Milk - 116.43% Milk.
Content caveat: Not having a go at anyone
per se, just having fun with the topic. No offence itended, **** stirring only.
what is permeate? It's described a the collection of milk sugars (lactose), vitamins and minerals that are left over from cheese production. If this is added back to milk, we're not only dealing with edible waste products in a responsible way (eating rather than dumping them) but we're adding back vitamins and minerals to milk that are often reduced during the pasteurisation process?
Responsible use of our resources! Surely not! Bribie says we can't consume by products and you're telling us using by products is a responsible use of our resources? Faaark I am confused!
Maybe I have it wrong, maybe he says it's not that we can't use them but we should be told what they are used for? Should we be a super-nanny state? Should we have FULL product disclosure? See average Joe discussion below.
I reckon someone should add some lacto to this "permeate" stuff, and
sell it in small bottles as a health drink, you'd not even need to bleach it or make it look like milk since everyone expects health food to look and taste weird anyway.
Good good man that is
scandalous. Don't buy it!!! It is a by product of cheese! How is that healthy!!!
Mother's milk for some...
So few words and yet such a poignant message. It says a lot with few words; conversely, I generally say little with many words. You probably haven't read this because the post is too long, so here is some extra random content: elephant g-string, leprechaun diarrhoea, sunburnt tadpole. Enjoy.
I agree with clear labelling, however I don't see a problem if it is what gets taken out at one stage only to be added back in.
Couldnt you label it "milk, permeate (derived from milk)."?
Clear labelling is an absolute must, ingredients as well as country of origin!J
Certainly. Why don't we label it as 'Milk - may contain milk products' or 'Milk - may contain milk concentrates' or how about 'Milk - Made from Milk'* or
'Milk - 116.43% Milk'**
* My Favourite!
** This might be my new favourite! In fact I am pretty sure it is.
The whole point is that the average joe in the street doesn't know about this.
How much does Joe need to know? The government regulators (
Read here if you want to know more LINK) do a fine job of ensuring our food safety, let's leave them to it.
- Would Joe like to know that an anit caking agent used in his table salt is Sodium Ferro
cyanide (
) but it is not called that, it is just called additive 535? That's
cyanide in my salt isn't it? Scandalous!
- Would Joe eat bread if he knew that flour anti caking agents E910, E920, E921 can be made from chicken and duck feathers (or some claim from the hair of third world country women).
- Would Joe like to know that E925 (Chlorine) or E926 (Cholrine dioxide) are used as bleaching agents and improvers in cakes and breads?
- Would Joe eat cheese if he knew that the major source of natural rennet used in cheese making is extracted from the inner mucosa of the fourth stomach chamber of slaughtered young, unweaned calves? The stomachs are a by product of veal production. We can't eat by products!
Would Joe like to know what veal is? Think about baby cows when you're eating Veal Scallopini? Oh hang on I digress to animal ethics instead of food ethics, ah heck I'll touch on that can of worms too.
Summary #1: Breakfast is f$cked.
Don't drink milk because it is a by product of cheese making, but don't eat cheese because it is a by product of veal production, don't eat veal because they were cutesy wootsey baby cows but stay away from Mum too, she might be mad because she ate dead chickens. Don't eat eggs because that is an unborn baby chicken and their mothers were probably abused and made to eat other dead chickens. Don't eat the bacon that you would have had with your eggs because the pigs are abused too and sometimes they are given whey which might have come from mad cows. Don't eat the toast you were going to have with your bacon and eggs because there could be abused chicken feathers in the flour in the bread. Don't use the salt that would have gone on your eggs because that has cyanide in it.
Summary #2: Smoko is f$cked too:
Tea with milk and scones? Iced coffee?
Summary #3: Lunch is f$cked too:
Milkshake, burger, salad roll or sandwhich?
Summary #4: Getting bored now?... Media sensationalism is f$cked