You guys have got a lotta liquid love in your fermenters. I'm in at #11.
Linz, I work in crime. Hope no one here needs my advice.
Friday nights are good for me vis a vis the kids.
1 Kabooby
2 Franko
3 Ham2k - Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale (probable)
4 Matti- Lager or Pils
5 Lagers-Fullers ESB clone
6 Bongchitis - Dark Ale
7 Linz - Dunkelweizen(not as good as Pumpy's)
8 Pumpy - Dunkleweizen
9 Dravid - Pale Ale or Munich Dunkel
10 MCT - Leatherwood Honey Porter
11 Davo El Beero - Pale Ale or Pilsener
Might have to see if Davo El Beero has some bottles sitting around...and he can be 11