Leftovers Brew - Everythings Going In

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Got some leftover Carapils, LDME, hops, yeast, and two new cans of coopers lager. Been 2 months since my last brew and on the last 15L so need to top up the coffers.

So far I have steeped 330gm of carapils and got about 10L of dark wort.
Added 3Kg of LDME to the boiling wort.
Boiled for 20 mins then added 50gm of goldings 6.6% hops at 60mins to end of boil.
Currently at 35mins, and just added 50gm of Hallertau 3% hops.
At 7mins I added 20gm of Saaz 4%

Then in another pot I will mix up 2 x 1.7kg cans of coopers lager goo with just boiled water.

Then I am not sure if I should put it all in one 20L fermenter and end up with one hell of a strong brew, or split into two.

So would this be drinkable as a single batch, or should I divide it up as a double batch?

Not sure what it will turn out like - just adding everything I have and hoping for the best.

I have one wyeast activator 2278 czech pils and 3 S04 packets on the yeast side. Will be using the wyeast without a starter (bad I know).

What to do?
Hmmm, reading my post it seems I am making a double batch. I was only planning on doing a single batch. Guess I better get another fermenter ready.

Only thing now is that I only have one wyeast packet that I smacked about 1pm. How to use it for both 18L batches? Pitch one tonight and tuesday morning pour some of one into the unpitched one? Damn I wish my LHBS had proper yeast. I dont want to use the S04 - tired of the taste.

Seems I need to make a starter tonight and pitch into both tomorrow night or tuesday morning.
nothing like the last min planning hey :)

personally i would make it 2 brews as 2 kits + 3Kg of DME is a lot for a single beer 20Lt
regarding the yeast you could Wyeast one and the 2 kit yeasts in the other or S04 ( to see the difference)
get a starter going on a stir plate and pitch once its grown (but not too long as this increases your risk of bugs taking hold of the beer)
no chill method - wait till the yeast is ready then pitch

and next time try decide before your brewing :) means less stress on brew day

edit: its a lager yeast - so you want a large starter..... maybe a wyeast for one and lager ferment it and the kit/S04 yeast the other fermenter and spot the difference
Stupid me! Didnt even consider no chill. Damn. Already chilled the carapils + LDME + hops wort. I suppose I can tip half into no chill fermenter and half of the goo wort into that then no chill that while...... nah, too late now. better get to making a starter > Have a air pump in the fridge - will just have to make up a weak wort and get it going asap. Will make two batches.

Thanks Gout
Punching it all into Beersmith, even at 40L it is going to one full on brew, 65 IBU by my calculation. If this is going into 20L it comes out at 1091 and 100+ IBU

attached the beersmith file

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Beer
Asst Brewer:
TYPE: Extract
Taste: 0

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 40.00 L
Boil Size: 62.72 L
Estimated OG: 1.052 SG
Estimated Color: 10.3 EBC
Estimated IBU: 64.5 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: - %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.00 kg Light Dry Extract (15.8 EBC) Dry Extract 44.58 %
3.40 kg Coopers Lager Kit (4.9 EBC) Extract 50.52 %
0.33 kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC) Grain 4.90 %
50.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (60 min) Hops 18.7 IBU
50.00 gm Hallertauer [4.80 %] (25 min) Hops 7.2 IBU
20.00 gm Saaz [4.00 %] (7 min) Hops 1.2 IBU

Mash Schedule: None
Total Grain Weight: 4.54 kg
Steep grains as desired (30-60 minutes)

Thanks paul! My beersmith trial lapsed and havent bought it yet. I was planning on a full on brew - a bit bored with my norm of late. Just finnished diluting the two cans of goo and figuring out what to do next.

Chuck it in the fermenter with the previous wort, add water that is currently chilling, ... Oh yea got to make a starter. !?*#?!
if you have not started your starter - I would now pitch Wyeast in one, and your S04 in the other

it will take too long to build up a good big double starter for the beers - given they are not all boiled there (in my mind) is more chance of infection so i would like to get the yeast in sooner than later

I also think its good to taste the same beer with different yeasts to learn what effect they have
I do agree, but S04 tastes so S04 like..... oh.... Its my only reasonable option isnt it! Damn me for not planning the brew until I had started it!
i know you now know ..... but i plan a brew day with at least a few days before brew day, so i can ensure i have the grain etc and most important for me (as i dont no chill) - have a nice yeast starter ready to roll.... i don't have dry yeast as a back up as I did but they went out of date a long time ago

trust me you will not need to stress and then enjoy the day much more knowing your all set

even tho - i think you will enjoy the 2 beers S04 it sounds like you know what to expect and now you will be able to pick the difference the wyeast makes (be it good or bad)

at least you are brewing - life cant be bad
Yea, usually when I do a brew I plan it over a week in advance. but today I decided to do one at 1pm which didnt leave much planning time. So I now have a starter in the brew fridge that is overbubbling and spewing stuff everywhere in the brew fridge - I am at the point that I dont care - it will do what it does and I'll live with it!

