Lhbs's Giving Me The Shatz Lately

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Ok, not so bad, but one thing I have noticed with my LHBSs is that you really have to check the dates on the tins.

Pro: Usually larger selection than the supermarkets/Kmarts/etc.
Con: I have run into a lot of out of date tins on the shelf at full price, some 2 years past their use-by-date.
Con: Prices usually higher than LHBS for same tin.
Pro: Usually fresher tins, most everything I have gotten is 2 years before the use-by-date
Pro: Prices usually lower than LHBS for same tin.
Con: more limited selection

Unfortunately there is some psychological relaxation in my head in LHBSs, and I have caught myself quite a few times almost walking up to the counter with an old tin. Finally the brain kicks in and I check the date in time to swap on the shelf or pick something else.

Paying more per tin for extract I mistakenly expect a LHBS to be more thoughtful on their stock and clear old tins off the shelves through sales or just pulling them.

Hopefully its different in larger areas around the country, but I have 2 maybe 3 LHBSs and thats it.

Brewer Pete
Thats no good with out of date tins.
If you discover that you bought one out of date you should be able to take it back.
MHB in Newcastle makes sure that you get fresh ingredients and the high turn around is definitly helpful as well.

I think it depends on where you go and who is running the shop.
Yeah - I know what you mean. Luckily I was 3 months old on these forums before I was in a LHBS at, ahem,Oxenford and the following happened ( allbiet months ago ):

I get a dozen Champaign plastic corks, 2kg malt, US05 and 2X 90grm hop pellets and proceed to counter. As have done many times before.

Punter at counter to LHBS person: I have shit beer. My temperature is 28 deg no worries, but tastes like home brew my dad made.

LHBS person: Wow - how unusual. Temp is right, bang on. Try this. Some US04, a super expensive kit made by LHBS, and a new air lock seal. And some new cleaner crap to boot and a Queensland bitter tin of goo with a 'better yeast' under the tin.

Me: Maaateee, have you tried to ferment at 18~20 deg. Give a much better beer and try US05. Ferment it in your laundry sink in water with frozen pet bottles balr blar. Do a boil of hops - much nicer beer with what you have.

LHBS: Evil eye to me. Daggers to kill. Superman lasers to shatter diamonds.

Me: Drop all stuff I was going to buy and bid punter the best with a ' watch your fermentation temp, will make or break a beer mate' Ding goes the door on my way out.

Never been back.

I guess moral is each to their own and listen to Butters.
There are soooo many kits, bits and adjuncts it must be hard for a LHBS to keep everything current and as fresh as possible without big numbers turn over. I have noticed that the kits come in cartons of 24 (4x 6 packs) so if each kit manufacturer has 10 different kits and there are 3 major manufacturers that come to mind (Coopers, Morgan and Brewcraft) that's 720 can of goop to maintain and more importantly sell. That's before throwing LME, LDME, Dex, hops, yeasts, special grains, grains, bits and bobs of equipment.

I am surprised by the out of date stock you would think it would be better to sell it at a discounted rate prior to the expiry of the use by date. I don't think out of date stock is excusable really.

2c FWIW.
Yep, LHBS has a reasonable selection for kits + bits, but horrid advice and horrid service. When asking about Coopers kits all I got was "it's shit" and when I asked if they sold grain they responded with "we try not to". I voted with my wallet, I've spend more at other stores now and pay for postage rather than deal with them. It's only an extra $10, and I don't mind paying that to receive good service and good products.

For those lucky enough to have a good local store, I'm jealous :)
Ok, not so bad, but one thing I have noticed with my LHBSs is that you really have to check the dates on the tins.

Pro: Usually larger selection than the supermarkets/Kmarts/etc.
Con: I have run into a lot of out of date tins on the shelf at full price, some 2 years past their use-by-date.
Con: Prices usually higher than LHBS for same tin.
Pro: Usually fresher tins, most everything I have gotten is 2 years before the use-by-date
Pro: Prices usually lower than LHBS for same tin.
Con: more limited selection

Unfortunately there is some psychological relaxation in my head in LHBSs, and I have caught myself quite a few times almost walking up to the counter with an old tin. Finally the brain kicks in and I check the date in time to swap on the shelf or pick something else.

Paying more per tin for extract I mistakenly expect a LHBS to be more thoughtful on their stock and clear old tins off the shelves through sales or just pulling them.

Hopefully its different in larger areas around the country, but I have 2 maybe 3 LHBSs and thats it.

