Newbie Question! Would Love Some Advice!

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Hi All, im new to this forum and have done quite a bit of reading over the past few weeks on your forum! What a great wealth of knowledge!!

Anyway, I'm (cold) fermenting by first brew, which is a Coopers Lager Kit, Used Saflager S23 yeast sachet and Brewmaster #15 DME Packet with 23L water.

It has been fermenting for just over 3 weeks now at 9-10deg C in my little brew fridge. Unfortunately in my excitement i didn't do a OG reading with my hydrometer but i have taken FG readings the last 3 days and it is stuck at 1014 and has a light carbonation when i fill up the test tube.

Im assuming that it might still be fermenting and impatience might be getting the better of me, but i would just like to know if you great people know if its done as i've had a stable FG reading, or should i leave it longer, or add more yeast perhaps to finish off the remaining sugars and get it somewhere near 1008???

Hope it all makes sense, seems the more research i do to try and make "the perfect beer" the more i get confused! But I'm loving my new hobby and look forward to contributing in the future when i gain some experience!!

Cheers - Adam (4BC)
I would bump the temp up to 12 deg maybe higher. I read some where people bump the temps up to 18 deg in last 72 hours with lager yeast (dont go on this info without confermation). But I would bump the temp up and maybe swirl the fermenter dont make it splash just enough to lift a little settlement.

Sure there will be plenty more info from other experianced members, I am only very new to this myself
Without knowing whats in the #15 I don't know where it should finish... I would guess that it is done, but it might not be.

Raise it up to 18C or so for a couple of days for a diacetyl rest before bottling.
I would bump the temp up to 12 deg maybe higher. I read some where people bump the temps up to 18 deg in last 72 hours with lager yeast (dont go on this info without confermation). But I would bump the temp up and maybe swirl the fermenter dont make it splash just enough to lift a little settlement.

Sure there will be plenty more info from other experianced members, I am only very new to this myself

yep good idea, works for me,

firstly, i reckon your probably done here, but do what kelbygreen said

raise the temp to 18 and swirl the fermenter, i dont get too concerned here about splashing coz as far as i'm concerned, the only thing left in my fermenter is beer and co2 at this stage as the ferment would have purged all the oxygen out of the fermenter

i have tweaked my method to this;

1) starter and wort will be at 10 degrees when pitching
2) ferment at 10 for approx 14 days
3) swirl and raise temp to 17 for 24 hours
4) leave on yeast cake and drop temp by 2.5 degrees every 12 hours till i get close to 0 (1 or 2 is ok for me)
5) leave on yeast cake for another 14 days at 1 or 2 degrees
6) keg and leave at 1 or 2 degrees for at least another 14 days ... as long as i can wait is usually best

the 'orthodox' bible for lagering probably says to get it off the yeast cake after diacetyl rest, but i found my way produces good results for me

hope it turns out good for you ...
Many thanks for your ideas and suggestions everyone!. I will raise up the temp tonight and do the diacetyl rest and follow the rest of your instructions Donburke!

Donburke, just another silly question i suppose, but i have some finings i would like to use, at what point should i put them in, not sure if i "lager" it for 14 days and then use finings 2 days before bottling, or should i use it earlier??
Many thanks for your ideas and suggestions everyone!. I will raise up the temp tonight and do the diacetyl rest and follow the rest of your instructions Donburke!

Donburke, just another silly question i suppose, but i have some finings i would like to use, at what point should i put them in, not sure if i "lager" it for 14 days and then use finings 2 days before bottling, or should i use it earlier??

i have never used finings, sorry, and whilst not 100% clear, i'm happy with the way my beers clear after lagering, the only haze left is protein haze, and from my understanding, finings will not help

you are off to a great start, you understand the importance of temperature control and you have your yeast at the right temp, you will make a much better first beer than i did fermenting at 30 degrees !

Yeah lift temp to 15 to 18 for a day or 2.

I crash chill on the yeast cake and leave for about 3 to 4 days and then bottle at the chilled temp..

Most likely your brew was finished a week a go but the time in the fermenter will only improve the finished beer.


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