Hi Peter,peteru said:Well, I can report that I am would not be willing to store beer in my 5L mini-keg for more than about 4-8 hours.
Here's the comparison of the same beer. It has been in a stainless steel Keg King 19L keg for three weeks, then the mini keg was filled two weeks ago from the main keg. I did a comparison pour from the main keg and the mini-keg. Both beers are 5 weeks old, but guess which one spent two out of the five weeks in the mini-keg!
YUCK! All the flavour is gone. My advice for the mini-kegs is either avoid completely or only use to fill and dispense on the same day. I'm glad I only got one 5L keg. I think I'd be better off lugging around a half-filled 19L keg.
For me the novelty has worn off and I'll be sticking to tried and tested methods - the mini-kegs are basically reserved for a fill and take to the park at then end of the street occasions (if I can get the effing mini-reg to work properly [another fail tonight, but I'll come back to that another day[)
Not a happy camper! I feel sorry for those who dropped a lot more money on these mini-kegs than I did, because at the end of the day it's just Chinese rubbish.
that doesnt look good. I can't say I've ever used a mini keg that way before. I've got an English Brown Ale coming off the yeast and I'll do the same experiment but at t=0 weeks and see what happens.
No need to stay an unhappy camper.... If there is a fault in the product then, as always, you can talk to Mark about a way forward.
The regulators have been a farking pain in the ass. Mine are **** as well. Mark has worked to resolve this and it seems the new batch of regs are performing fine. I've started another thread that tries to dive into this.
Go ahead and ask Mark about replacements.... I gather his supplier is on board.
In any case Peter, there is no point keeping at it if the mini-keg isn't working out; let me know if you don't get what you're after from Mark and maybe we could find someone interested in taking it off your hands for you.
Life's too short for feeling **** about infinitesimal things, happy to help if I can mate.