Need Help Setting Up A Ferm Fridge

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Hi Brewers,

I have inherited a fridge that i think the thermostat is buggered on.
When i turn it on it just runs flat out and freezes everything despite adjustments on the thermostat.

I heard somewhere that you can get hold of a temp control thermostat for fridges that means you can control the operating temp up above 10 degrees C.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Hey hey muscovy,

do a bit of a search for stc-1000 on ebay and grab yourself a cheap digital temperature controller. other options are available from the sponsors at the top of the page as well

doing a search on AHB for stc-1000 will also bring up instructions on how to wire it all up (although grab a sparky to help out if you're not too good on the old wiring)

All shall work well for keeping that fridge at any temp you want.

Too easy Muscovy,

Safest option is the CraftBrewer Fridgemate for $47.50 followed by the eBay version (STC-80 I think?? STC-100 costs more but does both heat & cool) with less of a safety net.
My old fridgemate is almost 4 years old & going strong (fingers crossed). Follow the easy instructions & the Fridgemate will take over the work of your stuffed fridge thermostat no worries.
No affilliation yadda, yadda.
Nothing wrong with the eBay ones AFAIK just prefer a seller I can trust.

STC1000 is the model you want.
Around $25 delivered.
You will get it for less if you hunt a little.

I run this exact model and it works a treat. I use a seperate relay though to swith the fridge, hopefuly this will give me a few more hours out of it as you cannot be assured of the quality of the internal contacts on the relay, and how long till they burn out from switching the fridge on and off.

I also blue tack the sensor to the side of my fermentor to make sure that you are measuring the Wort temp and not the inside of the fridge. My beers have improved heaps since I have had my fridge hooked up to one of these.
I have scored a fridge in the same condition. It just keeps running until I plugged it into my stc 1000.

My question is, is it worth the trouble to rewire the original thermostat out of the circuit! Or will it reliably stay broken?
you set it on the fridgemate. It controls the temp. I have mine set just at about 1/4 on the dial to the cooler side. If you have it on the hot it will take longer to cool but if you set it on the cold it may have more of a overshoot (it will cut off at say 18 but may drop further) but usually its not even 1c

I have a heat pad just hanging in my fridge it does not touch the fermenters just hangs there. You will not need one now until next winter, so you got plenty of time to think of what your going to use.
One STC-1000 on the way from China as we speak!
Time to claim back my fridge and tell the missus to keep her frozen bread outa there!

I run this exact model and it works a treat. I use a seperate relay though to swith the fridge, hopefuly this will give me a few more hours out of it as you cannot be assured of the quality of the internal contacts on the relay, and how long till they burn out from switching the fridge on and off.

I also blue tack the sensor to the side of my fermentor to make sure that you are measuring the Wort temp and not the inside of the fridge. My beers have improved heaps since I have had my fridge hooked up to one of these.
I have scored a fridge in the same condition. It just keeps running until I plugged it into my stc 1000.

My question is, is it worth the trouble to rewire the original thermostat out of the circuit! Or will it reliably stay broken?
Some electrical fiddlers have done this.

IMO it's not worth the extra effort.

Other than a "sexier" job, you gain nothing (little) in doing this.

You should set the controller up in its own box, with its own temperature sensor, and a pair of female leads (or plugs) switched by the controller.
Then you simply plug your cooling source (the fridge) into the cooling outlet ... and the heating source (lead light, heat belt, electric blanket etc) into the heating output.

This makes the set-up very portable. In seconds you can transfer to another fridge or even a chest freezer. No messy "unwiring" and "rewiring".
Hi Guys,
First post for me. The noobiest of noobs.

I am in the process of sourcing temp control and have settled on the STC-1000. My question is does it matter if I use a chest freezer as opposed to a fridge. Logistically I'd view the freezer as easier (appreciate there will be lifting involved) and more user friendly. But given its a freezer is there any fundamental differences I need to be aware of, or does the STC-1000 eradicate all of this?

Appreciate any assistance!

Hi Guys,
First post for me. The noobiest of noobs.

I am in the process of sourcing temp control and have settled on the STC-1000. My question is does it matter if I use a chest freezer as opposed to a fridge. Logistically I'd view the freezer as easier (appreciate there will be lifting involved) and more user friendly. But given its a freezer is there any fundamental differences I need to be aware of, or does the STC-1000 eradicate all of this?

Appreciate any assistance!

I've got one on an upright freezer. Works great. Also makes cold conditioning easy as the freezer is capable of a lower temperature.
Fridge or freezer it doesn't matter as the same principles are applied.

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