Brewer Pete

The biggest plus for LHBS is that they give you advice and knowledge. Yes there are stores with people who give bad advice, but there are many which are really good. If you fill out your location people will be able to tell you where the good ones are- at those places the advice is worth the extra couple bucks per kit.
In Melbourne at least we have a few Brewcraft stores who basically sell all the usual kits and their Brewcraft special kits (goo, booster, hops, etc). Not bad for a new start, but the people who work there IMO lack basic brewing knowledge and I agree they push their own brands and any product for that matter to make a buck. But hey, business is business, while there is demand this method works.

That leaves G&G and Greensy HB, both carry a great selection of grain, hops, yeast, etc... almost everything one could need plus a good dose of customer service from people who brew, AG in particular. I feel quite lucky, best of all I can drive past either on my way home from work... ah decisions decisions! Greensy is great because Dave will crush grain on the spot, no need to call ahead.
Yep, LHBS has a reasonable selection for kits + bits, but horrid advice and horrid service. When asking about Coopers kits all I got was "it's shit" and when I asked if they sold grain they responded with "we try not to". I voted with my wallet, I've spend more at other stores now and pay for postage rather than deal with them. It's only an extra $10, and I don't mind paying that to receive good service and good products.

For those lucky enough to have a good local store, I'm jealous :)

Brewer Pete would't it feel good to let that out of date can of goo fly through the air and smash somewhere behind the counter and give the guy a look of yeah what and walk your ass out the door! Save yourself the headache and petrol and buy online from one of the good suppliers.
Ok, not so bad, but one thing I have noticed with my LHBSs is that you really have to check the dates on the tins.

Pro: Usually larger selection than the supermarkets/Kmarts/etc.
Con: I have run into a lot of out of date tins on the shelf at full price, some 2 years past their use-by-date.
Con: Prices usually higher than LHBS for same tin.
Pro: Usually fresher tins, most everything I have gotten is 2 years before the use-by-date
Pro: Prices usually lower than LHBS for same tin.
Con: more limited selection

Unfortunately there is some psychological relaxation in my head in LHBSs, and I have caught myself quite a few times almost walking up to the counter with an old tin. Finally the brain kicks in and I check the date in time to swap on the shelf or pick something else.

Paying more per tin for extract I mistakenly expect a LHBS to be more thoughtful on their stock and clear old tins off the shelves through sales or just pulling them.

Hopefully its different in larger areas around the country, but I have 2 maybe 3 LHBSs and thats it.

Brewer Pete

Ive made quite a few kit beers over the years, some from supermarkets, some from LHBS. A few days ago I was thinking about them when I realised that my three favourites were all based on Cooper's tins from Big W.

If I need a tin of goo, Im happy to go to Big W. If I need some yeast, malt, sanatiser, etc, Ill go to the LHBS.

And you are right about being careful with use by dates at the HBS. Still, I dont think it is entirely the retailer's fault. I bought a tin once from a brewcraft, didnt check the date. Got outside and realised the tin was a year out of date. Went back inside, the girl behind the counter was as shocked as me - apparently the tins had just arrived that morning.
Thats what they told you to save face ha ha

I dont think so. The shop was also a tobacconist - my old man goes there for his fags. Apparently they only got into home brew a couple of months before I went in.
Not necessarily, I have had some very close to use by arrive, it goes back.

When Brewcraft (the NZ owned incarnation) were new in the market they had some real problems with old stock, to be fair they are mostly on track now.

As a retailer I figure I get to Bullshit every customer just the once then they find another shop. Everyone makes mistakes, but I think if the shop is halfway decent they will try to look after you. That's a two way street, if your not happy with something it helps me if my customers tell me about it.

This is one of the reasons I gave up on tins of goo and decided to buy bulk Coopers LME from my local store.

It's fresh, I brew often enough to use it before it begins to taint or discolour and it works out a lot cheaper, even inclding the cost of buying bulk hops (say 500 g - 1 kg per kind each time).

If I want paler or darker malts, then I just buy tins of unhopped malt at the LHBS and make my own hopping profile. Between BeerSmith and the recipes in this forum there's precious little more a man could want.

The two LHBS on the North Shore here in Sydney are pretty good. Reasonably good to excellent advice, both for perfectionists and practical people alike. Goods are well inside use-by date and fair prices and discounts for larger orders, as well as special orders being taken and handled in a timely fashion.

On the other hand K-Mart and Coles stock is rather too close to the use-by or past it in a few cases.

Cheers - Fermented.
I am surprised by the out of date stock you would think it would be better to sell it at a discounted rate prior to the expiry of the use by date. I don't think out of date stock is excusable really.

