Mclaren Vale Ipa - Wow

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Aside from those saying "it isn't an IPA" and little else, the only specific complaint that has been made about this beer is that it isn't malty enough.

Hard to get both a malty and dry beer without having a higher alc content which eludes to the point that Fourstar made about tax purposes. Hell even SNPA is higher in alcohol than most Aussie offerings that call themselves IPA's. Sooner the stoopid tax gets alleviated on craft beer in Aus the better.
Fair call bum.

I do like it. It is a passionfruit bomb, not an IPA for beer nerds (heck, I don't like IPA for beer nerds - I have limits to bitterness wanted in a beer), but I do like it.

Reckon a few more IBU from an early hop addition would balance out the uber fruity softdrinky taste it sometimes gets.
Well ya go away for a few days and look what happens :p

If only I could get this many responses to my 'what have I done wrong?' threads :D

Thanks for the hop info, much appreciated.

I know this is a very tame beer by many standards, but as a few have said it's a great session beer (tried it out at poker on Friday night) albiet, it's overpriced. Anyway, I love the hop flavors more than anything in this. Could have a little more malt backbone, but if I made a beer like this I would be happy.
I introduced this to a mate who's been sitting on the craft beer fence for a while and he really enjoyed it.
I couldn't care less what style it fits into, I was a fan.

Being fairly new at this, can anyone point out a readily accessible IPA for me to try, since this obviously isn't one?
I've had Hopwired, I've had Hop Hog, I've had Torpedo. What I now need is an armchair beer expert to point me in the right direction so I can stop lying to my friends when I say I like drinking IPA.
can anyone point out a readily accessible IPA for me to try
No. The beers you mention, plus Punk IPA, are about your lot as far as big chain AIPAs go (and even then, I very much doubt you're getting the first two at every Dans/1st Choice.
Punk IPA is my pick not impressed by Torpedo unless it was bad from Dan's. Punk is beut if you like your American hops, trouble is it is expensive and so drinkable you will never stop after one.
I'm a fan of Punk. I've had good and average Torpedo, when its good(fresh) its good! Recently had Mornington Peninsula IPA and IIPA, really liked their IIPA. Also Jamieson's Beast IPA. Not sure on the Beast - was good, but the caramel.. just not sold on it? Maybe I need a few more.
Being fairly new at this, can anyone point out a readily accessible IPA for me to try, since this obviously isn't one?
I've had Hopwired, I've had Hop Hog, I've had Torpedo. What I now need is an armchair beer expert to point me in the right direction so I can stop lying to my friends when I say I like drinking IPA.

You don't have to like IPA. Plenty of beer geeks do, sure, but you don't have to. Beer is subjective, and only you can decide what you like. The IPA's you've listed I personally enjoy all of them, but once I didn't like IPAs either.

Perhaps give a few American Pale Ale's a bash, they're a little more mellow compared to seppo IPAs and you may find them more enjoyable. SN Pale Ale is a great one and easy to get at Dans.
Try an English IPA - Samuel smiths india ale is a good one to start.

Completely different beast.

No you don't have to like AIPA. While I like a lot of US hopped beers including some AIPAs, the style has become the triple J of the 'alternative' beer drinking world, especially in this country.
I'm reading his comments as being more about other peoples' comments than about the beers he mentions or his appreciation of the style in general - could easily have that arse about but.
I sometimes wouldn't know my arse from my elbow, except for the beer farts.
My 0.002 cents.
All names aside it has a real nice fruity aroma, otherwise i found it over carbonated thin and very bland in the malt department.
If i have to buy beer i will continue to buy LCPA over this beer every time or when i can find it Bullant brewery IPA ***** all over both of them.
Bullant is making an IPA? Who in Bruthen is drinking it! I better get home while it lasts. I had the nut brown and it was a gusher. The pale is a nice apa but Hargreaves hill were brewing it when I tasted it.
I saw the mclaren tonight for the first time when going in for a four pack of Ferral golden ace, for a dinner at mates. The mates prefer light lagers, low carb and pilners so you have to bring your own tastes if they vary. all good considering the top shelf scotch and spirits are always flowing.

After reading this thread I'll def give Mclaren a crack. I just find that if I over do it on IPAs they lose there addictive hold. Basically I love them, but love to leave them and then dive back in head and pint glass first.
I introduced this to a mate who's been sitting on the craft beer fence for a while and he really enjoyed it.
I couldn't care less what style it fits into, I was a fan.

Being fairly new at this, can anyone point out a readily accessible IPA for me to try, since this obviously isn't one?
I've had Hopwired, I've had Hop Hog, I've had Torpedo. What I now need is an armchair beer expert to point me in the right direction so I can stop lying to my friends when I say I like drinking IPA.
I noticed hop wire is available again. I love it but after rampaging through every IPA I can get my hand on I'm just not happy to pay the price for the hopwired any more. Gues I just gotta pull my finger out and brew!
kooinda APA, koonida black IPA can be found somewhat locally
holgate hoppanator .
mountian goat IPA is a rareaty but can be found, they have done a rye IPA too and a coffee IPA.
even though some are hybrids they are worthy of a try.
Bullant is making an IPA? Who in Bruthen is drinking it! I better get home while it lasts. I had the nut brown and it was a gusher. The pale is a nice apa but Hargreaves hill were brewing it when I tasted it.

Topic is not seeming to matter here anyway - was not that impressed by their PA here -
IPA review is a few posts after that - Ive had it once more since and its not a bad beer at all.
Thanks 2much, I'll hunt them down and try them.
Tried this tonight and was impressed. I would like to brew some for our annual family xmas party to try and convert some of my megaswill drinking inlaws.

Has anyone done a clone of this or can suggest a recipe from the database that might come close?

Their website says


But Im not experienced enough to work out what combination of malts and hop schedule to use. Ive used Galaxy before and have over done it and I don't want this to be too overpowering with galaxy.

Could Daemons sticks and stones clone or Ross Nelson Sauvin summer ale be a good place to start? I would very much appreciate someone who knows what combination I should use the malts and the hop schedule to use giving me some guidance.

At a guess would I add citra at 60 mins then maybe add galaxy and Nelson at 15 10 and 5???

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