My Anniversary

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Just realised - I have been a member on here for 3 years and 1 day. I've come a long way (IMHO). Thanks to all that have helped me.

p.s. Chappo - By the time you hit 3 years, there wont be enough digits to log your posts :lol:

kidding champ - love your work.
p.s. Chappo - By the time you hit 3 years, there wont be enough digits to log your posts :lol:

kidding champ - love your work.

Who knows, he might even find the time to actually brew a beer by then too!!! :ph34r:

Cheers SJ
I've ony been on for a bit over a year. I cringe at some of my early posts "why the hell should I go All grain when I can make beautiful beer out of a tin with a few intelligent additions" .... "it amazes me that people on this forum spend over ten dollars on a pack of yeast when there's a perfectly good gold sachet under the lid that does the same job for free"... "I note that Green Bullet has an AA rating of 11%, is it safe to use it in a partial"?? :lol: :lol:

One year? seems more like half a lifetime ago.

Hey I've never posted about why my airlock isn't bubbling :p
Congrats McKenry! May you brew long and make fine beautiful beers! :beerbang:


Why does it always turn into a Chappo bashing fest??? :huh:
Why does it always turn into a Chappo bashing fest??? :huh:

Isn't there something in the man-code that states that mates are there to be insulted and derided as much as possible, and when they stop making fun of you, it usually means they don't like you anymore?

The reason above, and also cause it's good fun! :p

Cheers SJ

Oh and Cheers on the anniversary McKenry!!!
I'm not upset I'm just ticking an ever increasing list of paybacks... BWAHAHAHA!!!! :lol:
Chappo heading off to work with nothing in his briefcase except for a sandwich, his AHB login and password, and a list of users who made fun of him:



Cheers SJ
Been just over a year since I started brewing....

I can still remember my first thread on here "Why is my OG so low", the simple answer was "Didn't stir the can of goop through"........ :rolleyes:

Now brewing AG via BIAB in a modified crown urn, using NC and have even got the obligatory 4 keg setup running..... :beer:
...I can still remember my first thread on here "Why is my OG so low", the simple answer was "Didn't stir the can of goop through"........

I'm with you there Pollux... that was my first post IIRC which Butters and few others replied in such a nice helpful manner. Actually LOL! Adamt replied "Do a search!" :lol:

Now they just tell me to bugger off and brew a beer FFS! <_<

@McKenry - "Tick" just one more to the list :rolleyes: