Male July 08 Case Swap

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Thats given me a bit of confidence ,Thanks David .

Pumpy smile.gif

Well i am down with confidence.

Managed too freeze #5 and #10 in my keg fridge.
I was CCing my bitter in cube which incidentally froze as well.

Back to topic
Last night I sent myself to bed with Cams' Summer Ale which was a nice hoppy fruit punch.
Great when really thirsty. Not my favorite hop but well done.

Just downed Dave's Ordinary bitter.
It is of less character but a nice clean ale with slight sweet residual flavour that lingers.
Need to be drunk around 9 degrees. Really good ordinary beer.
tried #1
Dry Stout.
Its a Ripper. :eek:

Colour black. Cannot smell too much at the time but a hint of came through as roasted barley.
Dry but rich.
Great moutfeel that gets better with each drop.

Well done!

Thanks Matti, glad you liked it. Wasn't game to give you another belgian ;)

I had a rather big Saturday night and then backed up with 2hrs sleep and went and played golf Sunday morning. The golf was bad and didnt really feel like beer yesterday so I will be starting on the case later on the week.

Mine is ready to go. If anyone got a "1MP" it is a Mocha porter not a Dry Stout.

Kabooby :)
Lagers, tried yours last night and enjoyed it immensely.
Can I ask what yeast you used? Alot going on there...

Matti, tried yours too, I think your being a little hard on yourself. I didn't get the burnt rubber you were talking about.
But then again, I was a little rosy after Lagers' beer :p and a couple of my own.

Grant, your stout's days are numbered.
Glad you like it MCT :D like i said it lacks bitterness but the rest is Ok.

Yeast was WLP002 English Ale, 1 vial no starter 18C.

drinking yours now Lagers.
lucky it defrosted without loosing all the carb.
the head is persistent and i'm letting it warm up.
not a bad clone.
sure it is a bit low on bitterness but the complexity is there.

thanks MCT kind words for bad bere.
Glad you like it MCT :D like i said it lacks bitterness but the rest is Ok.

Yeast was WLP002 English Ale, 1 vial no starter 18C.


Nice, I've got an ESB bubbling away now, using Wyeast 1968 which is the same I beileve.
I'll be sure to get you a bottle to try seeing as though your the resident ESB expert here in Campbelltown :chug:
I'll be sure to get you a bottle to try seeing as though your the resident ESB expert here in Campbelltown

Don't know where that label came from......that's big shoes to fill but i'll see how i go. :(


Don't know enough of wheat beers.
It poured with a big persistent head and cloudy appearance.
A slight fruity phenolic flavour with a sweet residual that is finished of with hops and more phenolic.
Slighty on the band-aid note but not overpowering.

My partner says slight apricot in beginning and Vegemite finish.
She reckon it is a nice creamy beer.

I though it was a quite nice number that and shows that you can brew and bottle ;)
Nice fresh effort.
Well done
Had your Lager last night Matti

Mine poured with a big head, nice and clear. No signs of the off flavours that you picked up in yours.
Carbonation was fairly high resulting in a bit of carbonic bite. After swirling the glass a few times this settled down and was easier to drink.

Was this a kit beer? Just seemed to pick up some of those kit extract flavours. Nothing major though and finished the beer with pleasure


Kabooby :)
Nah mate, no kit.

5 Kgs JW pilsner
0.25 kg Carapils
1. kg generic Light Dried malt Extract.
0.1 maize maltodexrin from Brazil
30 NZ Hallertau ~7% aa 60 min
20g NZ Hallertau + 5g NZ Saaz 4.4%aa 45 min
some NZ Saaz + NZ hallertau 20 min
15g Saaz flame out
Mash at 65 degrees 60 min
2x Yeast sachets W34/70.

Hops a bit old and ( i think) poor initial fermentation.
I think the maltiness came from boiling the DME caramalising it a bit.
+ a mini decoction.
I think the kit twang may be from my inept brewing practices or the the Brazilian factor. naughty m

I'm glad you got a half descent bottle :)

Kabooby , just tried your mocka porter.............initial impression was WOW.

I know this was bottled from the keg & carbonation did suffer a little. Poured it quite aggresively and produced a little frothy head that quickly left a thin film.
The colour was a beautiful dark black & when held up to the light showed a clear dark garnet hue.
The aroma is upfront roastiness with some caramel & maltiness, cant detect any hop aroma.
Every mouthfull delivers a smooth bitter medium bodied burst of roasty flavour.
The front palate has the initial slightly sweet maltiness with hint of hop flavour, middle palate has the beautifully smooth dusty roast flavour & finishes off with a dry bitterness & an ever so slight sourness.

So easy to drink & very morish, finished the bottle in the time it took to write this.

