Male July 08 Case Swap

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Hey Guys

Just put down my Fullers clone , malt profile tastes good but couldn't get a good rolling boil so the Bitterness seems a little low on initial tasting. Should at least be balanced.

It'll still be tasty though ! :)
A question for the swap guys.

Since this is my first time ( be gentle ) what identification do you use on the bottles ? Wouldn't want someone else to take credit for my crap excellent brew. :lol:

Use the number you are on the list
Put your number on the lid

You are number 5.

Kabooby :)

Edit: Franko was quicker
What day suits people for the swap.

We can do the swap at the George again as that seamed to work well. We could also have it at someones place

Do we want to tie it in with the birthday bash or do it seperate?

I wont be available on the weekend of the 5th July

Kabooby :)
I wont be available on the weekend of the 5th July

Kabooby :)

Will you hung over from the 4th July celebrations ?

At this stage I have no plans other than Saturday mornings , so all is still open for me.

Thanks for the info , my number is easy.....i only need 1 hand.
My wifes work always have a pretty big bash on the first weekend of July :party:

Kabooby :)
Since I brewed yesterday and my pump has seized I did manage to get 2 cubes of Dunkelweizen out of the rig so Im going to have to change to that

1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager or Pils
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Dunkleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT

Might have to see if Davo El Beero has some bottles sitting around...and he can be 11
Since I brewed yesterday and my pump has seized I did manage to get 2 cubes of Dunkelweizen out of the rig so Im going to have to change to that

1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager or Pils
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Dunkleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT

Might have to see if Davo El Beero has some bottles sitting around...and he can be 11

Put me down for the Leatherwood Honey Porter, gonna put it down on Sunday.
Unlucky about the pump Linz, just lucky for you I wasn't there to see the tanty!

MCT, not a biggy..Im not that kind. I Just shut down for a bit and think about it. So I might have a go a the Belgian Golden Ale again, keeping the dunkel as a back up...

1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager or Pils
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Dunkleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter

Might have to see if Davo El Beero has some bottles sitting around...and he can be 11
You guys have got a lotta liquid love in your fermenters. I'm in at #11.

Linz, I work in crime. Hope no one here needs my advice.

Friday nights are good for me vis a vis the kids.

1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager or Pils
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Dunkleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter
11 Davo El Beero - Pale Ale or Pilsener

Might have to see if Davo El Beero has some bottles sitting around...and he can be 11
Hey Davo , when you say " you work in crime " do you mean i can get a cheap flat screen Tv from you OR if i supplied a cheap flat screen Tv you'd hunt me down ? :lol:

Just kidding , i have no desire to lose a few years of my childrens lives.
1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Dunkleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter
11 Davo El Beero - Pale Ale or Pilsener

Bubble bubble bubble.
I hope it'll be ready for bottling by July LOL
1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Pumpleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter
11 Davo El Beero - Pale Ale or Pilsener
1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Belgian Golden Ale
8 Pumpy - Pumpleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter
11 Davo El Beero - Pale Ale or Pilsener

Back to my original....didnt want to be shown up by the 'Pumpleweizen'
I hope I haven't left my run too late, but I put mine down yesterday.
Today it's foaming out of the airlock so I have made up an emergancy blow off tube that is just pumping foam down into the reservoir and bubbling like crazy!
Just a constant stream of gas pouring from the sucker.
Temps are getting a bit igh too with the crazy fermentation ~23c, so I've got it in an ice bath atm.

Hope it's all OK, or it's plan B (Smoked Belgian Ale).
I still haven't put anything down yet!!!

Bottled my ESB on Saturday so it will be ready to go for the swap. Dry hopped for a week in secondary on 30g of EKG.

1 Kabooby - ESB
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Belgian Golden Ale
8 Pumpy - Pumpleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter
11 Davo El Beero - Pale Ale or Pilsener

Hows everyone else going?

Kabooby :)
bubble bubble in secondary S.g. @1.014.
Hydro sample tasted lagerish. Ph 4.2. A bit low.
will lager for 1-2 week prior to bottling.

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