Honestly, if i was running some of these inexcusable places.... e.g. spewcraft. Anything remotly close to use by.... eg 3 months. It Would be packaged up in a 'clone/style kit' destined to knock your socks off with a small measure of hops and/or a small measure of steeping grain (possibly with a voile bag), GOOD yeast for a price equal to a new kit and kilo brew blend bag together (circa $40).

note. I would have a big ask at counter for instructions sign too.

If the contents of the can is within date and the extras you are shelling out giving the punter will give them the best beer they have ever made (ensuring their sanitisation and ferment temps are up to scratch). they would sell like hot cakes really and educate the brewer too!
I think its just a warning for every poor soul that enters a shop to never forget to read the expiry date on the tin.

I ended up at the 2nd LHBS and normally give Coopers malts a go, but had to put them all back and switch to Black Rock malt which even though more expensive on the LHBS price list I would gladly give than end up with a 2 year past sell-by-date brew to have to drink.
Yep, LHBS has a reasonable selection for kits + bits, but horrid advice and horrid service. When asking about Coopers kits all I got was "it's shit" and when I asked if they sold grain they responded with "we try not to". I voted with my wallet, I've spend more at other stores now and pay for postage rather than deal with them. It's only an extra $10, and I don't mind paying that to receive good service and good products.
Hmmm, ditto for sure! I had much the same problems. Oh hey, here's a funny thing Daemon- we're from the same place and had much the same experience- so how weird is that?? Man, what are the chances?? ;)
No, wait, how many LHBSes have we got here? Only the one? Well, bugger me...
These are the firms that keep stock that's two years out of date, tell you any old straight- faced crusty bullsh*t to flog their own kit and, prouldy inform that that extracts, steeping, BIAB & AG is a waste of, wait for it, time and money!! Apparently there's these fancy- *rsed BC kits we have that do it all for you, they're the grouse. Only 40 clams a pop & all.
Oh really? Well, next time remind me to rotfl... In your dreams, sonny- LHBS- man! What a peanut... :lol:
Interesting that I just walked into this thread. I've been making a partial to an identical recipe for a few months now. The base goop is a Coopers Lager. It's turned out a pale golden lightly bittered Melbourne Bitter wannabe and it's a nice cold clean beer with no pretensions of winning any competitions.

Half an hour ago, not having had a beer since Friday I eagerly got out of the fridge the first bottle of the new batch that I had put in there yesterday. Bugger me dead it's not a pale gold, it's more a Toohey's Old or Reschs Draught colour, way darker than the previous batches and definitely has a slight tinny twang, not as clean as normal. Drinkable but different to usual.

Difference: I've been going through a batch of Coopers tins I got on special from Big W. The new brew was a can of Coopers from the LHBS. I never even thought about checking the date, Coopers is Coopers hey.

I'm taking some to Sully's brew day on Sunday .... Hey guys I'm bringing my Reschs Draught wannabe.. :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:
Went to my LHBS the other day to get some DME and tin of goo and some safale... they don't even stock safale s-04 ffs. Having said that the limited range of hops they have is reasonably priced, but age I have no idea - no hops aren't dated.

Around me is a wasteland for good HBSs, there is an independant one and a brewcraft, both are pretty much as bad as each other, although brewcraft is more expensive.

I'd like to shop local etc and would pay more to do so, but they don't have what I want and when they do it is generally old and skanky. I now shop online and put in a bulk order (plan 4-5 batches) and just use the LHBS for goo if it is one woolies doesn't have (I do kits and bits) and dry malt or other hop related emergencies. My last online order postage was only $10 and I had 6kg of malt, 2kg of grain, .5kg hops + other shit - really there is no other way when shipping comes in so cheap.
Hmmm, ditto for sure! I had much the same problems. Oh hey, here's a funny thing Daemon- we're from the same place and had much the same experience- so how weird is that?? Man, what are the chances?? ;)
No, wait, how many LHBSes have we got here? Only the one? Well, bugger me...
These are the firms that keep stock that's two years out of date, tell you any old straight- faced crusty bullsh*t to flog their own kit and, prouldy inform that that extracts, steeping, BIAB & AG is a waste of, wait for it, time and money!! Apparently there's these fancy- *rsed BC kits we have that do it all for you, they're the grouse. Only 40 clams a pop & all.
Oh really? Well, next time remind me to rotfl... In your dreams, sonny- LHBS- man! What a peanut... :lol:

T'ba, my old stomping ground <_<

There used to be 2 up there or has one gone?

Looking back now, yeah I agree with you, and unfortunately I was being blindly lead too.... a five year hiatus and getting away from there opened my eyes.

Check out St Arnolds Homebrew Club, alot of the members are switching to AG apparently.



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