Learning/drinking/relaxing At Ross's

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I finally made it to Ross's today!

On my way out this afternoon, Ross requested I do one of my long-winded posts so as he, and I, could fall about laughing just about now! Ross, you still, even after meeting me, do not realise that I am an extremely responsible forum poster and would never knowingly post to AHB under the influence.

And, lucky for you, I have great restraint. I mean otherwise I'd be telling everyone here on AHB right now what you do in the front of taxis whilst your wife is in the back! (Though Ross's wife thought it was very funny!)

I cannot possibly do justice to the experience I had today at Ross's in this post as I am a little tired. I have been very busy tasting beers since 8:50am and I think we even did an AG brew although possibly we were just watering his garden. I remember something that involved hoses???

In one sentence,, Ross I cannot thank you enough and will convey, seriously, over the next few days, what an absolute pleasure I had and how much I learnt today.

Macca and the boys now simply call you the Beer God!!! What a crack up!

Until I can post here responsibly, (sorry, Ross!), has anyone else here had the pleasure of a day or two at Ross's?

Many thanks, Ross.
Yep PP,
I used to be a happy K&Ker till I visited Ross for an AG demo and sampled some real beer. Since that day I've found myself obsessed with hops and grains and looking at everyday things and wondering if they would make a usefull addition to my fledgling brewery. His hospitality and enthusiasm for passing his knowledge to would be AGers is outstanding.
I also attended the AHB QLD xmas swap held at Ross place and I can vouch for all who attended when I say a great time was had by all. If you have not tried Ross BBQ ribs then you have something to look forward to PP, they are mouthwatering.


browndog said:
If you have not tried Ross BBQ ribs then you have something to look forward to PP, they are mouthwatering.



Ross's beers,Ross's BBQ ribs !
Little sleep at Ross's bar :party:

Yep I love that place ! :super:

Ok, I too will join the Ross appreciation band :p . Excellent host, great brewer and the type of person who will go out of his way to help a fellow brewer or friend.
I had a great time at the Qld Xmas case swap and I look forward to many more. Well worth the 12 hour round trip :lol: .

Its a great place to learn with so many different beers on taps... :beer:
Yup, He is the hostess with mostess. I sometime have a little time up my sleeve on a friday and Ross is always ready to pour me some of his fine livations. Cheers to Ross and all you others who have kept me intrigued and learning about this incredible hobby.

JJ :beer:
Absolutely agree with all the above.

Hospitatlity and Generosity: 10/10
Education: 10/10
Making Things Simple: 10/10
Ambience: 10/10
Generally, Having A Good Time: 10/10

As for the beer, it's an 11!

I would have tasted at least 250 beers from around the world and I actually think that all the 11 beers I tasted are the best I have ever had. The beers were complex and perfectly balanced as far as I can tell. This is no small achievement and if I can do beers to half this standard, I would be wrapped.

He also had the beer that I have been after for years - his Schwarzbier. I would love to brew a cross between that and his Vanilla Coffee Lager.

After one visit, I am now abosolutely sure that I will be able to make some great beers, beers that I will be able to relish every mouthful.

Many, many thanks Ross.

Note: Will write about what Ross thought of my beers and what I thought about doing AG in my, 'What is that Aagh Taste' thread a bit later.
He even takes in Inter-staters too!!!!

Next holiday is going to be planned around a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG visit to Ross' as the last one was way too short at a couple of hours....

picked up a couple of cool brewing links too!!!
As wife of Linz I must say how impressed I was with Ross, his beer and that amazing 10 font set up.........so envious.......

Ross's Mocca Vanilla Porter was stunning, and I'm now becomming more adventurous with my own brews in an effort to make something completely off style......but wayyyyyyy tasty.

Ross, I curtsey to you. :D
I too have had the pleasure of staying at Ross's place, whilst on a work junket to Brisbane

I even met Browndog, and a few others on that particular sunday.The beer was great, the ribs were great, the dogs were friendly, the was even friendlier. His wife is an absolute champion,

I have yet to see the new bar installed, but it was one hell of a place to drink quality beer

That's it, gunna have to make up a trip trip (maybe work will pay)
Ross, what do you do for the electrical distribution industry :blink:
Interstaters? Geez... you know, as a Queenslander, it is our DUTY to reject southerners (especially from Melbourne), but Ross is pure class if he welcomes them. I'll visit him someday soon - I think I owe him a visit from when I was in the area and didn't drop by. Beers will be ready soon!
Normell if he does somehting for power dist./transmission let me know. I might have to try and swindle a trip from work too,.
normell said:
That's it, gunna have to make up a trip trip (maybe work will pay)
Ross, what do you do for the electrical distribution industry :blink:

Coldroom, 3 fridges, glycol unit, 10 tap chilled font - You any idea how much electricity it takes to keep this lot going!!!
Get up here quick & we'll discuss a new power supply contract :party:

Cheers Ross...
I am still trying to fill my bottles back up after Ross, Ducatiboy Stu and Pumpy (as it got a bit od greyhound in it) came for a brew weekend.

would certanly like to visit the biggest font i have ever seen.

Hwy ross, speaking od schwarzbier, have you given my recipe a hit yet?

GT and co at grumpys loved it, i sent them a couple of beers.

Try it mate!!! Its a great drop.

Will email u the recipe if u like, the one i posted on here was with all the leftover hops i used up in it bit with Hallertau all the way it would be great.
