New Wey. Bohemian Pils Malt Arrives

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I totally agree with you, but, to be on the safe side I will chuck in a couple of hands full of rice hulls just to be sure.

Will be happening later this week or early next week.

Hi Lindsay
Nice to here from you again,
Had a chat to Mel late last week and they did a single infusion mash with a gravity FG of 1.065
Told me it was a standard 22 L batch.
Give one batch a go and let us all know
Hi Warren,

A few hand fulls of the rice hulls to prevent the possibility of a stuck sparge if NOT giving the mash the 55deg./15min rest.

Better being safe than sorry I guess. Still don't think you'll have too much to worry about.

Warren -
Hi Ray,

I have received the Product Specification for the Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner malt from Phil Yates in pdf. Format which I have attached (I think!!!!!)View attachment Weyermann_Bohemian_2005.pdf. Im sure Phil wont mind.
Very handy for those of us that uses Promash/Beertools etc.

I shall report back ASAP regarding my efforts with this malt either late this week or early next week.

G'day Lindsay,

Mel said yesterday that it was like beer coming out of the boiler.
By this I take it to mean it ran very clear.
I did not ask about efficiency, but will.
Did you notice the sugar rest time.
10-20 min is hardly enough time for a bloke to get him self sorted/ take a break and enjoy himself.
That's reduced play time - I reckon Phil's been drinking far too many wort kits an forgotten the joys of mashing and a longer brew day!

Best you get back on the Bat Phone - until we turn commercial, this simply won't do! :)

(tongue firmly in cheek)

Apparently the saccharification time is a figure obtained in the laboratory after the grain is crushed to almost flour and mixed with hot water.
I guess it's a world wide standard for maltsters??.
Joe White states their Export Pilsner's saccharification time is 10 there ya go!

G'day Lindsay,
It's alright mate I wasn't being serious about the sacc. time, just having some fun with Phil.

I see the JW Pils comes from the Wendouree malthouse.
(same place that presumably 'Wendouree Gold' comes from)
Don't know where that is, so I'm off to do some geography.

Ta, ta
Pete, its Lake Wendouree in Ballarat. The malthouse sits right on the lake edge.

Pardon my ignorance, but do they sell at the malthouse door? Mum lives nearby at Mt Helen and a detour to the lake when I visit her at Xmas (from Canberra) would be easy if JW sells to the public...?

I hope to pick up a bag or two from Romsey as well on the way back...

Hi TL, no they dont anymore. Those ex-maltings sales stopped around 3 years ago when the company changed hands.

No worries - I'll get some through the club later...

Hi All,

I attacked the new Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner Malt today.

My grain bill was Bohemian Pilsner Malt 88.2%, Weyermann Pale Wheat 6.5% and Weyermann Cara Pils 5.4%, at total weight of 9.3 kgs for 50 litres and I finished up with a gravity of 1.054.

As previously mentioned in this thread, I added about four large handfuls of Rice Hulls to the mash and mashed at 65.5 degrees for 100 minutes. Well, I was certainly pleased that I added the rice hulls. The run off was very slow. It was the closest thing I've seen to a stuck mash.

I used 100% of this seasons Saaz B hops from New Zealand.

I would like to add a photograph of the wort for folks to see the colour, but I'm not to sure how to do it. Anyhow, I'll give it a go and see what happens.

G'day folks,

Just thought I'd add my experience with this malt from yesterday. Being the lazy bloke I am, after encouraging all and sundry at my HBS who recently got some Wey. Bo. Pils malt in stock to use a 'rest' in their mash profile, I then convinced myself after reading the specs and some recent experiences of other brewers to just employ a single infusion mash. :rolleyes:

Brewday went very smoothly with my new stand and I hit my target gravities both pre and post boil without a problem. But this malt resulted in VERY cloudy runoff and in a wort after chilling overnight to pitching temps that displays textbook 'haze'. I gave it a 90 minute mash at 68 which is higher than normal for me, but I'm aiming to raise the FG of the beer a few points to replicate the reputed high FGs of the Czech Pilsner style. It lost 2 degrees over the 90 minutes. Runoff was normal in terms of 'speed' and cleared of 'particles' readily as any normal mash. No stuck mash probs at all. Just wouldn't clear of haze. No matter how hard I recirced... 90 minute boil with a massive 'break', but still a hazy result. I've brewed with quite a few base malts and always crush my own etc and have never had this haze before.

All that said it tastes and smells great (for unfermented wort) and I've high hopes for the flavour of the beer. I'll be amazed if it clears though and wanted to let others planning on using the malt know of my experience. I'll use it again, but will DEFINITELY give it a 15ish minute rest at 55 as suggested above to see what difference it makes. I'll keep you all posted as to how it clears post ferment and on lagering. Should be a tasty, but hazy Bo. Pilsner... ;)

Gough said:
No matter how hard I recirced... 90 minute boil with a massive 'break', but still a hazy result. I've brewed with quite a few base malts and always crush my own etc and have never had this haze before.

All that said it tastes and smells great (for unfermented wort) and I've high hopes for the flavour of the beer. I'll be amazed if it clears though and wanted to let others planning on using the malt know of my experience. I'll use it again, but will DEFINITELY give it a 15ish minute rest at 55 as suggested above to see what difference it makes. I'll keep you all posted as to how it clears post ferment and on lagering. Should be a tasty, but hazy Bo. Pilsner... ;)


My effort with this malt was also a bit hazy, as I think I posted elsewhere. I presumed it was just my methods.
Taste is fantastic, but I may have to consider a rest myself next time.
Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: Just a quick update. I thought I'd check a couple of bottles - visually(!) - and while it's cleared very well, but there is plenty of loose sediment in the bottom of the bottles which I expect will be difficult to avoid pouring into the glass unless it compacts over the next few weeks and months.
Bilph said:
Gough said:
No matter how hard I recirced... 90 minute boil with a massive 'break', but still a hazy result. I've brewed with quite a few base malts and always crush my own etc and have never had this haze before.

All that said it tastes and smells great (for unfermented wort) and I've high hopes for the flavour of the beer. I'll be amazed if it clears though and wanted to let others planning on using the malt know of my experience. I'll use it again, but will DEFINITELY give it a 15ish minute rest at 55 as suggested above to see what difference it makes. I'll keep you all posted as to how it clears post ferment and on lagering. Should be a tasty, but hazy Bo. Pilsner... ;)


My effort with this malt was also a bit hazy, as I think I posted elsewhere. I presumed it was just my methods.
Taste is fantastic, but I may have to consider a rest myself next time.
Thanks for the feedback.

No worries Bilph. It may well be my technique too :rolleyes: but as I said in the above post it has never happened with any other base malt I've used so I'm happy to think it is the BO Pils malt needing a 'rest'. I bloody knew it too... :rolleyes: I'll not be so 'smart' next time... :)

Gough said:
No worries Bilph. It may well be my technique too :rolleyes: but as I said in the above post it has never happened with any other base malt I've used so I'm happy to think it is the BO Pils malt needing a 'rest'. I bloody knew it too... :rolleyes: I'll not be so 'smart' next time... :)


I've had crystal clear lagers with other pils as a base as well...
Let's blame the malt. :D