Natural Born Chillers

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I no longer use a Chiller

It is in the history books along with

Carbon paper

Candles for the purpose of lighting

Valves in computers

leather soled shoes

Hops not supplied in vacuum paks

brewing kit beers in a poly bag in a dustbin

Druids .

Cask ales in Australia

Flowery shirts

Winkle picker shoes ( Oh they may be making a comeback

Dinky toys

Frys Chocolate bars

just a few examples of the end of a era

No chill is less risk of infection and clearer wort and more wort too

GO the NO!!!

Pumpy :)

Stop spamming. The thread is about chillers.
I'm curious about the lengths of everyone's chillers.

My immersion chiller is a mere 6 metres of copper tube, formed into an open coil (ie. not touching itself anywhere) by bending around a corny keg.

It brings 25 to 30 litres of wort down to 28C in 15 minutes with the best of 'em. Better than that in winter.

I suspect that most of the chilling happens in the first 3 or 4 metres of coil, after which the heat differential isn't enough to make much difference.

I also have a CFC. 9 metres long. I bet it would work fine at half that.

I can't even remember exactly how long my cfc is now, but it is over 10 metres. It works well, just pump through unrestricted with a low cooling water flow rate.

I've never had a problem, but I'm tempted to go back to an immersion chiller simply due to my not liking not knowing what is inside the cfc.
Another 100 feet of unused copper here Bindi

Perhaps this should become the 'museum' for Historical items of copper .

Chiller (RIP)

Pumpy :(

I live off water tanks, and my chiller water goes straight back into the tank, so I dont use any water at all. B)

Stu this is the post that spawned 'the No chill method'


WOW...I have managed to change brew history...

Thats one up for the " Stu's "... World domination is not far away.. :ph34r:

No Doubt Stu The post 'Natural Born Chillers" is a discerning moment in AHB history for it changed the way home brewers process there Wort at the end of the boil .

Somehow this Post should be preserved for future home brewers, so they can see the point in history when a process in mashing changed as we know it today .

Maybye it can be remembered by taking that famous line from Neil Armstrong who first walked on the moon and said

"One step for the brew ,One step for Brewkind"

Pumpy :)
And just when the price of copper had gone through the roof, I'll have to sell my shares and poor Ross' income will be down, hope your not holding too much copper Ross. Don't you guys flood the market with all your no longer required copper coils.
another way to increase cooling times is to put increased pressure through the cooler. you can do this simply by putting a rock or other heavy item on the "out" hose to kink it a bit.
Pumpy, could you please pull your head out of your back-side and save your inane bleating for one of the many no chiller threads where it would be on-topic? Save this for people who like to be able to pitch their yeast on brew-day.

You never cease to whinge when Darren questions your methods in a no chill thread, so don't be a hypocrite. :angry:
Pumpy, could you please pull your head out of your back-side and save your inane bleating for one of the many no chiller threads where it would be on-topic? Save this for people who like to be able to pitch their yeast on brew-day.

You never cease to whinge when Darren questions your methods in a no chill thread, so don't be a hypocrite. :angry:

Dont Worry Murray , I know some people have difficulty with change. ;)

Pumpy :)
Call me old fashioned but I still prefer to see my wort fermenting away by the time I finish the brewday clean up.

I no longer use a Chiller

It is in the history books along with

Carbon paper

Candles for the purpose of lighting

Valves in computers

leather soled shoes

Hops not supplied in vacuum paks

brewing kit beers in a poly bag in a dustbin

Druids .

Cask ales in Australia

Flowery shirts

Winkle picker shoes ( Oh they may be making a comeback

Dinky toys

Frys Chocolate bars

just a few examples of the end of a era

No chill is less risk of infection and clearer wort and more wort too

GO the NO!!!

Pumpy :)

Don't forget this guy:

Last batch I did I chilled through my counterflow chiller. 65 litres of wort at pitching temp in 20 mins. Used less than 60 litres of water that I re-cycled for clean-up and then it ended up on the garden. Was happily fermenting by the morning. Three days later it was beer.



PS Pumpy wern't you the one who suggested using roadside gravel as a sparge manifold? You still doing that? That is another thread though!
Last batch I did I chilled through my counterflow chiller. 65 litres of wort at pitching temp in 20 mins. Used less than 60 litres of water that I re-cycled for clean-up and then it ended up on the garden. Was happily fermenting by the morning. Three days later it was beer.



PS Pumpy wern't you the one who suggested using roadside gravel as a sparge manifold? You still doing that? That is another thread though!

Darren , I suppose if I had spent $296 on a flash American counterflow chiller I would still be using it .

But you must understand not everyones circumstances are the same .

here in the Sydney we have a water shortage and they wont even allow us to water our gardens .

I cant fit my 60 litre fermenter in my fridge so it suits me to choose when I ferment my stored fresh wortin smaller batches .

Funny you shoulld mention my gravel manifold ,yes, I was experimenting in my early days of brewing, but wait there is more, I will soon be posting a revised maniflod based on an inert plastic granual , It may revolutionise the way we use a manifold .

Pumpy :)
I made my immersion chiller which will chill 25 litres to 25 deg in 30mins and uses 60 litres of water.

I like making gadgets almost as much as I like brewing and I wanted a more efficient cooling system so I made a pre-chiller. It is small enough to fit I an ice cream container which I fill with water and freeze the night before brew day. It drops the ambient water temp by 8 deg and I can now chill 25 litres to 25 deg in 20mins and use 35 litres of water.

Next will be to set up a 44gal drum full of water so I can recirculate the water with a pump.


Has anyone thought of using and old bonair evaporative cooler to cool the water and pump it back into the chiller? if you pump the water from the base of the EC through the chiller and out at the top of the cooler, the fan will cool the water before being recycled through. If you start with 15l of chilled water it may do the trick and use far less water. Basic heat exchange.

I know I am only a KK brewer but the engineering gets me in...... :p
You could set your BK in a tub, and use a crimped stub of tubing on the IC exit. Have it exit out the top, spraying in a fan-type pattern down to the tub as a way to cool the water. Then just keep recirculating it. I've done something similar before.
Has anyone thought of using and old bonair evaporative cooler to cool the water and pump it back into the chiller? if you pump the water from the base of the EC through the chller and out at the top of the cooler, the fan will cool the water before being recycled through. If you start with 15l of chilled water it may do the trick and use far less water. Basic heat exchange.

I know I am only a KK brewer but the engineering gets me in...... :p

Brewtus...your a bloody genius mate.......I can see an army of brewers scouring the secand hand shops for old bonair coolers.... :super:
Brewtus...your a bloody genius mate.......I can see an army of brewers scouring the secand hand shops for old bonair coolers.... :super:

Thanks for the compliment. :D

I though more about it and came up with this idea.

From the chiller, using garden hose, run the pipe to the top of a stand so it is horizontal for the last 40cm and about 160cm off the ground. It needs to be supported so cable-tie it to a beam you can hang about 10kg off. Drill lots of 4 to 6 mm holes in the hose in the last 40cm and cap the end. Get an old sheet, blanket, Hessian bags or whatever you can and make it/them into a piece 3m long and 40cm wide. Hang the sheet over the stand and hose. Put a bucket or large plastic dish, like you would use to mop the floor, below it and have the sheet hang into it. Fill the bucket. Buy a fountain pump such as a pond pump or an old washing machine pump and use it to feed the water in the bucket up to the chiller. The water should heat up in the wort and then run down the sheet where it cools. This is all theory of cause but if some water conscious brewer wants to try it, let me know how it goes.

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