March Pump Bulk Buy

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Mine is all mounted ready for brewday tomorrow.
I have a bucket resouviour that goes to the pump to the hopback to the chiller to the inline aeration.
Here is a pic of it all ready for seterlisation. I've covered the backend of the pump with a shield to protect it from spillage, but still allow airflow (not shown).


Doc said:
Mine is all mounted ready for brewday tomorrow.
I have a bucket resouviour that goes to the pump to the hopback to the chiller to the inline aeration.
Here is a pic of it all ready for seterlisation. I've covered the backend of the pump with a shield to protect it from spillage, but still allow airflow (not shown).


Hi Doc,
Will be interested to hear how the hop-back went, whether it clogged with cold break/pellet hops.
I've used it once before Darren and it was all fine.
Last time I used all pellets in the kettle and flowers in the hop back. No probs. Not expecting any tomorrow (fingers crossed). It will be filled with Cascade flowers.

Doc if it is possible to mount it with the discharge side the highest it may save on a bit of trouble with airlocks, as shown in the pic by TL. This will allow any air that gets in to find its way out nice and easy. May not be a problem for you but something to bear in mind. I think goat had a bit of trouble with this sort of thing.
JasonY said:
Doc if it is possible to mount it with the discharge side the highest it may save on a bit of trouble with airlocks, as shown in the pic by TL. This will allow any air that gets in to find its way out nice and easy. May not be a problem for you but something to bear in mind. I think goat had a bit of trouble with this sort of thing.

Ahh Jason I believe you are on the money there, much brainpower was expended on how to prime the march pump that day!!!!!

ausdb said:
JasonY said:
Doc if it is possible to mount it with the discharge side the highest it may save on a bit of trouble with airlocks, as shown in the pic by TL. This will allow any air that gets in to find its way out nice and easy. May not be a problem for you but something to bear in mind. I think goat had a bit of trouble with this sort of thing.

Ahh Jason I believe you are on the money there, much brainpower was expended on how to prime the march pump that day!!!!!

Ahhh, I'm glad some body else has finally supported my comments. Much like holding a bucket upside down in a pool and expecting it to fill with water.

Might also save a few carboard beers being made in Australia this weekend too. ;)
Borret said:
ausdb said:
JasonY said:
Doc if it is possible to mount it with the discharge side the highest it may save on a bit of trouble with airlocks, as shown in the pic by TL. This will allow any air that gets in to find its way out nice and easy. May not be a problem for you but something to bear in mind. I think goat had a bit of trouble with this sort of thing.

Ahh Jason I believe you are on the money there, much brainpower was expended on how to prime the march pump that day!!!!!

Ahhh, I'm glad some body else has finally supported my comments. Much like holding a bucket upside down in a pool and expecting it to fill with water.

Might also save a few carboard beers being made in Australia this weekend too. ;)

If that was was possible with the bracket we have been sent I'd do it. I know exactly what you guys are suggesting and why. I don't disagree. Because the bracket goes under the head, we can't even rotate the head.
Fingers crossed it will prime as easily as it did last night when I plumbed it and sterlised it.


If that was was possible with the bracket we have been sent I'd do it. I know exactly what you guys are suggesting and why. I don't disagree. Because the bracket goes under the head, we can't even rotate the head.
Fingers crossed it will prime as easily as it did last night when I plumbed it and sterlised it.


Hi Doc,

I think I see what Borret is talking about. Go back to the pic posted by TL, then look at your setup. The inlet and outlet on yours is on the bottom allowing for air to be trapped at the top of the ring. The pump in TL's post has the inlet and outlet at the top. I think what Borret has suggested is that you have used the wrong two screws to attach the bracket. Try the other two screws.


Mine arrived yesterday and I was all smiles last night :)

Thanks very,very much for getting all this organised - you've made a lot of us very happy.

Second thoughts.

Though, now that I have opened my pump up to look inside the impeller housing, I can't see how it would get an air lock if the inlet and outlet were to be positioned closest to the bracket.

Though in reading the installation instructions that came with my pump I noticed that it states "The pump should be mounted with the Electric Conduit Box (Item 15) on the bottom". Now seeing as mine does not have an "Electric Conduit Box" (the picture on the flip side shows what looks like a box attached to the motor housing with leads coming out of it). I have no idea WTF that means, but, I'll be mounting mine with the power lead coming out nearest the bracket. With the bracket mounted flat and the inlet/outlet furtherest from the bracket.
Thanks for the bracket Johnno and Doc

Is your hopback just a filter? have you modiefied in any way?

Cheers Ross
Just make sure you mount it so the "oil" holes are at the top. Rotate the head to what ever way you want.
Doc said:
Mine is all mounted ready for brewday tomorrow.
I have a bucket resouviour that goes to the pump to the hopback to the chiller to the inline aeration.
Here is a pic of it all ready for seterlisation. I've covered the backend of the pump with a shield to protect it from spillage, but still allow airflow (not shown).


Thats a nice tidy little setup you have there doc. I jealous now.

Action shots.
Smooth as. Usually there has been plenty of swearing post boil on brew day at my place. No such thing today. In fact it was a very smooth brew day.
The only hiccup was when I took the gravity reading from the fermenter and came up 5 points short. Thought about it and the previous two brews were 4 points short. Very weird seeing as all my volumes and gravities were correct during every other part of the process.
Got some purified water at 20 deg and what do you know. Hydrometer is out by 4 points.



Still waiting for delivery up here in sunny Darwin.
Oh well it is the NT after all, Not Today, Not Tomorrow........
Has everybody got their pump?

If not let me know and I can chase it up with Greg.

johnno said:
Has everybody got their pump?

If not let me know and I can chase it up with Greg.


Johnno, I was a bit worried in Brisbane noting that Tassie, the Gold coast, Bundaberg and Harvey Bay all recieved theirs before the weekend. I was watching every ute that looked like a delivery van entering my street on Monday Morning. I was just about to write you an email when it arrived on Monday afternoon. Thank you for your hard work and concern, it is appreciated.

I can now see the problem about the mounting bracket. It seems that in my case it also have to go the way Doc got his setup. Unfortunatley, that sets it too far back on the shelf. I also think the bracket should be reversed to fit under the main body of the pump, which would bring the whole unit a lot closer to the edge of a shelf. Not to worry, I just have to find some sort of tray to fit under the In and Out let fittings to collect any overflow when disconnecting the quick connects.


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