for all the fish!

The local BWS told me all unibroue are deleted items and will be discounted until sold out.

Dear Jason,
I stumbled across this post of yours recently and I was so impressed with your commitment and enthusiasm for Unibroue beers, I felt compelled to reply.
My name is Craig Jessup and I am a partner in Palais Imports (the Australian importer of Unibroue beers).
Unibroue has been a BIG part of our little importing company for the last 6 years and it would be an understatement to say that we were disappointed when we heard from the brewery that they were going to stop all exports worldwide (excepting USA and Japan).
We all hope that they will comeback to Australia one day soon, however I have been told that it probably won't be for at least another 3 years or more. In the meantime, we still have stock left, some beers more than others, eg Blanche de Chambly is just running out now, but we have enough Terrible to last us until Christmas, hopefully.

Life (and business) must go on, so since learning the news, we have been pro-actively trying our best to replace Unibroue, with a brewery of similar substance and quality. IMPOSSIBLE you say? Well that's what I HAD thought, until I visited the Dieu du Ciel! brewpub in Montreal late last year. It was fantastic, according to, they brew the best beer in Canada, a 9.5% Coffee Imperial Stout that goes by the name of Pch Mortel, meaning Mortal Sin. The good news is that we are expecting our first shipment of Dieu du Ciel! ( to arrive next week!

Jason, your post was so well crafted and full of passion, we all loved it. Would you mind if I put your post onto our website?
Also, we would like to send you some more of your "ladies", to assist you in this time of grieving.

Perhaps just reply to my email address if you like, which can be found at or I guess via this forum (sorry I am new to AHB, so I'm not quite sure how it all works yet).

All the beery best.


It's been a while since I've been on AHB, but I thought I'd add my condolences to the thread as well.

Blanche de Chambly and I started off like any young couple, me wanting to try new and exciting things and her willing to open herself up to anyone with the money. Slowly over time we began a love/love relationship that has now lasted for around 3 years. She then introduced me to her friends, La Fin du Monde, Quelque Chose, 16, 17, Ephemere and Maudite. Whilst all of her friends and I have had our flings, I still return to my Blanche de Chambly, and she will always hold a special place in my heart.

My wife didn't even mind when Blanche de Chambly made a special appearance at our honeymoon in Broome (courtesy of my parents flying up for my birthday). I still regret giving away a bottle to the brewer (PJ I think) @ Matsos in Broome (he traded me a couple of bottles of Mash's Mex beer). More recently, my parents bought the last 19 stubbies from the International Beer Shop for my birthday in August.

Here's a few photos to keep the hope alive that one day we shall see Unibroue start to export to Australia again in the very near future.

Blanche and I on Roebuck Bay, Broome in September 2007.


Blanche relaxing in the sun at Exmouth in May 2009.


Blanche and a few friends, chilling in the fridge.


Blanche's big sister, du Monde, showing me what she's made of.


Ladies, you will be missed, so until we meet again, so long and thanks for all the fish!

Haha Awesome!
Well done Jason. I shed a tear as well :)
Nice one Jason, I'm jealous! I sent an email to unibroue when i first heard the news and got this in respons:
Good Day!

We thank you for your email and interest for Unibroue.

Unfortunately, the rumors are true. Management has decided to discontinue the export of our brands, except to the USA. Exporting will cease officially on January 1, 2010 but availability of some of our brands may already be limited in your area.

We are sorry for this inconvenience and hope to be able to export again in the near future.


La Brasserie Unibroue
Oh well, I've got 1 terrible and 6 trois pistoles sitting at home. It's so hard to find the occasion to drink them though. Although as some dude said in some movie I saw once "the special occasion is when you open the bottle". Or something.
Dropped by my local Vintage Cellars the other day and grabbed a bottle of the Blanche de Chambly, we started chatting about how Unibroue had ceased import. I asked (as a joke) if he had any of the 3 packs that they were selling a couple of years back for $35. Turns out he was holding one for a mate, but he hadn't heard anything from this guy for a while, and told me to come back in a few days....

Well, I stopped by this morning to grab some wine and guinness for a the stew I'm making tonight and he had some good news for me....

Now to decide when to open one.....


I haven't been on here in quite a while, so as soon as it hits 9am in SA, I'm going to be calling Craig and keeping my fingers crossed he still has a few of my ladies available :)

Craig, I'll reply here, as well as calling you. You are absolutely more than welcome to use my post and photos on your website. I only ask that you provide a link to my website ( in return :) Although nothing to do with beer (except a few ramblings of mine once and a while), I can't help but try to advertise my little blog wherever I can ;)

Speak with you soon!


I actually sent them an email a couple of months after my honeymoon with photos of me drinking blanche de chambly up in Broome (WA's far north) and got a lovely response from them thanking me and telling me they'd shown it to all the brewers. Unfortunately when I lost my job last year, I never got to keep a copy of that email :(

Nice one Jason, I'm jealous! I sent an email to unibroue when i first heard the news and got this in respons:

Oh well, I've got 1 terrible and 6 trois pistoles sitting at home. It's so hard to find the occasion to drink them though. Although as some dude said in some movie I saw once "the special occasion is when you open the bottle". Or something.
aargghh!! damn public holidays in South Australia!!! HOLD ON BLANCHE, HOPEFULLY WE WILL MEET AGAIN SOON! ;)
i was at mccoppins bottle shop in fitzroy last night, and they seemed to have a full stock of the unibroue range still on their shelves...
