LNP win in Tasmania

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I think the comment was suggesting that mass nuclear world would be good for the worlld in the longrun as it would limit humans effect on the world past the explosion. Sort of like a large scale culling of humans.
Ducatiboy stu said:
So we should worry about a mass nuclear war over mans influence on how the climate is changing
I think you need to take it within the context of real_beers post Stu.
Why do we have to read or listen what a few hundred scientists have to say about climate change, here in Australia we have our own expert, he has written more about, and spoken more about the lies that the scientists are having us believe.
Who is this expert?
Andrew(Lightening)Bolt.Known to his followers as Flash a-ah, Saviour of the Universe, He'll save everyone of us.
Does anyone actually take notice of him...all he does is spew bile from his own soapbox.
Yes. A conservative who doesn't want to be known as right-wing is the solution to all of our problems!
I read last week he was thinking of throwing in the towel. Apparently someone accused him of racism and he found it hurtful.
Lord Monty popeye whatsiface is also a climate expert and he says..............

manticle said:
I read last week he was thinking of throwing in the towel. Apparently someone accused him of racism and he found it hurtful.
Was interesting on Q&A the ither week. Sinodinous sticking up for Bolt and coping a putdown from the audience. Was nice to see.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Does anyone actually take notice of him...all he does is spew bile from his own soapbox.
Andrew Bolt is a top bloke.
Wall to wall state Liberal governments, if S.A goes well, plus federal Liberal Government.

You can cry into your beer as much as you like, but the people of this great democracy have been given the opportunity to speak and they said, Labor can take a ******* hike.

Get over it.
Ducatiboy stu said:
A funny story, for fathers day my young bloke had to write stuff about his dad. One of the questions was "what is your Dad's favourite TV show?" My 6yr old had written "The Bolt report" I thought WTF... and I was somewhat amazed and pissing myself laughing when his teacher gave me dagger eyes every time she saw me afterwards.
Manticl...ease up

One of the Liberal Party poster boys , Sinodinous has been caught up in the the Eddie Obiead corruption thingo....you dont get called into ICAC unless **** is going down.....

The smell of a political party sniffing out dirty deads of the opposition exposes both parties with their pants down
Corrupt politicians should be put to the sword. That would keep the pricks honest.