Mclaren Vale Ipa - Wow

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I love this beer, particularly the stone fruit characteristics. Without having attempted to clone this to go about brewing it I think you would need to use:

- >90% pale malt, a small amount of crystal say <5% (try to use a mix of dark and light to build up malt complexity), and <5% wheat for a bit of body
- Mash low (65degC) to get the dry thin finish
- Ferment low (18degC) with US05 to get a clean ferment
- Use something neutral (like Magnum) at 60min to get the backbone of bitterness i.e. 10-20IBU
- 30min, 10min, 5min, 0min and Dry Hop additions of Citra, Galaxy and NS. You could use different hops at different times but I think that the a good place to start would be to make up a hop blend composed of 1/3 each hop and then add this blend in appropriate amounts to hit your desired IBU e.g.

60min 10g Magnum, 16 IBU
30min 15g Hop Blend, ~15 IBU
10min 15g Hop Blend, ~6.5 IBU
5min 15g Hop Blend, ~4 IBU
0min 10g Hop Blend
Dry Hop 10h Hop Blend

This will probably end up a bit over the top compared to the commerical so you could always but back some of the later additions (10min onwards) 50% to avoid getting too much hop love!

This is all speculation but I doubt this will be a bad beer. If you do end up having a go at a clone keep us posted re: results.

Waggastew just saved me typing my opinion out.

I'd do EXACTLY what he suggests and see how it comes out.

I love the idea of blending the hops too..they are pretty similar in AA% so it should work out well. May not be right on the money, but it will be an awesome beer to tweak from once you've made it and go from there.

EDIT: Actually, i have all of those ingredients on hand at the moment.
Hmmmmm, maybe i should take a shot at it too!
I'm a big fan of this beer too. I'd be using magnum for bittering too... any other super alpha's will be good place to start. Citra is definitely the standout hop for me in this beer so plenty of that late.
I love this beer, particularly the stone fruit characteristics. Without having attempted to clone this to go about brewing it I think you would need to use:

- >90% pale malt, a small amount of crystal say <5% (try to use a mix of dark and light to build up malt complexity), and <5% wheat for a bit of body
- Mash low (65degC) to get the dry thin finish
- Ferment low (18degC) with US05 to get a clean ferment
- Use something neutral (like Magnum) at 60min to get the backbone of bitterness i.e. 10-20IBU
- 30min, 10min, 5min, 0min and Dry Hop additions of Citra, Galaxy and NS. You could use different hops at different times but I think that the a good place to start would be to make up a hop blend composed of 1/3 each hop and then add this blend in appropriate amounts to hit your desired IBU e.g.

60min 10g Magnum, 16 IBU
30min 15g Hop Blend, ~15 IBU
10min 15g Hop Blend, ~6.5 IBU
5min 15g Hop Blend, ~4 IBU
0min 10g Hop Blend
Dry Hop 10h Hop Blend

This will probably end up a bit over the top compared to the commerical so you could always but back some of the later additions (10min onwards) 50% to avoid getting too much hop love!

This is all speculation but I doubt this will be a bad beer. If you do end up having a go at a clone keep us posted re: results.


Thanks Stew Thats awesome. Will give that exact recipe a try and see how it turns out.

Should I add a stepped mash with this, or just mash at 65C for 90 mins then mash out at 76C??
Heres what I get when I plug it into brewmate. The IBU's are a bit down as I reduced all 10 min and less hop additions a bit. Should I increase the 60 min magnum addition to compensate or increase the other additions? Ive noticed before with brewmate and my system/procedure my beer always seems more bitter than what brewmate predicts anyway.

Does anyone else find this or is it just me??

Also do you think crystal 15 and 80 is the way to go or should I go for crystal 10 and 120 to be at the extremes of light and dark crystal?

thanks again.

Vale IPA Clone (American IPA)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.056 (P): 13.8
Final Gravity (FG): 1.014 (P): 3.6
Alcohol (ABV): 5.50 %
Colour (SRM): 6.8 (EBC): 13.3
Bitterness (IBU): 36.0 (Average)

90.01% Pale Malt
5% Wheat Malt
2.49% Crystal 15
2.49% Crystal 80

0.5 g/L Magnum (12.5% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.2 g/L Citra (11.1% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
0.2 g/L Galaxy (13.4% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
0.2 g/L Nelson Sauvin (11.5% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Citra (11.1% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Galaxy (13.4% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Nelson Sauvin (11.5% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Citra (11.1% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Galaxy (13.4% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Nelson Sauvin (11.5% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Citra (11.1% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Galaxy (13.4% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Nelson Sauvin (11.5% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil)
0.1 g/L Citra (11.1% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop)
0.1 g/L Galaxy (13.4% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop)
0.1 g/L Nelson Sauvin (11.5% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop)

Single step Infusion at 65C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 90 Minutes

Fermented at 18C with Safale US-05
I Tried the VAL DRK on tap at the royal perth beer award,
and it was an excellent black IPA it seemed completely different to what I had tasted in the bottle
Types of crystal are a guess at this stage so use what you have. I know Warra uses a mix of at least 3 different crystals in his AIPA, just go easier on the dark ones, maybe 2:1 ratio?

As for the mash there are many more experienced brewers than me. I only do partials but tend to mash at single infusion temp of 65degC when I want it dry. Time will depend a bit on your level of patience and the level/speed of conversion you get with your system

Make sure you pay attention to yeast health (aeration, nutrient etc) as you want it super clean. You may also want to pitch two packs of US05 if you have them?

