Munich I Malt

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I've reached the end-of-the-last-batch of Grain orders getting used up. Locked down an Oatmeal Stout yesterday.

I've now got the usual ragtag collection of odds and sods grains, along with a big bag of Munich I Malt.

Can anyone recommend a (23L) recipe that can use this Munich I as the base?

From memory I have:

Munich I - 5kg
Torrified Wheat - 2kg
Crystal (UK) - 1kg
Black Malt - bit
Choc Malt - bit
Carapils - bit
Carafa II - bit
Melanoidin - bit

Hopwise I have


Any ideas? I'm guessing at maybe a Dunkel or Altbier? Might have a tiny bit of Wheat too, but only a little. Thanks.
IMO, i would just wack the munich and torr wheat together, maybe some carapils, and bang out a beefy weizen/wheat. Use the Hallatuer/saaz with it. my 2c.
Altbier all the way. Could even just go 100% Munich I and Spalt (plus WY1007).
A dunkel sounds about right.

There's some recipe ideas here that I'm sure you'll be able to get close to with what you have available.

Also depends what you have available in the way of yeast selection and whether you have a good temp control set up and can brew a lager in summer...
Black English IPA...mmm malty and hoppy.

otherwise the standard Alt or Dunkel could be done.
Thanks guys, will have a think. Got some 1007 lying around so might just go the Alt then.
The only issue I've got with the Alt is never having tasted a real one! The one I've done previously was nice, but no idea if it was any good.

- IPA with all Munich I - this is possible? I've only ever used UK malt for English Bitters of all kinds.
Got a recipe for that one?

Was great to get a brew on again, been a couple of months. Gonna try and bang out this one asap so I can get another Grain order together, rock on 2011!

* I have full temp control (dedicated Fridge/Tempmate) and a small selection of Yeast starters, forget what exactly.
- IPA with all Munich I - this is possible? I've only ever used UK malt for English Bitters of all kinds.
Got a recipe for that one?

anything is possible. the joy of all Munich is it would support higher than usual hopping.

Recipe...going rough

94% Munich
3% Crystal
1% Choc
1% Carafa
OG 1061

2.5g/l at 20m blend Challenger, EKG and Fuggles
2.5g/l at 10m blend Challenger, EKG and Fuggles
2.5g/ at flame out blend Challenger, EKG and Fuggles

60 Min addition to get total IBU to around the 60 mark.
Thanks a lot RK, I'll chew it over but like the idea of a bit of a AngloGermanic ******* IPA.
Doppelbock uses it as the main base grain...if you can ferment at lager temps have a go!