next brews suggestions please (noob)

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ok so ive made 4 kit and kilo beers with a few additions of hops and been quite happy with the results, have an excellent local brew shop too
have just randomly scored from a bloke at work whos moving back to usa and hes left me some beers stuff
so heres what he gave me.......what do i need to make an great next few brews, all suggestions welcome :)
im assuming ill need some to buy some malts and sugar mixes from lhbs?

1 can morgans blue mountain lager
1 can mangrove jacks international dutch lager
1 can briess pure malt extract light
50grams of each of these: centennial, galaxy, cascade, citra, saaz pellets
and 3x saflager w34/70 yeast
and 3x safbrew us 05 yeast
Dude, have some fun !!!
Use IanH's spreadsheet on here in the "kits and extracts" forum to design a beer using what you have.

Get stuck in son !!!
Good luck.

What do you like to drink would be a good question as those ingredients could be the start of many brews... If you're not already, as said, use the spreadsheet - it is awesome once you get your head around it!
Oh yeah and check the use by dates. Old liquid extract goes very dark and tastes soapy - not worth the time in the fermentor even if it was free (a lesson I learned 66 times over).
hi guys, thanks for the replies, the stuff ive got is fresh and not old at all so all good there, ahh yes using the spreadsheet, havent quite got my head around it at all yet, been staring at it and playing with it a bit but still lost, anyway ill keep at it
what do i like to drink? i love a good lager, quite like a hoppy ale, like more bitter flavours more than sweetness i guess, but my beer palate is maturing and seems to change week to week
Do an IPA if you like some hops and bitterness.

Grabs some spec grains- 250g of carapils and 250g of med crystal and steep it. Then throw in 10-20 g each of centenial, citra and galaxy for a 10minute boil - dont forget to use the briess LME to get the gravity of your steeping water to 1040- Ians spreadsheet will tell you how much based on the boil volume.

Throw in both cans of lagar, the rest of the Briess LME and the hop boil and top up to around 23L and pitch 2 packets of US05.

Dry hop oif you like after 7 days and cold crash after 10 if you have temp control.
hey droopy brew, cheers for that advice, can i ask a noob q, why would i use both cans of the lager i have and not just one?/same with the yeast i guess
Basically, to make beer you have malt, hops and water, then add the yeast to ferment the good stuff in the malt.

What you have in a kit tin is (liquid) malt extract , plus a bit of hops - you can also buy just plain Liquid Malt Extract (same kind of tin, just has no hops added) . The Breiss Light Malt Extract is essentially the same thing, except in powder form.

One kit tin does not have enough sugars in it to make a whole 23L batch, at least not a strong one! The instructions tell you to add sugar to make up the difference, but that is a bit of a short cut (although there are times when adding different types of sugars - dextrose, maltodextrose, honey, molasses etc can give different desired effects).

What Droopy Brew is suggesting is that you use the two tins to provide the required level of sugars - and you get two lots of the included hops by doing that, which isn't much in lager kits, and extra on top would be needed to make an IPA.

That's where Ian's spreadsheet helps to design your brew - you can adjust the variables and get a calculation to see if it looks reasonable.

Hit the blue new recipe button (and make sure you have macros enabled) and select the desired Beer Style at the top of the sheet - in this case maybe American IPA. You'll note the four values on the right are all red because no ingredients are added yet.

Add the two kits you have from the drop down menu. I couldn't see the Mangrove Jacks so I selected a Coopers Bavarian Lager instead. The FG and IBU's now come up green (in the range for the selected style). Then ad the Carapils and Medium crystal in the Grains/adj section. If you ever have to add sugars for your recipe, these are the bottom two lines in this section.

Add in the hops suggested and 10 mins for each. You'll need to boil these - you can choose the amount of water (Boil volume in litres) and add some dry malt extract as you are aiming for the gravity of this mix to be 1.040 to get the best out of the hops. The spreadsheet tells you how much to add depending on the boil amount (or you could use the calculated amount of LME alternatively.

Scroll across to the right of the screen - there is an awesome graph to show the balance of the malt versus the bitterness of the hops to see if you are near the ball park.

One packet of yeast might suffice but adding two increases your chances of success and a good strong fermenting. Aerating the wort is also vital for this.

I found adding recipes from a book to the spreadsheet and seeing how they matched up against the style they were meant to be very helpful in getting my head around the variables. There. are heaps on the coopers website too.

Lastly, don't forget to hit the Save Recipe button! I recon I might give this one a crack next.
One other thing - I'm not suggesting to change Droopy Brew's recipe, but for the sake of theory, to raise the OG to get four green boxes and match the style you could add 0.5kg LDME to the calculation.
If you're new to this, start with an ale, using the US-05. Never mind the cans say lager. That likely means they have a pilsner malt base, which is fine for many ales. You could use either "lager" can along with the the Briess and get 19L of a blonde ale. Saaz would give you a light and spicy flavor the others would overwhelm, except you could maybe use Galaxy with it for bittering and end up with a faux pilsner.

Or make a hoppy pale ale following droopybrew's instructions. Citra is especially potent.

I've heard bad accounts of dry hopping with Saaz, but the others get used plenty that way.
hey guys cheers for the replys, hey yakinoz, ive so far done a golden ale and a pale ale, with amarillo and cascade repectively so was maybe this time wanting a lager
hey aaron thanks for the nice long reply, have just spent the last hr trying yet again to get my head around playing around with the spreadsheet....still hopeless, i have way too many unanswered question/things i dont understand and things to get my head around

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