As I said before keep us posted on how it turns out. It will more than likely be different to the Vale IPA but that won't be a bad thing. When trying to clone commercial beers I like I tend to find that when I go back and do a taste comparison I start finding faults or things I don't like in the commercial beer!

Bought a 4 pack of this stuff last night and gave the rest to my old man after trying to finish 1 bottle. Tasted old to me. Not really balanced at all with little to no malt presence. Maybe I had an older bottle or something but I won't be buying any more especially for those prices! I would like to try it fresh to get a good idea of what the beer is like because if it tastes like that fresh then I don't know why people would want to drink it.
Types of crystal are a guess at this stage so use what you have. I know Warra uses a mix of at least 3 different crystals in his AIPA, just go easier on the dark ones, maybe 2:1 ratio?

As for the mash there are many more experienced brewers than me. I only do partials but tend to mash at single infusion temp of 65degC when I want it dry. Time will depend a bit on your level of patience and the level/speed of conversion you get with your system

Make sure you pay attention to yeast health (aeration, nutrient etc) as you want it super clean. You may also want to pitch two packs of US05 if you have them?

As I said before keep us posted on how it turns out. It will more than likely be different to the Vale IPA but that won't be a bad thing. When trying to clone commercial beers I like I tend to find that when I go back and do a taste comparison I start finding faults or things I don't like in the commercial beer!


Thanks Stew, Will do..
I don't buy anything that's sold in a 4 pack. <_<
I had one of these last night and after reading all the comments about the hop character I must say my vale must have been fairly old then as there was not much fruity hop aromas and a fairly soft bitterness at the finish. What I did notice was a prominent malt flavour and caramel aromas that even my sometimes beer drinking wife kept grabbing my glass for a smell of. I did enjoy it but I would have said it was more IPA than AIPA and even then it was borderline in style.
Bought a 4 pack of this stuff last night and gave the rest to my old man after trying to finish 1 bottle. Tasted old to me. Not really balanced at all with little to no malt presence. Maybe I had an older bottle or something but I won't be buying any more especially for those prices! I would like to try it fresh to get a good idea of what the beer is like because if it tastes like that fresh then I don't know why people would want to drink it.

I've tried this on tap and in bottles. It tastes great on tap with lots of hop flavour and aroma. In bottles it can be variable, i've had a few that were very ordinary with hardly any hop flavour.
I Tried the VAL DRK on tap at the royal perth beer award,
and it was an excellent black IPA it seemed completely different to what I had tasted in the bottle

You found it to be an EXCELLENT black IPA?
Really? At 4.5%ABV and ONLY 30 IBU's you call it IPA?

According to head brewer, Geoff Wright
VALE/DRK is an American Dark Lager, brewed using Pale, Munich, Crystal malts and Carafa roasted malt. It has a great malty backbone that is perfectly matched to the bitterness and flavours derived from the hops. The hops leave a perfect clean palate that will leave you wanting another glass.

VALE/DRK is 4.5% ABV, 30 IBU and uses Falconer's Flight hop from the US.

"VALE/DRK complements the other Vale beers that we produce for the beer fan looking for something different," Jeff Wright said
Can't you just let the people have their fun, Newtown clown. If that's even your real name???Why confuse people with science and facts!
Can't you just let the people have their fun, Newtown clown. If that's even your real name???Why confuse people with science and facts!

Don't make it a personal attack mate. they are the facts.
Hophog is my favorite pilsner.
I reckon living in Darwin the beer we get must be old as hell, since basically every beer that celebrated as having amazing hop aroma/flavour tastes like .. nothing .. when I get my hands on it. :huh:

I tried this Vale IPA recently and could hardly taste or smell any hop presence at all. I was pissed that they'd dare to call it an "IPA". Maybe it was just old.
Can't you just let the people have their fun, Newtown clown. If that's even your real name???Why confuse people with science and facts!
still stinging after the rugby, eh?
The difference between u poms and a 747?
Jet engines STOP whining when they reach the tarmac in Australia
I reckon living in Darwin the beer we get must be old as hell, since basically every beer that celebrated as having amazing hop aroma/flavour tastes like .. nothing .. when I get my hands on it. :huh:

I tried this Vale IPA recently and could hardly taste or smell any hop presence at all. I was pissed that they'd dare to call it an "IPA". Maybe it was just old.

bottle is quite different to the keg, I've found some bottles of it to be very underwhelming and I'm pretty damned close to the source.

I quite like the hop combination so use it in my house Pale Ale. Not trying to clone it per-se, but I do play around with the additions everytime I brew it and I've done it about 5 times now. Latest iteration I didnt do a 60 min addition, all 30min onwards just for ***** and giggles. Also throw some hops into the whirlpool and dry hop with Citra. Ended up @ 30IBU. Will probably change the 30min back to 60 next time, though the beer is pretty damned nice with nothing but late additions.....very tropical
still stinging after the rugby, eh?
The difference between u poms and a 747?
Jet engines STOP whining when they reach the tarmac in Australia

Oh I see. Dispensing crap racist jokes as well as putting down people that don't know their arse from their ipa's???? Fine. What's the difference between an Aussie, and a pot of yoghurt??? The yoghurt has culture. ; )Boom tish. Sorry, back on topic......It's a reasonable beer.
The yoghurt has culture.

like your lagers...

also back on topic.

The Vale IPA, when fresh, is a surprisingly nice drop. Especially when the rest of their range are very much "gateway" beers, ones designed to reach a wider market - especially "new" craft beer drinkers, in a similar vein to James Squire's range.

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