Malt Shovel (james Squire) Kits

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Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone knows where I could get my hands on any (or all) of the James squire malt shovel range, either from a retailer in Brisbane or an online shop. I have long been a fan of JS and am keen to try their HB range. Has anyone tried these and had good results.

Gotta give this a go full extract, looks very, very tasty.
I have never had a look at the big W range will have to make a trip. Cheers for the recipe going down the hill am keen to try both the kit and full extract and compare the results.
I havnt seen the kits at Big W, or anywhere really. I thought I read a while back that they stopped selling them, but I cant find a reference to that anymore either.
IIRC the kits were made in new zealand rather than the malt shovel brewery in Oz and the kits didn't really line up with the JS beers anyway. They were also for 11/12L batch so ended up twice the price for a 23L brew. If you can't find them I don't think you're mising out on much, if they were that good they would still be around and popular. There's some good extract recipes on here for both the golden ale (as above threads) and the amber ale. You'll get much better results from these.
IIRC the kits were made in new zealand rather than the malt shovel brewery in Oz and the kits didn't really line up with the JS beers anyway. They were also for 11/12L batch so ended up twice the price for a 23L brew. If you can't find them I don't think you're mising out on much, if they were that good they would still be around and popular. There's some good extract recipes on here for both the golden ale (as above threads) and the amber ale. You'll get much better results from these.
Used to see them in BigW a few years ago, but haven't seen them for ages.
Coopers Real Ale, 1kg malt, some willamette hops & S-04 (english) or US-56 (american) yeast, will get you in the rough ballpark to the Amber Ale.
But yeah, definitely do a search here for recipes.
Going to try this full extract version of Dr. S's Golden Ale.

1.5kg Coopers LME light
1.5 Coopers Liquid wheat malt
250 g Carabelge
20g Amarillo @60 mins AA 10.3%
15g Amarillo @ 15mins
15g amarillo @ 5 mins
15g amarillo DH at day 3-4.
US 05 yeast.

Steep grain in 1tr of water @ 65 Deg c, sparge with 1 ltr of warm water. Add to brew pot to make up 5 ltrs for boil. add 600g of LME for boil - SG should be about 1040? Hop utilisation about 30 for a 60 min boil at 1040?

Boil and add hops as above. When boil is complete add remainder of LME and wheat, cool and bring up to 20 ltrs for fermenting. Pitch yeast. Dry hop after 3-4 days dependent on how fermentation is going, maybe after 5-6 days? IBU works out at 32 from calculations (grams of hops 20) x (AA% 10.3) x (Util Rate 31) / (Volume 20ltrs) x 10 = 32 IBU

Any comments???