My First Extract

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Next week i am going to try an extract. I have no idea what to do and am going to ask for some very easy step by step instructions. (if thats ok).
I like really hoppy beers full of flavour. Prob a lagar would do good. If any one has a really basic receipe with step by step instructions please send it to me. I have seen instructions in the past and could not understand them as they were in beer lingo. If any one could help that would be excelent. Thanks alot

Mark :beerbang:

Next week i am going to try an extract. I have no idea what to do and am going to ask for some very easy step by step instructions. (if thats ok).
I like really hoppy beers full of flavour. Prob a lagar would do good. If any one has a really basic receipe with step by step instructions please send it to me. I have seen instructions in the past and could not understand them as they were in beer lingo. If any one could help that would be excelent. Thanks alot

Mark :beerbang:

Hi Mark. Im after an extract lager recipe my self. I was thinking...

3l liquid malt
500g carapils
200g caramunich
25g Cluster (8.5%) @60min
30g Hallertau (8.5%) @20min
30g Sazz (2.5%) @ flameout
Im curious what IBUs that would produce? Or what could i use to calculate this?
Unfortunately I can't get on this web site at work but I think this may be able to help you:

It used to be an obscure link to get to the actual database, but I haven't been in for a while so good luck. this link may even be wrong. search for "recipator" if it's bollocks.

It should give you an idea of alcohol, gravity, bitterness etc. It's a good tool to play with.

just guessing from that recipe, I'd say it will be fairly lowly hopped and the Hallertau will loose most of it's flavour at 20 min. Go 10 min if you are after maximum flavour.

As for grain, I'd steer away from grain, with the possible exception of crystal malt, until you are comfortable with extracts. It just makes it easier.

Mark, if you haven't done an extract before try a Country Brewers Wet pack to start with. This will show you exactly how to do it and you won't have to worry about the recipe.
Hi Mark. Im after an extract lager recipe my self. I was thinking...

3l liquid malt
500g carapils
200g caramunich
25g Cluster (8.5%) @60min
30g Hallertau (8.5%) @20min
30g Sazz (2.5%) @ flameout
Im curious what IBUs that would produce? Or what could i use to calculate this?

Hello Damian
I am also thinking about an extract brew.What size boil are you thinking of ?.I am thinking of 6 litres,made up of 3 litres from mash/steep grain and 3 litres from sparge.

I am using the free trial version of beersmith at the moment.It will do the caculations you require and also give you a ABV,colour etc.

ibast.Thanks for posting the link to Recipator.Plenty of recipes there.
Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 5.45 L
Estimated OG: 1.040 SG
Estimated Color: 9.9 EBC
Estimated IBU: 26.1 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: - %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount		Item									  Type		 % or IBU	  

1.50 kg	   Extra pale liquid extract (3.8 EBC)	   Extract	  40.54 %	   

1.50 kg	   Extra pale liquid extract (3.8 EBC)	   Extract	  40.54 %	   

0.50 kg	   Carafoam (Carapils) (5.0 EBC)			 Grain		13.51 %	   

0.20 kg	   Caramunich I Malt (90.0 EBC)			  Grain		5.41 %		

25.00 gm	  Cluster [8.50 %]  (60 min)				Hops		 15.1 IBU	  

30.00 gm	  Hallertau Aroma NZ [8.50 %]  (20 min)	 Hops		 11.0 IBU	  

30.00 gm	  Saaz [2.50 %]  (0 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep)  Hops		  -
The above Beersmith recipe assumes half the malt boiled for 60 and the other half added to the fermenter.
Thanks for all the info guys. Ill try and get my head around it tonight.

Mark what size pot do you have to do the boil in? Im thinking of buying a 19l pot from Kmart for $20. My largest pot is 5l. You have to have the same gravity in the boil, to what the starting gravity will be in the fermenter (i think). I bet that confused the @#%^ out of you. It did me. Maybe this sounds better........

Amount Item Type % or IBU
1.50 kg Extra pale liquid extract (3.8 EBC) Extract 40.54 %
1.50 kg Extra pale liquid extract (3.8 EBC) Extract 40.54 %
35 gm Cluster [8.50 %] (60 min) Hops ??????IBU
50.0 gm Hallertau Aroma NZ [8.50 %] (10min) Hops ????? IBU
30.00 gm Saaz [2.50 %] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops

If we can settle on a recipe, than we can go into the finer details. Im sure tha above recipe would have heaps of hops flavour and aroma, but not sure about the bitterness, thats the IBU.
Im thinking of buying a 19l pot from Kmart for $20. My largest pot is 5l. You have to have the same gravity in the boil, to what the starting gravity will be in the fermenter (i think).

I don't believe you do. I believe you get more out of your hops if the boil gravity is lower, but it is not a requirement. About 2 litres of water for every litre of malt should be fine. A bit for sparging out grains and then you need about 50% head space in your pot.

so 12 litres min. I got a 19l stainless steel pot from a "$2" shop and it's fine. Don't get an aluminium pot.

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