Can anyone tell me what's the earliest time I can drop off entries?
I don't think the venue opens until lunchtime (1-2pm or something), but it manticle is sitting outside at 12pm you can give it to him to mind.just before 12pm
Love the hat, Andy!
Damn, shows what happens when you rush things, managed to enter my northern brown as an ESB! Shame, would like to have seen how it stood up in that category.
Hey folks,
Results are now up on CompMaster (Link here for those without an account).
Scoresheets are also up and available from CompMaster for both entrants and judges.
Congratulations to all the place getters. Shoot me a PM and we'll organise a way to get your prizes out to you this week.
Thanks to everyone who entered, helped organise, judge, steward or just showed up on the day!
Interesting comments, my ESB had issues, all the judges put it down to ageing, I believe it was Ph; too alkaline (failed to compensate for high sulphate levels). I struggled with troubleshooting this beer & I knew how it was made, Mark Hibbird had given me some great pointers, just thought I'd give a few more judges a crack at analysing it.
Interesting insight FJ - it was a hard issue to pick.
See you at Stout Extravaganza!!
Cheers guys, Richard will be happy with his placing in Bitters category - some people are easily pleased
Well done Manticle on securing some great prizes, especially for 2nd & 3rd, I think you'll see a rise in entries next year off the back of it.
Interesting comments, my ESB had issues, all the judges put it down to ageing, I believe it was Ph; too alkaline (failed to compensate for high sulphate levels). I struggled with troubleshooting this beer & I knew how it was made, Mark Hibbird had given me some great pointers, just thought I'd give a few more judges a crack at analysing it.
Was surprised with the Scottish 80/s feedback, I think the guys should revisit the guidelines, the only thing I would have pinned it for is perhaps not quite a dry enough body (by 2-4 points)
I thought I was pushing the limit on malt complexity with some dark crystal added (for colour), the guidelines clearly state a simple grist (which was historical for economic reasons, much the same as the low hop usage) I was surprised the judges wanted to see more malt complexity, that is why I suggest revisiting the guidelines.
The judges are welcome to PM me if they want the sheets back to look against the guidelines.
Richard/Andrew/Andy who ever is posting out the trophy, you are welcome to save on postage & bring to the Stout Comp, also catch Andy by the short & curlies, he still hasnt gotten around to giving me the B/Fest 2011 prize (1 year sub to Beer&Brewer)...too busy on the piste I cant brew & ski & at the same time...& no it's not called brewski.
Once again thanks to all the organisers volunteers & sponsors, jolly good show, sorry I couldnt make it over, see you all at the Stout Comp.
Yeah, it tasted quite jaded even when it was young, so I understand the oxidation perception, perhaps the high Ph has also affected the beer stability. Anyway i've made an ESB twice & had the same problems, I originally thought it was the Marris Otter malt, then I thought it was the high sulphate, Mark H pointed that wrong Ph can lead to poor precipitation so it all makes sense, but I didnt bother to take a PH reading, also the blandness/dullness could be attributed to Ph, acidity (such as carbonic acid) adds to the sharpness of a beer. (i'm sure I could word better what I'm trying to convey, it's a tricky problem to describe)
Maybe we (You, Rich and I) should get together sometime soon and throw a few sticks at round things...
That could be construed as something other than darts, consider rewording & its a date...pun intended
Any word on who took out best novice?