Leaking first Brew

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Lover of Beer

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Great forum! I am new to brewing and learning heaps :)
I started my first brew on Friday (today is Sunday).
I was wondering why my airlock wasn't releasing the gases and bubbling away (for lack of better wording). I read on hear that sometimes the lid doesn't seal properly so the gases might be escaping that way and as long as it's sealed and no nasties can get in then it was ok.
However, I found out that I hadn't screwed my tap in as tight as I thought and it was leaking (ever so slowly). I have since tightened and the airlock is working as it should.
I am just worried now that the brew will be ruined because of the small leak. Will the brew still be ok or should I count my loses and start again??? Rookie error I know and one that I most certainly have learned from!!!
Any help would be awesome. Thanks everyone!!!
Nothing to worry about what so ever.
apart from ending up with less beer at the end, there should be no reason the end result would change from the leak
Phew!!! Thanks so much for letting me know. I was a bit bummed because I was super excited about it.
Now I'll just sit back a listen to it ferment away :)
Just relax Ronnie and enjoy the bubbles. Sometimes I have 3 fermenters on the go and just loved the tuned in "bubbling", puts me to sleep......or is that the beer?
Give it a good sanitiser spray already where the leak was, but that's more to stop mould around the thread. Like everyone says, no biggie.
Definitely feeling a lot more relaxed about it now :)
Might just be the beer Grott
Thanks for the heads up on the mould. Handy hint.
I am planning to start my second batch tomorrow. Good thing dad had a phase on home brewing so I managed to stooge his fermenter and bottle caper. Score!!!
I cannot wait to taste the goods once it's bottled and ready!

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