Hopefully tomorrow night there will be some cake on the bottom, and by tuesday morning there will be enough to pitch one batch, but I will pitch two. I am not really stressing, just a bit annoyed that I didnt pre-empt it last weekend. Its all good and I'm sure the batches will also turn out all good.
Got a bit lazy and so am fermenting as one 20L batch. Just pitched the crappiest starter ever. Tastes nice. Decanted the top wort off the bottom hops layer into another fermenter. OG isnt as high as I expected - about 1.055 is (hard to tell cos below the scale). Lost a bit to the starter which half of bubbled out, and the bit I left behind witht he hops and cold and hot breaks, and some left in the kettle with massive amounts of hop debri. Fermenting at 8C which is low and it will probably take a long time to get going, but I'm not in any rush. Probably the most sanitry batch yet.

Hmm, the OG reading doesnt match pauls calcs. I guess the sample I took may not be representative of the bulk. The heavy wort (syrup) is probably sitting on the bottom, as I only gave it a little shake to try to mix it up shortly after decanting 8L of wort into 10L of water.
I think everyone should really pitch in and get this automated brewery thing up and running asap.

The plan is to let some computer come up with your recipes for you, right?
Yep, based on the frequency of earthquakes over magnitude 7 divided by the square root of the day of the month! Nah, only joking. Couldnt be any worse than my recipes though!
Hmm, the OG reading doesnt match pauls calcs.

1052 - 1055 is only 3 points, I wouldnt worry too much, my beersmith figures for kits might be off that far..... I made them myself

Main point was not to bung them into one 20L brew at 1091 and 109 ibu

Main point was not to bung them into one 20L brew at 1091 and 109 ibu

But that's exactly what I did! :icon_drunk:
I really dont think my sample was representative - the 8ish Litres of wort I poured into the plain water was so so thick it wasnt funny - didnt stir it, just put the lid on the 20L jerry can and tipped it over a couple of times. Tried to airate after putting in the starter which was a big mistake as it was just a few cm below the opening and had to stop airating after a few mins cos it was bubbling out. Note to self: airate before adding starter!

Hasnt started krausen or got any pressure yet, I expect it to start friday night. And given the lack of airation will be a slow ferment. Might order some more yeast, might need saison to fet it to FG!

Looking forward to tasting the result of a lazy brew with everything in it. Dont have any brewing products left apart from the 3 packets of S-04, but theyre for emergencys.

I could still split it, perhaps half diluted to another 20L, and half kept as is, but nah, I'll just leave it and see what its like.
From memory, I pitched two 11Gram packets of S-23 on sunday arvo. Krausen appeared on tuesday night. Turned down the temp to 7 deg on monday night and is struggling to creep up the few centimeters to the fermenter opening. This is certainly a very slow ferment - at this rate I would expect 3 to 4 weeks. So there is both wyeast check pils and S-23 in there. I will up the temp 0.5 of a degree every 2 or 3 days from now on to try an prevent it getting stuck - will start tomorrow night (wont go above 10C).

I have read that comercials brew OG and dilute after. This would be a good brew to test that with. Will take a sample when finnished and taste it both straight and diluted.

As you can see from the pic, there is almost no headspace - thus the extremely low temp to try and keep the ferment under controll.

This this my first OG brew, I have been considering doing one AG brew, then using that as the strike and sparge water for a second mash, so it is better to try out the concept with less time consuming techniques - as it may all go vb shaped!

I did design this brew to be very malty (a very malty finnish is what I was after - thus the 3kg of LDME- from reading recient posts, that may be a very good thing considering how huch hops is in it.

So after 6 weeks in primary, I have just carbonated this brew in the sodastream. It is still quite warm. at about 6C, and the hops are definetely coming through. The first sip out of the fermenter gave a orange juice taste. After a normal brew, and half a glass of this carbonated stuff my tastebuds are starting to come around - but there is still a fruitiness there - obviously from the hops - goldings, hallertau and sazz. Wierd combination! thats all I can say at the moment.

Needs some time chillin to clear up, as the fermentation regime of subsequent brews made has interrupted this chilling of this brew. Thinking of bottling the leftover 6L after filling 16 1L sodastream bottles.

It seems that I invented the best laxitave ever! I should bottle it and sell it in chemists!

It has to be due to the ultra high amount of hops.

Gotta go... Nature calls... :lol: Seriously!
i'm not sure what to say.

i cant imagine that the yeast had much attenuation with such a high OG. did you measure the FG

when you say you are putting it in sodastream bottles, does that mean that you are diluting it with carbonated water? i'm not quite sure how the soda machines work, but i can imagine that beer would be very strong if it wasnt diluted with carbonated water.
OG 1.055, FG about 1.022 Calculating as 4.3%, but after drinking it I know it has more alc than that.

It isnt very strong actually, I would say about 6.5% mabee 7. I dont know where it all went. Perhaps as you say, the high OG caused low attentuation.

The chilled beer is put straight into sodastream bottles, then connected to the carbonator, where co2 is released to carbonate the beer in a few minutes. No dilution has been done. I'm actually getting used to it! A normal beer will probably take very bland after this.

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