When i make a dark style ale i'll be asking for this recipe.
Number 3--------Cameron's beer

Quite clear but suffers from chill haze as the bottle was crystal before being chilled. Carbonation seemed good & poured with a good thick 1" head that laced and lasted till the end but seemed a little under carbed when drinking, but that could be me expecting more.
The nose was quite interesting with a strong fruit salad & passionfruit character with a balance between bitter & maltiness.
A clear beer with malt subdued due to the upfront fruit salad flavours but has a nice slightly bitter drying finish.

Great beer , i'd be happy to have a keg of this around.

Matti.........your next.

Kabooby , just tried your mocka porter.............initial impression was WOW.

I know this was bottled from the keg & carbonation did suffer a little. Poured it quite aggresively and produced a little frothy head that quickly left a thin film.
The colour was a beautiful dark black & when held up to the light showed a clear dark garnet hue.
The aroma is upfront roastiness with some caramel & maltiness, cant detect any hop aroma.
Every mouthfull delivers a smooth bitter medium bodied burst of roasty flavour.
The front palate has the initial slightly sweet maltiness with hint of hop flavour, middle palate has the beautifully smooth dusty roast flavour & finishes off with a dry bitterness & an ever so slight sourness.

So easy to drink & very morish, finished the bottle in the time it took to write this.

When i make a dark style ale i'll be asking for this recipe.

exactly my thoughts. I had this tonight as well. Mine was sufficiently carbonated - nice little head that lasted the whole beer.

fantastic beer. i'm not a dark ale fan generally but my thoughts tonight were 'i need to make one of these' and 'i should ask kabooby for the recipe'.

excellent stuff.
Dravids Ordinary bitter

Nice clean beer, perhaps could do with a bit more body. Or it could just be me, I enjoy malty beers. If it was a kit try adding more malt or if AG try mashing a bit higher. Carbonation was OK for style, maybe a touch low. A very easy drinking beer. Thanks

MCT Belgian Smoked

Plenty of smaked malt flavour, slight malt aroma. Didn't pick up on any Belgian fruity esters but that could have been from the high amount of smoked malt. Other than that it was a good beer. If I was to make it I would probably cut the smoked malt in half to let some of the other flavours come through. Still a nice clean beer though. Thanks

Lagers ESB

I think this recipe must have been very close to the one I brewed. Except I got some extra esters and a low FG from an unhealthy yeast. Nicely balanced beer that held a nice tight head right to the bottom of the glass but was not over carbed. Dont know if all the beers had krept up on me or this one was was a bit more alcoholic but I certainly got a bit of a buzz after drinking it. Thanks mate, nice beer

Ham2K Summer Ale

Nice ale that has a hop forward profile while still being balanced. Got a nice hop flavour, I also picked up Passionfruit and a bit of chill haze. Great beer and was easily finished. Wish I had another bottle as it seemed to go down realy well this afternoon. Thanks

Kabooby :icon_cheers:
exactly my thoughts. I had this tonight as well. Mine was sufficiently carbonated - nice little head that lasted the whole beer.

fantastic beer. i'm not a dark ale fan generally but my thoughts tonight were 'i need to make one of these' and 'i should ask kabooby for the recipe'.

excellent stuff.

Hey mate. I think you got the Mocha porter. Let me know if you want to try the Dry Stout and I will save you a bottle.
Number 4..........Matti's Lager

Excellent carbonation for style, lively with a good creamy head. Exceptionally clear golden lager.
A nice malty ever so slightly sweet aroma hints at a good clean lager. Each mouthful is clean, malty and balanced, no hop flavour or residual bitterness but malty flavours that finish clean & crisp leaving me wanting more. I think you got everything right on this one Matti & it could easily be a commercial example of a north German lager..........matter of fact you didn't buy one & just pour it into another bottle did you Matti ??
Excellent beer.

After trying the first 3 examples i'll quietly hide back under my rock & come out when mine are up to standards ! :D

thanks I am embarred :wub:
must have come good over time.
Ham2k: Enjoyed this one allot. Picked up lots of passionfruit, it didn't last very long :icon_cheers: .

Kabooby - Dry Stout: Lovely stout mate. Carbonation was very low, (bottled from the keg?) but you get away with it because of the style. This topped off Cam's Nelson Sauvins Summer Ale nicely. Would like to do this recipe one day. Aaaghh too many beers to brew, not enough time.

Dravid - Ordinary Bitter: Have tried this one before and liked it. This beer only had one hop addition I think (Dave?) and is a nice easy drinking bitter. Went down well whilst brewing a Pilsner yesterday.
Hey guys, can someone let me know if i'm the only fool at the case swap that didn't get beers 11 & 12 ? or did a few others miss out as well ?


Its OK

6. Spare
11. No Show <_<
12. No Show <_<

Not sure about the only fool though :lol:

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